Kairos, by Izumi Kimura & Gerry Hemingway https://sluchaj.bandcamp.com/album/kairos?from=embed
Kairos, by Izumi Kimura & Gerry Hemingway. A stunning collaboration between two of the most innovative and respected improvisers of our time. An exploration of sound, texture and timbre, with moments of intense energy and gentle beauty. A must-listen! #jazz #freeimprovisation #experimentalmusic
#jazz #freeimprovisation #experimentalmusic
ランドゥーガってのは佐藤允彦氏が提唱する集団即興演奏の方法論です。誰とでも対等に楽しむために、演奏技術や音楽知識を一旦白紙に戻して、ゼロから組み立て直すノウハウ。講師に佐藤氏を招いたワークショップの実演紹介動画があります。 #即興 #freeimprovisation #ランドゥーガ
#ランドゥーガ #freeimprovisation #即興
8/26は世田谷で有志によるランドゥーガWS。フリーインプロの入門編として、色々なリズムを不規則に重ねて遊びますよ。 #即興 #freeimprovisation #ランドゥーガ
#ランドゥーガ #freeimprovisation #即興
New release with Jessica Ackerley (one of the most adventurous guitarists out there right now) and Kevin Cheli (exploring micro sound in percussion) on Cacophonous Revival:
Please share the news to people who are into: #improvisation #freejazz #freeimprovisation #bonkwave #drums #doublebass #electricguitar I would say #pedals but Ackerley amazingly gets all those sounds from like 2 pedals.
#musodon and I know it isn't even #BandcampFriday
#improvisation #freejazz #freeimprovisation #bonkwave #drums #doublebass #electricguitar #pedals #musodon #BandcampFriday
#NowPlaying Michel Portal - Our Meanings And Our Feelings (Le Très Jazz Club, 2023).
Initially released in 1969 on the Pathé label, this record is one of the most important French free improvisation albums, with guest artist Joachim Kühn.
Besides Michel Portal and Joachim Kühn are J.F. Jenny Clark on bass and two drummers, Aldo Romano and Jacques Thollot.
#nowplaying #michelportal #joachimkuhn #freeimprovisation
"Guardians of the Secret"
by "Guardians of the Secret"
Makoto Sato : drums
Vinnie Paternostro : tenor sax
Roberto Bellatalla : double bass
Julien Palomo : synthetizers
Michel Kristof : electric guitar, Sfx
Recorded Live in Aulnay-Sous-Bois, 09/19/2018
Recording, mixing, mastering : Julien Palomo
Artcover : Maîté Kristof
#freejazz #freeimprovisation #guardiansofthesecret
#experimentalmusic #muteantsounds #SupportIndependentMedia #muteantsounds
#freejazzsunday #freejazz #freeimprovisation #guardiansofthesecret #experimentalmusic #muteantsounds #SupportIndependentMedia
ÄBE, by Camille Émaille / dieb13 / Hans Koch https://confrontrecordings.bandcamp.com/album/be?from=embed
ÄBE, by Camille Émaille / dieb13 / Hans Koch - a mesmerizing and playful album of improvisations and compositions, full of surprises, unexpected turns, and a unique and varied sound palette. A must-listen for all experimental music lovers. #experimentalmusic #freeimprovisation #improvisedmusic
#experimentalmusic #freeimprovisation #improvisedmusic
♬〜 坂田明 - Cinema paradox 💿Live at HAKUSAN EIGA-KAN
#Jazz #JazzFusion #AvantGardeJazz #FreeJazz #FreeImprovisation #NowPlaying
#jazz #jazzfusion #avantgardejazz #freejazz #freeimprovisation #nowplaying
来月は世田谷で、集団自由即興を学ぶランドゥーガ研究会のセッション。今回は一定のテンポの中で異なるリズムパターンを重ね合わせて遊びますよ。 #freeimprovisation
♬〜 坂田明 - 入道逝去(The Death of Kiyomori) 💿Live at HAKUSAN EIGA-KAN
#Jazz #JazzFusion #AvantGardeJazz #FreeJazz #FreeImprovisation #NowPlaying
#jazz #jazzfusion #avantgardejazz #freejazz #freeimprovisation #nowplaying
Makoto Sato : drums (right channel)
Marcio Gibson : drums (left channel)
Michel Kristof : e. guitar
a feral symphony of free jazz / improv vibrations.
the non stop, free form drums of Makoto Sato -drums (right channel) /
Marcio Gibson -drums (left channel)
creates the movement that Michel Kristof uses to place his kinetic and spastic guitar into.
#experimentalmusic #freejazz #freeimprovisation
#muteantsounds #netlabel
#freejazzsunday #experimentalmusic #freejazz #freeimprovisation #muteantsounds #netlabel
♬〜 坂田明 - 入道逝去(The Death of Kiyomori) 💿Live at HAKUSAN EIGA-KAN
#Jazz #JazzFusion #AvantGardeJazz #FreeJazz #FreeImprovisation
#jazz #jazzfusion #avantgardejazz #freejazz #freeimprovisation
♬〜 坂田明 - 入道逝去(The Death of Kiyomori) 💿Live at HAKUSAN EIGA-KAN
#Jazz #JazzFusion #AvantGardeJazz #FreeJazz #FreeImprovisation
#jazz #jazzfusion #avantgardejazz #freejazz #freeimprovisation
Still shaken about the death of Peter Brötzmann. I thought he will always be here. But his music lives on. And will give as long as there is music.
Rest in Power
#NowPlaying Instant Composers Pool 006- Groupcomposing (Instant Composers Pool, 1970).
Probably one of my favorite ICP records 🤩
Misha Mengelberg/p.
Peter Brötzmann/ts.
Evan Parker/ts,ss.
Peter Bennink/as, bagpipes.
Paul Rutherford/trb.
Derek Bailey/g.
Han Bennink/prc, oe-oe, gachi.
#nowplaying #instantcomposerspool #freeimprovisation
「Duo.」フリー・インプロヴィゼーション・ライブ 照内央晴×加藤綾子 2021.12.18.(土)開催! #即興演奏 https://www.wacoca.com/videos/1776655/announcer/
#2021.12.18.土開催 #announcer #Duo.フリーインプロヴィゼーションライブ #FemaleAnnouncers #freeimprovisation #improvisation #soloviolin #Vlog #アナウンサー #ヴァイオリン #ヴァイオリン・ソロ #クラシック音楽 #加藤綾子 #即興演奏 #女性アナウンサー #照内央晴加藤綾子
#即興演奏 #announcer #duo #FemaleAnnouncers #freeimprovisation #improvisation #soloviolin #vlog #アナウンサー #ヴァイオリン #ヴァイオリン・ソロ #クラシック音楽 #加藤綾子 #女性アナウンサー #照内央晴加藤綾子
#NowPlaying Cairo Free Jazz Ensemble - Music For Angela Davis (Holidays Records, 2021).
Previously unreleased collective improvisation from the Cairo Free Jazz Ensemble, the 24 minutes "Music For Angela Davis", recorded on December 4, 1971 and cut on one-sided vinyl.
#nowplaying #cairofreejazzensemble #freeimprovisation #hartmutgeerken
The Late Lunch With Out to Lunch on #Resonance
"There's nothing else like these shows anywhere on the planet"
Ben Watson’s latest weekly show, airs Wed 31 May (14.00 GMT) on ResonanceFM www.resonancefm.com .Rpt Sat 4 June (03.30 GMT) .
This week: Esther Marie Pauw , Pierre-Henri Wicomb, Antionette Theron, John Pringle. Jacques van Zyl, Nick Lubran , Dave Black, Graham Davis and Peter Baxter,
#freeimprovisation #poetry
#resonance #freeimprovisation #poetry
#NowPlaying Misha Mengelberg/John Tchicai/Han Bennink/Derek Bailey - Fragments ICP 005 (Instant Composers Pool, Netherlands 1978).
#MishaMengelberg #JohnTchicai #HanBennink #DerekBailey #InstantComposersPool #FreeImprovisation
#nowplaying #mishamengelberg #johntchicai #hanbennink #derekbailey #instantcomposerspool #freeimprovisation
照内央晴×加藤綾子『デュオ』初のホール公演開催【即興演奏】 https://www.wacoca.com/videos/1747975/announcer/
#announcer #FemaleAnnouncers #freeimprovisation #improvisation #Vlog #アナウンサー #クラシック音楽 #テルピアノ #加藤綾子 #即興演奏 #女性アナウンサー #完全即興演奏 #照内央晴 #照内央晴加藤綾子デュオ初のホール公演開催即興演奏
#announcer #FemaleAnnouncers #freeimprovisation #improvisation #vlog #アナウンサー #クラシック音楽 #テルピアノ #加藤綾子 #即興演奏 #女性アナウンサー #完全即興演奏 #照内央晴 #照内央晴加藤綾子デュオ初のホール公演開催即興演奏