U.S. official hints at possible plea deal for Julian #Assange .
#freeassage #freejulian #freejulianassange #FreeJulianAssangeNOW #assange #wikileaks #julianassange
#julianassange #wikileaks #FreeJulianAssangeNOW #freejulianassange #freejulian #freeassage #assange
Διαβάζω το προσκλητήριο γράμμα του Τζούλιαν Ασάνζ στον βασιλιά Κάρολο Γ’
#FreeJulianAssange #FreeJulianAssangeNow
#freejulianassange #FreeJulianAssangeNOW
Aparente cambio de corriente en Australia desde la victoria del laborista Anthony Albanese, el respaldo de diversos gobiernos latinoamericanos y la intervención de los editores de los cinco medios internacionales.
#julianassage #freejulianassange
The US is claiming that anyone anywhere in the world who acts against its perceptions of US interests is able to be extradited to their country & imprisoned for life. Australia’s objections on one particular case, where there was a clear public interest for documents to be published by a non-US resident – not the principle – are brushed aside.
Does anyone doubt that we are now a #VassalState? #FreeJulianAssange
#vassalstate #freejulianassange
Vivimos en un mundo podrido donde importan más los "ovnis", que la tortura y asesinato de aquellas personas que han hecho el trabajo sucio de cometer "delitos" para revelar las verdaderas intenciones de aquellos que están en el poder.
Julian Assange no será el primero en ser asesinado. Como muchos más el será llevado a una celda donde van a torturarlo por filtrar información sobre el gobierno de los Estados Unidos. Si vivimos en una democracia ¿Por qué suceden estas cosas?
Ich kenn da ein Land, die liefern Streubomben und lassen einen Mensch zu tot foltern.
Hoffentlich wird irgendwann mal auch der Auftraggeberstaat bestraft !
#freejulianassange #freeassange
Oggi è il compleanno di una persona prigioniera dell'imperialismo ritenuta colpevole di aver raccontato crimini di guerra .
Happy birthday Julian ✊♥️🥂
it's Julian Assange's birthday today . He becomes 52 in prison for our #pressfreedom
#freejulianassange #freeassangee #freeassangenow #pressfreedom
Wenn die US-Amerikaner foltern, dann hat das einen guten Grund.🤔
Abu Ghraib
Polnisches CIA Gefängnis
Julian Assange.
Bei den Russen sieht das ganz anders aus.🤔
Foltern ist verboten !
Es gibt da keinen guten Grund.
À Strasbourg avec des collègues de plusieurs groupes pour rappeler notre soutien à Julian Assange.
En prison au Royaume-Uni, il risque toujours d'être extradé vers les États-Unis pour avoir fait une chose simple : alerter l'opinion publique. #FreeJulianAssange
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/emmanuelmaurel/status/1668566484837122052
@parthipan Frau Baerbock, bitte aufwachen ! Es gibt Arbeit. Sie können ein Menschenleben retten !
Ja, ernst jetzt !
Questo post è stato scritto solo per ricordarci che la lotta di #JulianAssange è la nostra lotta.
E chi non lotta...
In dieci righe.
#9Giugno #FreeJulianAssange #FreeJulianAssangeNow @WikileaksItalian @smaurizi
#julianassange #9giugno #freejulianassange #FreeJulianAssangeNOW
@anneroth Bitte Julian Assange nicht vergessen ! Den hats viel härter getroffen. Isolationsfolter in Großbritannien
After 12 years of incarceration including 8 in a foreign embassy and now 4 more in #bellmarsh Australia's prime minister and opposition leader both agree that this bullshit has gone on long enough.
He has written to to chukka Charles and invited him to visit the place. Honestly the USA and their vassal states England and Australia are a bunch of c*nts.
#bellmarsh #freejulianassange #freejulian #julianassage
The ability of the US Regime to carry on regardless of the Truth knows no bounds - They have the audacity to talk about Press Freedom while they persecute journalist Julian #Assange for exposing #US #NATO War Crimes. If you say 'Journalism is not a crime' then #FreeJulianAssange
RT @medeabenjamin: CODEPINK Confronts Blinken over Julian Assange Extradition and Killing of Shireen Abu Akleh https://www.democracynow.org/2023/5/4/headlines/protesters_confront_blinken_over_julian_assange_extradition_and_killing_of_shireen_abu_akleh via @democracynow
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/wallacemick/status/1654367560693870595
#Assange #US #nato #freejulianassange
In #Sydney , I went to a #FreeJulianAssange rally with a few friends for #WorldPressFreedomDay and we ended up going for dinner with whistleblower now on trial David McBride. He made internal allegations of war crimes committed by Australian forces in Afghanistan, then subsequently supplied classified information about these to the ABC. McBride says he may be convicted. But for someone forced to go through so much, he just gets on with things, and doesn't complain. "How do you cope?" I asked "By going out with friends like yourselves," he said. Am in awe of him. #PressFreedom
#sydney #freejulianassange #worldpressfreedomday #pressfreedom
RT @amelia_otto11
@ABCmediawatch Russia isn't the only one keeping a journalist in a glass box. How about a mention of Australian Julian Assange #mediawatch? Instead you give airtime to Biden's sickening hypocrisy. Assange is now in his FIFTH YEAR on remand in a UK high security prison.
#mediawatch #freejulianassange
“We are here to send a message to the country and, quite frankly, to the world: The free press is a pillar, maybe the pillar, of a free society, not the enemy.” - President Biden.
And now it's time to give Julian Assange that freedom. #FreeJulianAssangeNOW #freejulianassange
#FreeJulianAssangeNOW #freejulianassange
Throughout the entire #UK trial of #JulianAssange, it seems clear that the case was not conducted with due process of law, the European Court of Human Rights will most likely uphold these well-founded suspicions, but this whole process will once again set very dangerous precedents. #FreeAssange #FreeJulianAssange #assange
#uk #julianassange #freeassange #freejulianassange #assange
Throughout the entire #UK judicial process against #JulianAssange it seems clear that the case was not conducted with due legal process, the European Court of Human Rights will most likely validate these well-founded suspicions, but this whole process will once again set very dangerous precedents. #FreeAssange #FreeJulianAssange #assange
#uk #julianassange #freeassange #freejulianassange #assange