Check out the free critter/doll patterns!
#freecrochetpatterns #freepatterns #yarnspirations #amigurumi #amiguri #crochetanimals
Snoopy Crochet Doll
Snoopy stands at 15 ¹/² inches tall made in crochet. Currently he is without a proper collar... which color do you think he should have red or black?
This is an original design available on my YT channel for free!
If you have any questions please do not hesitate to ask.
#amigurumiartist #freepatterns #crochetpatterns #amiguri #amigurumi #crochetdolls
Snoopy Crochet Doll
Snoopy stands at 15 ¹/² inches tall made in crochet. Currently he is without a proper collar... which color do you think he should have red or black?
This is an original design available on my YT channel for free!
If you have any questions please do not hesitate to ask.
#crochetdolls #amigurumi #amiguri #crochetpatterns #freepatterns #amigurumiartist
[en] I'm working on some #FreePatterns for #valentinesday and this is the first one, of course. I'm obsessed with #ChildsPlay and, honestly, Chucky is one of the best series out there, season 2 was just perfect.
[pt] eu tô fazendo alguns gráficos de #pontocruz temáticos pra disponibilizar gratuitamente, e obviamente o primeiro tinha que ser do #chucky porque eu sou viciada. Inclusive a série é uma das melhores dos últimos tempos e a segunda temporada é perfeita.
#xstitch #crossstitch #chucky #pontocruz #childsplay #valentinesday #freepatterns
[pt] Eu fiz um ponto cruz natalino e achei fofinho. Pensei em compartilhar o gráfico mas não sei se alguém teria interesse. Se você for esse alguém, me fala que eu compartilho :)
[en] I made a Christmas cross stitch and I think it looks cute. I thought about making the pattern available but I don't know if someone would be interested. If you are that someone, let me know and I'll make it happen :)
#pontoCruz #crossStitch #christmasCrafts #FreePatterns #pointdecroix
#pointdecroix #freepatterns #christmasCrafts #crossstitch #pontocruz