1.03 million marched on June 6, 2019, in protest against the extradition bill. I was standing in the middle of the crowd, amazed by the sheer size of the amassed Hongkongers. We will never forget it. #FreeHK #StandwithHongKong https://nitter.hongkongers.net/nathanlawkc/status/1666846458522349571#m
A year ago, a #HongKong student in the US was assaulted by a #CCP supporter while putting up #FreeHK posters. He suffered physical injury & psychological aftereffects. A year on, he posts this defiant message: he won't give up until HK is liberated. #GloryToHongKong #願榮光歸香港 https://nitter.hongkongers.net/hkdc_us/status/1666811848531005441#m
#hongkong #ccp #freehk #glorytohongkong #願榮光歸香港
Artist & publisher @hotam88 was in DC this weekend at the #CapitalArtBookFair showing off these super-cool #HK47 & #FreeHK posters made on his own printing press. #FreeAllPoliticalPrisoners #光復香港時代革命 https://nitter.hongkongers.net/hkdc_us/status/1642840343233142784#m
#capitalartbookfair #hk47 #freehk #freeallpoliticalprisoners #光復香港時代革命
R to @hk_watch: @AileenCalverley Co-founder & Trustee of HKW spoke to urge HKers to keep rallying and signing petitions. Western governments do listen and can make a difference! ✍️ Petition: https://chng.it/pJJgZwyz7V #FreeHK #politicalprisoner #standwithhongkong https://nitter.hongkongers.net/hk_watch/status/1637446248222412803#m
#freehk #politicalprisoner #standwithhongkong
@hk_watch RT by @benedictrogers: HKW’s Policy Director @SamGoodman22 will be speaking in 🇬🇧 London, while our Co-founder & Trustee @AileenCalverley will join the rally hosted by “HK Political Prisoners Concern group” in 🇨🇦 Toronto. #FreeHK #politicalprisoner #StandwithHK https://nitter.hongkongers.net/hk_watch/status/1637094924179980288#m
#freehk #politicalprisoner #standwithhk
HKW’s Policy Director @SamGoodman22 will be speaking in 🇬🇧 London, while our Co-founder & Trustee @AileenCalverley will join the rally hosted by “HK Political Prisoners Concern group” in 🇨🇦 Toronto. #FreeHK #politicalprisoner #StandwithHK https://nitter.hongkongers.net/hk_watch/status/1637094924179980288#m
#freehk #politicalprisoner #standwithhk
跨年夜港人登上獅子山 願在囚政治犯早日獲釋 見梁健輝遺言燈箱
#香港新聞 #2022 #freehk #梁健輝 #獅子山
#影音新聞 #freehk #台灣 #獅子山 #英國 #黃耀明
#影音新聞 #freehk #台灣 #獅子山 #英國 #黃耀明
#H1126 #freeChina #resistChina
#freeTibet #freeHK #freeXinjiang
- 被占领的西藏是世界上最不自由的地方之一
- 在被占领的东突厥斯坦,数以百万计的维吾尔人被关押在大规模的拘禁营中
- 香港人失去了基本的自由
- 南蒙古的文化和语言被抹去
- 台湾遭受恫吓和地缘政治挤压
- 无数的中国律师、女权主义者和活动家被拘留和失踪。
#抵抗中国 是一项全球运动,旨在结束中国共产党的独裁政权。
加入我们,请参与11月26日的汉堡抗议活动。 你可以自制海报,也可以在网址中下载。
地点:feldbrunnstrasse 11:30-15:00
#抵抗中国 #freeXinjiang #freehk #freetibet #ResistChina #FreeChina #H1126
BBC香港抗争纪录片《Hongkong’s fight for freedom 》14日周一刚刚首播。
So the exact wording of the "security law" that China forced onto HK was revealed only after it passed. It includes this: outlawing four national security crimes: subversion, secession, terrorism and colluding with foreign forces. Now HK schools are being told to remove books that breach those 4 rules: https://news.slashdot.org/story/20/07/06/181226/hong-kong-government-tells-schools-to-remove-books-breaching-security-law.
#FreeHK now, before it's too late.
RT @ilovehker@twitter.com
同我retweet 爆佢!
Please check it out and retweet to let the world see what happened in Hong Kong!
#antiELABhk #hkprotest #StandWithHongKong #soshk #freehk #passHKHumanRightsDemocracyAct https://hkontheroad.org/?lang=en%20
#antielabhk #hkprotest #standwithhongkong #soshk #freehk #passhkhumanrightsdemocracyact