@m3ss3dupbytes @socialnetwork Io comprai pure il primo #openmoko ovvero il #neo #freerunner (per chi se lo ricorda, era stato il primissimo tentativo di telefono #openhw con #linux anni fa) e ho incredibilmente provato ad usarlo in real life... é stato un inferno, ma ho imparato un sacco di roba, e anche se è stato un progetto completamente fallimentare, sono orgoglioso e contento di aver partecipato in qualche modo.
#openmoko #neo #freerunner #openhw #linux
How does the #openmoko #freerunner know I was in #Taiwan last week? 😂
(Thanks to Bob Summerwill for this 15 year old classic and the last photo!)
#openmoko #freerunner #taiwan #linuxphone #mobilelinux #opensource
@starshine as a matter of fact I wished #Mozilla would've released #FirefoxOS and subsequent devices in more markets, but like the #OpenMoko-based #FIC #Neo1973 & #Neo #FreeRunner one couldn't even buy them in most of the #EU and the only devices I was aware of were #NetLock|ed #Prepaid Feature Phones in #Spain that would've been useless paperweights to me or any other developer.
Otherwise @fuchsiii would've made #Apps and #Games for it...
#Games #Apps #spain #prepaid #netlock #EU #freerunner #neo #neo1973 #fic #openmoko #firefoxos #Mozilla
Net pas wakker geworden en mijn ontbeitje op.
Een nieuwe dag is begonnen!
#vertraagdeslaapfasesyndrome #slaapstoornissen #slaapstoornis #sleepdisorder #non24hour #n24 #vrijlopendeklok #freerunningclock #freerunner #slaap #sleep #wakker #nightowl #nachtdieren #imagerepost
#imagerepost #nachtdieren #nightowl #wakker #sleep #slaap #freerunner #freerunningclock #vrijlopendeklok #n24 #non24hour #sleepdisorder #slaapstoornis #slaapstoornissen #vertraagdeslaapfasesyndrome #delayedsleepphasesyndrome #DSPS #slaapstoornissucks
Fall (2022)
Visuellement spectaculaire, mais scénaristiquement très ronflant…
✍️ https://www.senscritique.com/film/fall/critique/276655989
#Fall #ScottMann #Escalade #Freerunner #UrbEx #ExplorationUrbaine #UrbanExploration
#fall #scottmann #escalade #freerunner #urbex #explorationurbaine #urbanexploration
“你好兄弟 !” #pinephone #openmoko #freerunner #Linux 🥰
#pinephone #openmoko #freerunner #linux