Approaching Zero-ETL with FOSS
Leaving aside complexities like the Enterprise Integration Patterns, we can consider most integrations as a form of advanced ETL: Extract, Transform, and Load. We extract data from a data store or service. Then we transform it from an input to an output format. And finally we push or load that t
#FreeLibreOpenSourceSoftware #Integration #ApacheCamel #Camel-K #hybridcloud #Kaoto #lowcode #nocode #opendata
#freelibreopensourcesoftware #integration #ApacheCamel #camel #hybridcloud #Kaoto #lowcode #nocode #openData
No Code Integrations
Integration is mostly about being everywhere and nowhere at once: interoperability without a clunky user interface or spaghetti code. Can we get no code or low code integrations?
#FreeLibreOpenSourceSoftware #Integration #ApacheCamel #Camel-K #integration #Kaoto #orchestration
#freelibreopensourcesoftware #integration #ApacheCamel #camel #Kaoto #orchestration
Finding #RSS , #ATOM or #JSON #Feeds can sometimes be a hassle. To simplify this task, this might be helpful:
#browser #browseraddon #browseraddons #browserextension #browserextensions #firefox #firefoxaddon #firefoxaddons #firefoxextension #firefoxextensions #foss #freeopensourcesoftware #floss #freelibreopensourcesoftware #opensource #webextension #webextensions
#webextensions #webextension #OpenSource #freelibreopensourcesoftware #FLOSS #FreeOpenSourceSoftware #FOSS #firefoxextensions #firefoxextension #firefoxaddons #firefoxaddon #FireFox #browserextensions #browserextension #browseraddons #browseraddon #Browser #feeds #json #atom #RSS
For #developer's or people who just want to see or tinker with a sites #localstorage or #sessionstorage, this might be interesting / helpful:
#browser #browseraddon #browseraddons #browserextension #browserextensions #firefox #firefoxaddon #firefoxaddons #firefoxextension #firefoxextensions #foss #freeopensourcesoftware #floss #freelibreopensourcesoftware #opensource #webextension #webextensions
#webextensions #webextension #OpenSource #freelibreopensourcesoftware #FLOSS #FreeOpenSourceSoftware #FOSS #firefoxextensions #firefoxextension #firefoxaddons #firefoxaddon #FireFox #browserextensions #browserextension #browseraddons #browseraddon #Browser #sessionstorage #localstorage #Developer
In the FOSS trenches
On this article I will discuss about the current state of the art of the Free, Libre and Open Source Software; what are the challenges for its sustainability; and how we can overcome them. Is FOSS model outdated? What can we do to improve it?
#osgeo #asf #sincategoria #freelibreopensourcesoftware
Welchen freien und quelloffenen (Open Source) Soft- und Hardwarelösungen nutzt ihr so (regelmäßig)?
#opensource #floss #foss #hardware #software #hw #sw #freelibreopensourcesoftware #freelibreopensourcehardware #freelibreopensource #followerpower
#opensource #floss #foss #hardware #software #HW #sw #freelibreopensourcesoftware #freelibreopensourcehardware #freelibreopensource #followerpower
Gibt es eine digitale Vergabeplattform (vgl. für öffentliche Stellen von Kommune, Land, Bund, EU, welche auf Basis von Open Source realisiert wurde / realisiert wird?
#followerpower #vergabeplattform #opensource #floss #freelibreopensourcesoftware #opensourcesoftware #oeffentlicheverwaltungen #publicadministrations
#followerpower #vergabeplattform #opensource #floss #freelibreopensourcesoftware #opensourcesoftware #oeffentlicheverwaltungen #publicadministrations