RSVP by noon ET today to join the 1/2-hour FSP general info session this evening / afternoon, 6:30 ET / 3:30 PT. We do it once a quarter. Ask questions!
#labor #union #freelance #FreelanceSolidarityProject #NationalWritersUnion
#labor #union #freelance #freelancesolidarityproject #nationalwritersunion #freelanceisntfree
Great chance to know the Freelance Solidarity Project as a labor organizing initiative first hand: next week, Mar. 7.
The FSP’s quarterly 30-min. general info chat, open to everybody (just RSVP please), is Tuesday evening, 6:30 ET / 3:30 PT.
Join us. Ask questions!
#labor #union #freelance #FreelanceSolidarityProject #NationalWritersUnion
#labor #union #freelance #freelancesolidarityproject #nationalwritersunion #freelanceisntfree
Also newly firing up on Mastodon: @niemanlab, who a few days ago ran this great short piece about journalists and labor solidarity by my Freelance Solidarity Project / NWU union sibling Eric Thurm.
‘Publishers may tout the civic accomplishments of their papers, but journalistic values of transparency and openness fall by the wayside when they’re applied to keeping bargaining sessions open.’
#pressFreedom #journalism #union #labor #mediaWork #FreelanceSolidarityProject
#pressfreedom #journalism #union #labor #mediawork #freelancesolidarityproject