#FreeRadical blog: "Upgraded to 4.1.4"
Free Radical is now on Mastodon v4.1.4, because 2 upgrades in 2 days seemed fun.
(posted at Fri, 07 Jul 2023 11:41:02 -0700)
#FreeRadical blog: "Upgrading to 4.1.3"
We’re updating the site to the new urgent security release v4.1.3. We may be offline or wonky for a few minutes at a time through the promise. Be back soon!
(posted at Thu, 06 Jul 2023 07:56:00 -0700)
#FreeRadical blog: "Outage 2023-06-27"
An urgent-ish software update has us down for maybe 20 minutes or so.
(posted at Tue, 27 Jun 2023 21:25:00 -0700)
#FreeRadical blog: "Bring a friend. Bring two!"
Do you know a cool person looking for a home in the fediverse? Invite them to join us here on Free Radical! Registrations are closed to the general public, but that’s for cultural reasons, not capacity. We have plenty of room to spare. All FRZ users can create invitation links to share with [...]
(posted at Tue, 27 Jun 2023 09:29:21 -0700)
#FreeRadical blog: "We will block Facebook"
I’ve signed the pact to block any instances owned by Facebook and related organizations that join the fediverse. At the start of this conversation I wanted to take a “wait and see” approach. I posted a poll asking Free Radical users whether we should block Facebook immediately, shared my [...]
(posted at Tue, 20 Jun 2023 09:15:00 -0700)
#FreeRadical blog: "Look here for status updates"
When Free Radical is down, I don’t have a great way to communicate that, because… the site’s down. In the future, I’ll post updates here, tagged with “status”. There are a few ways to access this: Visit https://blog.freeradical.zone/tags/status/ Visit https://status.freeradical.zone/ Subscribe [...]
(posted at Mon, 19 Jun 2023 16:39:58 -0700)
#FreeRadical blog: "Free Radical theme"
ChatGPT prompt: “Write a theme song for a Mastodon server called Free Radical, which exists to help marginalized people find a welcome and safe home on the Internet.” Verse 1: Welcome to Free Radical where we open up our doors To those who’ve been excluded, who’ve been left out and ignored Our [...]
(posted at Wed, 03 May 2023 18:20:27 +0000)
Strange, I've been getting 502 errors for a few days on my /home (but not /public or /local) - but only in Chrome! - that would resolve after waiting a while on the federated timeline and then trying again.
Disabling my extensions didn't fix it, but loading chrome://settings/clearBrowserData and clearing the cookies and the cache did.
Clearing the cache has been the "turn it off and back on again" since the early 90s -- don't know why it gets gummed up, but it does.
#FreeRadical blog: "Upgraded to 4.1.2"
Free Radical is now on Mastodon v4.1.2.
(posted at Tue, 04 Apr 2023 08:11:36 +0000)
#FreeRadical blog: "Upgraded to 4.1.1"
Free Radical is now on Mastodon v4.1.1.
(posted at Thu, 16 Mar 2023 16:07:18 +0000)
#freeradical @tek
Is anyone else having around 40% of images and videos coming up as "Not available"?
It's not even consistent for me -- cdn.masto.host fails 2/3s of the time.
I'm not seeing any lost packets, either.
#FreeRadical blog: "We will not join the United Federation of Instances"
The United Federation of Instances is a bad idea, and Free Radical will not participate. The “UFoI” is an organization of fediverse instances making a compact: if an instance enters the compact, and they abide by the group’s Code of Ethics, then all members of the group promise not to [...]
(posted at Thu, 08 Dec 2022 09:21:00 +0000)
#FreeRadical blog: "Goodbye, S3"
I configured Free Radical to use S3 to serve media assets, like images and videos, almost immediately after launching it. There are compelling reasons to use something like S3 instead of serving those files directly from the Mastodon server, such as freeing that server from getting clogged [...]
(posted at Fri, 02 Dec 2022 17:41:00 +0000)
#FreeRadical blog: "Upgraded to 4.0.2"
Free Radical is now on Mastodon v4.0.2.
(posted at Fri, 02 Dec 2022 16:44:00 +0000)
Many thanks to @tek for the seamless upgrade of #freeradical to masto 4.0.2. it was so seamless I didn't even notice until I finally saw the announcement lol - kudos!
Welcome, @Space6host. We're glad you've joined us on #FreeRadical! Please take a moment to review our code of conduct at https://freeradical.zone/about/more .
Follow me, @announce, to get announcements related to this instance. Write to @tek if you have any questions or concerns.
When you're ready, you can write a toot with the #introduction tag to say hi to your new neighbors.
Let's have fun!
#FreeRadical blog: "Surviving and thriving through the 2022-11-05 meltdown"
Background After Elon Musk bought Twitter and started making a bizarre series of decisions about how to run it, people started logging into Mastodon to see what it’s all about. Lots of them. So, so many of them. In real numbers, Free Radical grew by 20% in the last week. Which is awesome, [...]
(posted at Sun, 06 Nov 2022 14:57:29 +0000)
A poll for #FreeRadical users:
Do you want me to make an announcement every time we suspend an instance, even if it's an obvious troll? Argument for: transparency is always good. Argument against: alert fatigue.
In any case, the information is always available at https://freeradical.zone/about/more#unavailable-content.
#FreeRadical blog: "Upgraded to 3.5.3"
Free Radical is now on Mastodon v3.5.3.
(posted at Thu, 26 May 2022 16:55:19 +0000)
Heya #FreeRadical peeps! There was a long tail of little things that got messed up in the OS upgrade over the weekend. I think we’re through most of them, but things may be a little wonky for a bit yet.
Also, don’t panic: *your timelines haven’t gone away*! I had to clear out some cached data, and the command to rebuild all the timelines is running right now.