What do we do with the #freeRangeKids who aren't technically ready to be left unattended? They want to play with friends for an hour or so after school and I don't really need to be here for that but they don't want to walk home on their own.
#independenceDay thought about #FreeRangeKids: Can we just put one of those chalk markers on every kid's #bike and give them an unlimited supply of chalk? Then your #transportation dept can follow them around with cones, and viola you have a complete and connected #bikewayNetwork. To get out of the #carSupremacy rut, start with at least one car-free day per month and give the kids bikes + lessons if they need them.
#independenceday #freerangekids #bike #transportation #bikewaynetwork #carsupremacy
This seems important! The article doesn’t go into the reasons for kids’ loss of freedom aside from overzealous law enforcement.
Sadly in the US kids are probably more endangered in the school they are so protectively ferried to & from (probably to avoid bullying or “stranger danger”)—so the answer is home-schooling⁉️
Just the name brings back memories—maybe we should share adventures under #freerangekids
#SchoolStreets protect kids from cars and pollution, and create space for #BikeToSchool #FreeRangeKids, #depaving and greening streets. All you need to do is push car traffic a block or two away from the front door for at least a couple hours of the day.
#schoolstreets #biketoschool #freerangekids #depaving
It makes sense from the "right to work" angle: child labor bans or restrictions are infantilizing capable members of society and unnecessarily postponing job training through entry into the workforce. And they may have something there. #FreeRangeKids can include letting them get jobs as a way of fostering independence.
But when legislators want to repeal the regulations that were written in the blood of minors? That's when it seems like they just want cheap labor.
Families tell of threats and police warnings over children playing in street.
#freerangekids #optoutside #greenspace
New Blog Post from #edtechman. I just finished the book "Coddling of the American Mind." I really enjoyed it and I wrote about some of the implications that this book discusses and the American Education System. #coddling #education @donwatkins @philshapiro @funnymonkey @edutooters @edutooter #freerangekids #learning #teaching #highered #highereducation #overparenting #mentalhealth #resilience #recess #unsupervised @sylviamartinez
#unsupervised #edtechman #coddling #education #freerangekids #learning #teaching #highered #highereducation #overparenting #mentalhealth #resilience #recess
Did you know the minimum age for camping at a BC Parks site is 16? My son is off camping and fishing with a friend for the last few days of spring break.
In a world that doesn't let kids be kids, letting them camp on their own is a great opportunity for them to be independent. Kudos to whoever set that policy.
Worth the read if you have kids. #parenting #freerangekids #socialmedia
Social media making kids depressed? Send them outside to play. https://reason.com/2023/02/24/kids-social-media-depression-outdoor-play/ via Reason and Lenore Skenazy
#parenting #freerangekids #socialmedia
📣Save Arran Ourdoor Centre!!
Arran Outdoor Education Centre is a fabulous, modern resource under threat of closure by North Ayrshire Council. Visits to centres like these can be life changing, especially for youngsters from undeserved communities like those in North Ayrshire. Please support the fight to keep it open.
#northayrshire #arran #savearranoec #freerangekids #outdooreducation
When I was a kid, my chemistry set came with a delicious array of potential poisons, strips of magnesium and a little meths-powered burner.
Copper sulphate solution let me plate all my Mum's spoons using my train transformer psu. She was not appreciative.
I also set fire to so much stuff that year.
Good times
One of the leading advocates for #freerangekids wants to lock down social media, even for adults. Can't you see the mistake in this logic @JonHaidt@twitter.com? The fix is to make it truly free (#fediverse) and not platforms for their owners & advertisers to abuse users. And educate people.
One of the leading advocates for #freerangekids wants to lock down social media, even for adults. Can't you see the mistake in this logic @JonHaidt@twitter.com? The fix is to make it truly free (#fediverse) and not platforms for their owners & advertisers to abuse users. And educate people.
A mother, apparently, cannot be harassed. A mother can only be corrected.
…In a country [with] no subsidized child care and no mandatory family leave, no assurance of flexibility in the workplace for parents, no universal preschool and minimal safety nets for vulnerable families, making it a crime to offer children independence in effect makes it a crime to be poor.
#usa #america #cultureoffear #freerangekids #parenting