"This is where I get off. " G-Man 👔
Half Life 2. DONE! ✅
Was für eine unglaubliche Geschichte. Auch 19 Jahre nach Veröffentlichung ein mehr als empfehlenswertes Spiel!
Wohoooo, geschafft! 🥳
#halflife #halflife2 #hl2 #valve #freeman
Another Article 61 pillock. #codlaw #fakelaw #sovereigncitizen #freeman https://www.edinburghnews.scotsman.com/news/crime/edinburgh-crime-man-admits-biting-police-officer-while-trying-to-claim-ownership-of-edinburgh-castle-4170260
#freeman #sovereigncitizen #FakeLaw #codlaw
🚨Captain Round 4🚨
After Burnham dominated the third round with 48 votes, we now move to round four! Round four has the new newest and most relatable captain, Freeman. And from in the Delta Quadrant, Ransom of the U.S.S. Equinox. To completely different captains here!
Vote below for your favorite, and don't forget to follow along for future battles!
#StarTrek #Freeman #Ransom #LowerDecks #Voyager #AllStarTrek #StarTrekBattle
Bracket and previous rounds: https://startrekbattles.com/captain-battles-2023/
#startrek #freeman #ransom #lowerdecks #voyager #allstartrek #startrekbattle
Right now, the Audite Chamber Choir performs #Klami #Huuskonen #Whitthall #Shields #Sivén and #Freeman in #Helsinki https://pst.cr/sGLsa #wch
#klami #huuskonen #whitthall #Shields #siven #freeman #helsinki #wch
In 25 minutes, the Audite Chamber Choir performs #Klami #Huuskonen #Whitthall #Shields #Sivén and #Freeman in #Helsinki https://pst.cr/sGLsa #wch
#klami #huuskonen #whitthall #Shields #siven #freeman #helsinki #wch
Today, the Audite Chamber Choir performs #Klami #Huuskonen #Whitthall #Shields #Sivén and #Freeman in #Helsinki https://www.worldconcerthall.com/en/schedule/the_audite_chamber_choir_performs_klami_huuskonen_whitthall_shields_siven_and_freeman_in_helsinki/74600/ #wch
#klami #huuskonen #whitthall #Shields #siven #freeman #helsinki #wch
#RegnoUnito #NordIrlanda #UE #Brexit
Sottosegretario per la scienza, la ricerca e l'innovazione George #Freeman (#CON|Centro-destra): "Ora abbiamo la possibilità di sederci e risolvere un'intera serie di questioni con l'UE. Il Regno Unito raggiungerà il suo obiettivo riguardo l'immigrazione illegale solo lavorando a stretto contatto con la #Francia e i nostri vicini europei."
#regnounito #nordirlanda #ue #brexit #freeman #con #francia
#RegnoUnito #NordIrlanda #UE #Brexit
Sottosegretario per la scienza, la ricerca e l'innovazione George #Freeman (#CON|Centro-destra): "L'accordo commerciale post-Brexit Windsor Framework aiuterà il governo britannico a mantenere la promessa di impedire l'immigrazione illegale."
#regnounito #nordirlanda #ue #brexit #freeman #con
Half-Life ad (Valve) 1998, PC
#halflife #valve #pc #pcgaming #Gordon #freeman #90s #retro #retrogames #RETROGAMING
#halflife #valve #pc #pcgaming #gordon #freeman #90s #retro #retrogames #retrogaming
Mysterie-dramaserie ‘Freeman’ van Julie Plec & Adam Starks in ontwikkeling bij Peacock
Peacock ontwikkelt een mysteriedrama serie, Freeman, van Julie Plec en Starks, die zich afspeelt in kleine, pittoreske stadjes in Georgia. Peacock heeft de 10-delige Vampire Academy serie officieel besteld. De serie wordt bewerkt do
#Drama #Nieuws #Peacock #Serie #Series #adamstarks #drama #Freeman #julieplec #Mysterie #Peacock #serie
#drama #nieuws #peacock #serie #series #adamstarks #freeman #julieplec #mysterie
Freeman - Mystery Drama From Julie Plec & Adam Starks In Development at Peacock
Free Talk Live Co-Host Ian Freeman Found Guilty in Federal Crypto Trial - After close to two years, following the U.S. federal government accusing the Crypt... - https://news.bitcoin.com/free-talk-live-co-host-ian-freeman-found-guilty-in-federal-crypto-trial/ #unlicensedmoney-transmittingbusiness #freetalkliveco-host #libertarianactivist #federalcryptocase #federalgovernment #income-taxevasion #keenenewhampshire #appealtheverdict #moneylaundering #freeman’strial #cryptolawsuit #cryptocase
#cryptocase #cryptolawsuit #freeman #moneylaundering #appealtheverdict #keenenewhampshire #income #federalgovernment #federalcryptocase #libertarianactivist #freetalkliveco #unlicensedmoney
Deuxième masterclass de Freeman, pour faire le tour de tout ce qui est lumière, éclairage, mais aussi et surtout absence de lumière et ombres.
#photo #livre #masterclass #ombres #lumière #traduction #Eyrolles #Freeman
#photo #livre #masterclass #ombres #lumiere #traduction #eyrolles #freeman
I thought ‘Black Panther: Wakanda Forever’ was a way too long and a literally soporific movie that did not trigger any emotion in me. But looking back at the enthusiasm the film generated in a diverse Brussels cinema hall, it more than fulfilled its mission.
#Wakanda #Marvel
#Coogler #Wright #Nyongo #Gurira #Duke #Thorne #Kasumba #Coel #Huerta #Freeman #Bassett
#wakanda #marvel #coogler #wright #nyongo #gurira #duke #thorne #kasumba #Coel #huerta #freeman #Bassett
Cachemire - Freeman
#cachemire #freeman #music #musique #pouetradio #tootradio #rock
#rock #tootradio #pouetradio #musique #music #freeman #cachemire
Perché c`è anche Morgan Freeman tra gli americani bannati dalla Russia (oltre a Zuckerberg e Soros) - Il video - Open #perché #morgan #freeman #americani #bannati #russia #zuckerberg #soros #video #open #21maggio https://parliamodi.news/article/aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cub3Blbi5vbmxpbmUvMjAyMi8wNS8yMS9ydXNzaWEtc2FuemlvbmktbW9yZ2FuLWZyZW1hbi1kaXZpZXRvLWluZ3Jlc3NvLw==
#21maggio #open #video #soros #zuckerberg #russia #bannati #americani #freeman #morgan #Perché