Still NO response...(Elon musk said he let users appeal to their suspension under new criteria on February. Unfortunately he'll be unlikely lied) It's been half a day since filing my appeal. I need my Twitter account to be restored! Otherwise, my content... My life would have be gone forever! And I will never use Twitter for the rest of my life! I would never create another account ever...ðŸ˜
#twitter #prayformrulity2 #freemrulity2
i'm waiting for the email from Twitter Support... i hope they unsuspend me for they did wrongly suspended!(i'm afraid it'll take few weeks or months... or years in case i'll make a new backup account, even i didn't wanted to do it, but it'll be my last resort)
yes, i do check my email... still no sign for recorded violations before my suspension!
#twitter #prayformrulity2 #freemrulity2
i had to post these to Mastodon for reason... i did file my appeal upon my suspension of my Twitter account!(now it's 0 following and 0 followers) idk when the team responded for how long... like i said, 5 years ago i was locked out so i did an appeal trick for 2 days! it worked back then.
but now could it take week or more for this, but what if it'll be reversal of fortune? i'm innocent & i did not do anything violating Twitter rules!
#justjaidenthings #twitter #prayformrulity2 #freemrulity2
i hope this doesn't count as spamming... so i won't repeating this same post again:
so yeah, Dear Twitter: Unban Mrulity2/Jacob Cartelet