Got one project turned in, but the next is due Monday, so no weekend for me! Time to really knuckle down on finishing off Volume 2 of this fun Nazi-punching gold-heist graphic novel series. 👊 #AmEditing #FreelancerLife
Kundschaft, bei der schon seit etlichen Monaten eine verpflichtende Prüfung im Redaktionssystem klemmt. Ohne die Prüfung kann ich meine Arbeit nicht einreichen. Finde den Fehler.
My Good Design Deed for the day. Challenge assumptions, and challenge your clients.Dare them to say no. It's worth it and representation matters. #implicitbias #freelancerlife #graphicdesigner
#implicitbias #freelancerlife #graphicdesigner
10 years ago was my last day at a 9-5 corporate job. I’ve been #freelance ever since. It’s not always been easy but it’s the best decision I ever made. #freelancerlife
Spending #taxday having a massive anxiety attack even though things are being handled and my accountant is a saint but oh my god I hate taxes and paperwork. I just want to do my work and not having to worry about things like TIMECARDS and INVOICES and TAXES why is this so hard? #freelancerlife #boss #smallbusiness
#taxday #freelancerlife #boss #smallbusiness
Got glowingly positive feedback from a customer. That made my day! #FreelancerLife
Someone else screwed something important up, yet now *I'm* the one who has to make actual phone calls to fix it? Seems unfair. >:|
#freelancerlife #ihatephonecalls
A solopreneur speed bump: Trying to get through paid work even when I have no motivation... I usually try to mix things up and do the tasks that suit my energy levels, but some days, I know I just have to slog through. #SendCoffee #Solopreneur #FreelancerLife #AmEditing
#sendcoffee #solopreneur #freelancerlife #amediting
May I be a bit cheeky and ask for your help? I have some free hours from now for new clients or businesses to work at. Could you share, please? Thanks 😃
I've had a lovely (and much needed) break over the holidays, but tomorrow is back to work. #FreelancerLife
If anyone has any advice about obtaining health insurance as an independent contractor, please let me know.
I have until the end of February. :macos:
#healthinsurance #medicalinsurance #freelance #freelancerlife #contractor #writersofmastodon
#writersofmastodon #contractor #freelancerlife #freelance #medicalinsurance #healthinsurance
If anyone has any advice about obtaining health insurance as an independent contractor, please let me know.
I have until the end of February. :macos:
#healthinsurance #medicalinsurance #freelance #freelancerlife #contractor #writersofmastodon
#writersofmastodon #contractor #freelancerlife #freelance #medicalinsurance #healthinsurance
tfw customers write me glowing recommendations and say I'm competent. Soooo good but sometimes it feels like "wait are they talking about me?" #freelancerLife
urgh, Projektbewerbungen auf Plattformen schreiben macht mich so gar nicht glücklich. Zum Glück habe ich meine feste „Ich mach jetzt was anderes“-Zeit, und die ist jetzt. *laufschuhanziehgeräusch*
Außerdem hat diese Art von Kund*innen (naja, meistens lese ich da Männernamen) die unangenehme Angewohnheit, null inhaltlichen Input zu geben. Mir die Inhalte aus den Fingern zu saugen, ist aber IMHO nicht meine Aufgabe als Texterin. Mein Job ist, inhaltlichen Input in überzeugenden und informativen Text zu gießen.
Das braucht Übung, Skills und Zeit.
Urgh. Ich habe gerade ein Projektangebot abgelehnt, weil die Zeitplanung super eng gestaltet war.
Eigentlich mag ich gar nicht mehr für Online Marketer und SEOs texten - es macht so gut wie nie Spaß und artet fast immer in Selbstausbeutung aus.
Krankes Kind ist krank. 😩
Armes Waschbärkind. Hat hohes Fieber, Halsweh und Antibiotika gewonnen.
Meine Hoffnung, diese Woche endlich wieder gut und viel arbeiten zu können, zerbröselt gerade zu Staub.
#freelancerlife #freelancer #workingmom
#freelancerlife #freelancer #workingmom
Prokrastinationsstatus: Lieber Gitarrentechnik üben als highly awkward Akquisenachfassanruf machen. #businesskram #freelancerlife