We urge Gov. Hochul to sign New York’s now twice-passed Freelance Isn’t Free Act — and to provide the leadership ensuring that it and all protections secured in law for the state’s workers will be enforced.
#freelanceisntfree #labor #solidarity #newyork
The Freelance Worker Protection Act IS LAW in Illinois — enacted by signature of the governor yesterday. It takes effect July 1, 2024.
Congrats Illinois, you’ve made labor history (again)!
#FreelanceIsntFree #FreelanceWorkerProtectionAct #freelance #labor #solidarity
#freelanceisntfree #freelanceworkerprotectionact #freelance #labor #solidarity
We want Pritzker to make some overdue U.S. history and get this law, the Illinois Freelance Worker Protection Act, on the books.
#FreelanceIsntFree #FreelanceWorkerProtectionAct #labor #union #solidarity
#freelanceisntfree #freelanceworkerprotectionact #labor #union #solidarity
Thursday this week, independent contractors / freelancers / 1099ers in & around Chicago! A little happy hour bonding over the Freelance Worker Protection Act, passed in both IL chambers and headed to Gov. Pritzker’s desk.
Join Chicago FSPers and bill sponsor Will Guzzardi at Middle Brow brewery in Logan Square, June 15, 6–8 PM.
Just do organizers a favor and RSVP: https://forms.gle/TmWhTmGJdg7V2TRMA
#FreelanceIsntFree #FreelanceWorkerProtectionAct #Its1099Somewhere #freelance #labor #union #solidarity
#freelanceisntfree #freelanceworkerprotectionact #its1099somewhere #freelance #labor #union #solidarity
As of yesterday, New York’s #FreelanceIsntFree bill has passed in both houses of the state legislature — AGAIN. They’ve passed the same bill, handily, two years in a row.
Gov. Hochul does not need to veto the bill twice, she needs to hear the people’s voice and sign it into law.
The protections are basic: every freelancer deserves the right to a written contract, to be paid on time, and to be free from retaliation.
#freelanceisntfree #freelance #labor #solidarity #union
What IL HB1122, the Freelance Worker Protection Act, means.
#freelanceisntfree #illinois #freelance #labor #union
Chicago freelance & media workers, gig workers, 1099 workers, come out!
June 15, Thursday two weeks from now: happy hour, Middle Brow in Logan Square, 6–8 PM CT.
Gonna exult together in legislative success of the Freelance Worker Protection Act, HB1122, through both houses in Springfield and awaiting Gov. Pritzker’s signature — to become #FreelanceIsntFree’s first enactment at state level.
Please RSVP: https://bit.ly/FWPA-IL
Chicago NWU info & contact: https://nwu-chicago.org
Thursday this week, June 1, Freelance Solidarity Project members in New York go to Albany to rally, meet with state officials, and demand that Freelance Isn’t Free become law throughout the state.
Both houses passed the bill handily last year — and the governor vetoed it. That can’t stand.
In NY? Join us Thursday: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfarsYdxb2BK9zM7RipfdIECGK5P0TxDJ_Q5i9b18QtHLbN0Q/viewform
#FreelanceIsntFree #freelance #labor #union #solidarity #NewYork #Hochul
#freelanceisntfree #freelance #labor #union #solidarity #newyork #hochul
In 2022, New York’s legislators of both houses PASSED the Freelance Isn’t Free Act, bringing protections the citizens of NYC enjoy to workers throughout the state. Then Gov. Hochul nixed the bill in a surprise veto just before Christmas.
Are we aggrieved? Yes.
NY FSPers are going to Albany next week, Thurs. June 1, to get face time with legislators and demand action. You can join: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfarsYdxb2BK9zM7RipfdIECGK5P0TxDJ_Q5i9b18QtHLbN0Q/viewform
#freelanceisntfree #freelance #labor #union #solidarity
Still celebrating the #FreelanceIsntFree win in Ohio last week! This union is proud of members’ role in Columbus workers’ achievement, a big step forward for the independently and irregularly employed.
Join us — https://nwu.org/join-now/ — and help light this fire in your part of the country.
#freelanceisntfree #freelance #labor #WorkerPower
So we’ve been a little distracted this week.
May Day 2023, a new U.S. Freelance Isn’t Free victory! Freelance workers making voices heard in Columbus OH and scoring big.
Congrats to Columbus NWU members and the whole coalition. Let’s make them proud and keep Freelance Isn’t Free rolling across the country.
Up now: Illinois!
#freelanceisntfree #freelance #labor #WorkerPower
RSVP by noon ET today to join the 1/2-hour FSP general info session this evening / afternoon, 6:30 ET / 3:30 PT. We do it once a quarter. Ask questions!
#labor #union #freelance #FreelanceSolidarityProject #NationalWritersUnion
#labor #union #freelance #freelancesolidarityproject #nationalwritersunion #freelanceisntfree
Freelance Isn’t Free is now law in LA.
Onward in California!
The FIF push began in NYC, made law in 2016. And passed by both houses legislature last year, FIF would be New York state law now had Hochul not vetoed the bill at Christmas. Andrew Gounardes has reintroduced the NY bill.
An FIF initiative is now under way in Illinois.
Self-employment is a widening norm across the U.S. We need these protections.
Join this fight!
#freelanceisntfree #fif #freelance #labor
Great chance to know the Freelance Solidarity Project as a labor organizing initiative first hand: next week, Mar. 7.
The FSP’s quarterly 30-min. general info chat, open to everybody (just RSVP please), is Tuesday evening, 6:30 ET / 3:30 PT.
Join us. Ask questions!
#labor #union #freelance #FreelanceSolidarityProject #NationalWritersUnion
#labor #union #freelance #freelancesolidarityproject #nationalwritersunion #freelanceisntfree
Governor Hochul hit us with a veto surprise for Christmas (literally), but don’t count Freelance Isn’t Free out in New York.
The bill, introduced a year ago and passed in both houses — the first time — by June (https://www.publishersweekly.com/pw/by-topic/industry-news/publisher-news/article/89505-freelance-isn-t-free-act-passes-in-new-york-state.html), is back — reintroduced by Andrew Gounardes this week.
The fight continues. We’re in it to win. Watch.
#freelanceisntfree #fif #freelance #labor