(From Mark Angelo's page)
My book is finished!
‘A fascinating insider account of some of the most remarkable episodes in outlaw rave culture. With a cast of suitably hardcore characters, Mark Angelo Harrison chronicles how Spiral Tribe’s determination to stage free parties set them on a collision course with the authorities.’
Matthew Collin, author of Altered State and Rave On
The book is now on its way to the typesetter for printing and the September launch. Many thanks to all the people who've contributed their time, energy and enthusiasm!
Also to Colin and Paul at Velocity and my early supporters who pre-ordered the book. T
here is now one week left before printing. If you’d like to be credited, in the book by name as a pre-order supporter (or credit a friend) the deadline is Tuesday 8th August.
Click through to Velocity Press below.
A Darker Electricity is on pre-order now from Velocity, and will hit the streets in September – available in all good book shops and record stores.
#RaveOn #SpiralTribe #FreeTechno #FreeParty #codetermination #Selfproduction #Music
#RaveOn #SPIRALTRIBE #freetechno #freeparty #codetermination #selfproduction #Music
There may be someone on here who, in the early 1990s, went to a DiY free party or club night, so it is very sad to say that our old friend Simon DK died yesterday. An amazing DJ with a taste for the best House music, and a man who battled demons. Most of the time he won. A beautiful soul responsible for so many good times. https://www.theguardian.com/music/2022/apr/19/90s-rave-crew-diy-sound-system-interview-we-sacrificed-our-sanity #music #HouseMusic #FreeParty #Rave #anarchy
#anarchy #rave #freeparty #housemusic #music
#soundsystem #freeparty
#music #politics #history #french
Une histoire politique des sound systems, depuis le danchall jamaicain jusqu'aux tekos bretons.
#french #history #politics #music #freeparty #soundsystem
Occhi alle Stelle, Piedi per Terra - Un pied chéper, un pied sur terre ! La santé communautaire en freeparty depuis 1995 [Documentaire Techno+]
Documentario che racconta l'esperienza di #Techno+, gruppo di Riduzione del Danno attivo sul territorio francese da più di 30 anni.
#techno #freeparty #tekno #rave
Ad un anno dalla scomparsa di Pomata, un pezzo di cuore della nostra famiglia, compagno di tante lotte ed amico di tutti i giorni, vogliamo ricordarlo ballando assieme per le strade in cui ci siamo conosciut*, questo Sabato 20 Maggio ci troverai quindi alla Street Parade che partirà alle 14:00 da Parco Schuster perché la musica diventa terapia quando ballare è un gesto di rivolta
Daje Pomà!
#streetparade #technocuoregrandelibertà #freeparty
A dj at a rave party landscape, green colors dominate the image....
#midjourney #ia #freeparty #tekno #rave #tribe
Dj in illegal Free Party Tekno. #Midjourney #IA #DigitalArt #FreeParty #Tekno
#midjourney #ia #DigitalArt #freeparty #tekno
On refait mumuse avec Midjourney et ChatGPT.
En plein coeur de la danse clandestine : une nuit de libre expression.
Alors que le soleil se couche sur l'horizon, tu te diriges à travers les bois, guidé par le son lointain d'une musique électronique palpitante. Tu es à une free party tekno, un événement clandestin organisé par des passionnés de musique électronique et de danseurs en quête de liberté. https://www.instagram.com/p/CquoLeRLWaB/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link
#FreeParty #Tekno #Midjourney #ChatGPT #IA
#freeparty #tekno #midjourney #chatgpt #ia
Le Mange Bal - Le rossignol
Entre bal #folk et #freeparty, enter #trad et #dub
#np #tootradio #pouetradio #dub #trad #freeparty #folk
🔥🔥🔥 - WitchTek - Modena, IT - 2022 - #modenarave #raveitaly #rave #raveon #teknorave #freetekno #tekno23 #freeparty #raveculture #tekno #soundsystem
- VIDEO https://vimeo.com/804426128
#modenarave #raveitaly #rave #raveon #teknorave #freetekno #tekno23 #freeparty #raveculture #tekno #soundsystem
Près de Lens : encore une Free Party sous le feu de la répression.
Lacrymogène, LBD et arrestations contre une fête bien organisée.
#freeparty #lens #repression
is it loud enough for you :)
#JoinIn #followbackfriday #fediverse #boomboomboom #introductions #twittermigrant #meme #comedy #satire #rave #freeparty
«I videogiochi non influenzano i bambini,
voglio dire se Pac-Man avesse influenzato la nostra generazione,
staremmo tutti saltando in sale oscure,
masticando pillole magiche e
ascoltando musica elettronica ripetitiva»
Kristian Wilson, Nintendo’s Administrator
🔥🔥🔥 - WitchTek_Modena_Italy_2022 - #modenarave #raveitaly #rave #raveon #teknorave #freetekno #tekno23 #freeparty #raveculture #tekno #soundsystem
#modenarave #raveitaly #rave #raveon #teknorave #freetekno #tekno23 #freeparty #raveculture #tekno #soundsystem
🔥🔥🔥 - WitchTek_Modena_Italy_2022 - #modenarave #raveitaly #rave #raveon #teknorave #freetekno #tekno23 #freeparty #raveculture #tekno #soundsystem
#modenarave #raveitaly #rave #raveon #teknorave #freetekno #tekno23 #freeparty #raveculture #tekno #soundsystem
Work in progress. Finally back in the studio, getting some new tunes up and running. Lads of Alnwick is an absolute banger, and doesn't really need anything fancy in terms of an arrangement, just let the tune speak for itself I reckon. This tune has the advantage of being pretty well known, so I'll be getting guests in on this!
#folk #soundsystem #kneesup #party #freeparty #rave #raveon #trad #tradfolk #ladsofalnwick #electricmandolin #mandolin #ableton #electronica #EnglishTrad
#englishtrad #electronica #ableton #mandolin #electricmandolin #ladsofalnwick #tradfolk #trad #RaveOn #rave #freeparty #party #kneesup #Soundsystem #folk
Work in progress. Finally back in the studio, getting some new tunes up and running. Lads of Alnwick is an absolute banger, and doesn't really need anything fancy in terms of an arrangement, just let the tune speak for itself I reckon. This tune has the advantage of being pretty well known, so I'll be getting guests in on this!
#folk #soundsystem #kneesup #party #freeparty #rave #raveon #trad #tradfolk #ladsofalnwick #electricmandolin #mandolin #ableton #electronica #EnglishTrad
#englishtrad #electronica #ableton #mandolin #electricmandolin #ladsofalnwick #tradfolk #trad #RaveOn #rave #freeparty #party #kneesup #Soundsystem #folk
Quand tu veux la France pour organiser la même fête sans réprimer avec tes policiers !
#rave #freeparty #techno #fuckFDO
#rave #freeparty #techno #fuckfdo