Register for "Researching Free People of Color in NC and VA: 1800 – 1865," a free workshop by Renate Yarborough Sanders on Thursday 13 July at 6:30 pm over Zoom.
This presentation focuses on the lives and circumstances of Free People of Color in Virginia and North Carolina, laws enacted to control them, and record types for researching this population.
#Genealogy #FamilyHistory #NorthCarolina #Virginia #FreePeopleOfColor #FPOC #Geneadons
@geneadons @genealogy
#genealogy #familyhistory #northcarolina #virginia #freepeopleofcolor #fpoc #geneadons
Emigrants to Liberia, 1820-1843: An Alphabetical Listing by Tom W. Schick
#immigration, #emigration, #Liberia, #unitedstatesofamerika, #colonization, #colonialism, #WestAfrica, #Africanhistory, #historyofAfrica, #Liberianhistory, #historyofLiberia, #slavery, #blackchattelslavery, #freepeopleofcolor, #freeblacks, #Liberians, #AmericoLiberians, #lists, #AmericanColonizationSociety, #deportation, #massdeportation, #Edina, #GrandBassa, #NorthGeorgia, #Millsberg, #BassaCove, #Millsburg, #NewGeorgia, #Accra, #BritishAccra, #ËtuláËria, #FernandoPo, #FernandoPoo, #Bioko, #SierraLeone, #CapePalmas
Liberian Studies Research Working Paper #2
Department of Anthropology, University of Delaware: Newark, DE
Liberian Studies Association in America, Inc.
#immigration #emigration #liberia #unitedstatesofamerika #colonization #colonialism #WestAfrica #Africanhistory #historyofAfrica #Liberianhistory #historyofLiberia #slavery #blackchattelslavery #freepeopleofcolor #freeblacks #Liberians #AmericoLiberians #lists #AmericanColonizationSociety #deportation #massdeportation #Edina #GrandBassa #NorthGeorgia #Millsberg #BassaCove #Millsburg #NewGeorgia #Accra #BritishAccra #ËtuláËria #FernandoPo #FernandoPoo #Bioko #SierraLeone #CapePalmas