Free Range Free Chat
Good morning, News Viewers, and welcome to Monday. In lieu of Rachel's absence, you're stuck with me. I won't even try to compete with Rachel's awesomeness when it comes to her creativity and well thought out free chats; she does such a wonderful job.
I'm just going to let you guys chat; it's Monday, the yuckiest day of the week.
So, how was your weekend? How are the fur
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Free Range Free Chat
Monday. Really? I mean, REALLY? I don’t care what any physicist says, I know time flies by faster as we get older. Because yesterday was Christmas and the day before Labor Day….. now it’s almost March — and let’s face it, it’s not terribly Spring like, but facts are facts and truth is truth: Spring is coming.
The Milky Way
We may feel everything is moving so fas
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#freerangefreechat #TheLounge #Featured
Free Range Free Chat
On 15 January 1981, music legends Diana Ross and Gladys Knight, along with the "godfather of rap", Gil Scott-Heron, joined renowned musician Stevie Wonder on stage at the National Mall in Washington, DC.
1981, singing before the crowd of 50,000 Happy Birthday Song
Happy Birthday" by Stevie Wonder in honor of MLK
You know it doesn't make much senseThere ought
#FreeRangeFreeChat #TheLounge #Featured
#freerangefreechat #TheLounge #Featured
Free Range Free Chat
It’s another Monday as we finish out the year, the Monday after Christmas, soon to be 2023. In a year full of drama, chaos, and lightening fast changes, some things stay consistent. What, you may ask, stays consistent in this world? The fact that whatever’s going on, we’re going to have opinions and express them, hence our daily NV free chats, AND the fact that humor
#FreeRangeFreeChat #TheLounge #Featured
#freerangefreechat #TheLounge #Featured
Free Range Free Chat
#FreeRangeFreeChat #TheLounge #Featured
#freerangefreechat #TheLounge #Featured
Free Range Free Chat
Happy Monday News viewers, welcome to our Monday Free Chat here at News Views……an open forum to talk about topics of interest, whatever they may be — of course, good manners, civility, respect, are important, and since Free Range often has an environmental bent, we look to our animal colleagues for direction….-Rachel
Good morning, News Viewers, and Felice Lunedi (Ha
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