Fabio :antifa: · @linudz
111 followers · 760 posts · Server mastodon.uno

Against all oppressors, against all invaders.

#freeukraine #freerussia #nowar #fckptn #antifa

Last updated 1 year ago

Defend Democracy · @DefendDemocracy
400 followers · 119 posts · Server eupolicy.social

It was an honour to organise this powerful exchange between Evgenia & Natalia Arno of the Foundation and our community of defenders.

Thanks for co-hosting our & Ambassador Pieter Jan Kleiweg de Zwaan for your welcome.


#Karamurza #freerussia #democracy #nlateu #DemocracyDrinks

Last updated 1 year ago

@uanews Fascinating to see this. It is only a tiny group, maybe 200 soldiers? But when was the last time there was a legitimate rebel force within Russia? The 1920s? 100 years later… they’re talking about returning home “to Belgorod, Moscow, Vladivostok”… even with a clear Propaganda quotient… this is still a Fascinating time. Fascinating.

#russiaukrainewar #freerussia

Last updated 1 year ago

· @ThinkingRaven
438 followers · 554 posts · Server mastodon.uno

legion conquista il primo ponte della regione di


#russiabelgorodwar #UkraineRussiaWar #freerussia #belgorod

Last updated 1 year ago

I one hundred percent agree with @Billbrowder - and with the authors of this letter - and absolutely with @vkaramurza and @navalny nitter.hongkongers.net/benedic

#freerussia #standwithukraine #endvladimirputin

Last updated 2 years ago

Dream media & Awe & Wonder · @omdaru
312 followers · 1896 posts · Server mastodon.social
Mike · @mjc
15 followers · 64 posts · Server zirk.us

Looking forward to a year of anniversaries of the pivotal moments in year one of , mixed in with all the new embarrassments that year two has in store for him.

#putinsfolly #SlavaUkraini #freerussia

Last updated 2 years ago

👏👏👏Een groep van enkele honderden Russen in Nederland heeft vanmiddag geprotesteerd bij de Russische ambassade in Den Haag. Ze droegen spandoeken mee tegen de oorlog in Oekraïne, die sinds gisteren een jaar duurt.

Ze riepen ook op tot vrijlating van de mensen die in Rusland zijn opgepakt omdat ze daar hebben gedemonstreerd tegen de oorlog en het beleid van president Poetin. Een aantal demonstranten hulde zich in de Oekraïense vlag. .NL nos.nl/l/2464577

#freerussia #deminstratie

Last updated 2 years ago

Aho · @aho
21 followers · 612 posts · Server mastodon.social
Aho · @aho
21 followers · 612 posts · Server mastodon.social

Ex-President of seems to predict a civil war in Russia if Russia is beaten in the

Possible sides would be the / / and of course some ethnic minorities fighting for their freedom.


#dmitrymedvedev #russia #UkraineWar #fascist #putinists #wagnergroup #freerussia

Last updated 2 years ago

Aho · @aho
21 followers · 612 posts · Server mastodon.social

In a speech in State FM claimed that had become russofobic due of the without enlightening the obvious reason why Ukrainians dislike Russia is doe of the and that the russians commits in and those russia is sole responsible to the situation.

As said, 'No totalitarian regime has ever been as strong as before its collapse.'

#russian #duma #lavrov #ukraine #west #war #genocide #warcrimes #mariaponomarenko #freerussia

Last updated 2 years ago

heltskelt7 · @heltskelt7
1 followers · 5 posts · Server mastodon.uno
Esperante radio & Awe & Wonder · @omdaru
303 followers · 1683 posts · Server mastodon.social

russian-world-citizens.blogspo : Reasons for the catastrophe of the 20th century and possibilities to overcome it. - New! 06/02/2023- from the into the English- all 3 volumes of “History of . XX Century” - The History of Russia. XX century - Andrey Zubov-Google translated.epub
“In the ... The category of responsibility falls out...This is a tragedy of and …” – Archpriest

#andreyzubov #russian #googletranslated #russia #russiansoul #spiritual #slavery #obsession #georgyflorovsky #freerussia

Last updated 2 years ago

🇬🇧 Declaration of the Russian Action Committee on the vision of the future of Russia
We, the citizens of Russia, who created the Russian Action Committee, believe that by unleashing an aggressive, bloody war in Ukraine, Putin’s regime has made its own collapse inevitable. Therefore, building a democratic movement that can take over in Russia after Putin is one of the most important issues on the current political agenda.
Tens of millions of Russian citizens want to see their country become peaceful, free, and prosperous. We are ready to take on their political representation and offer our vision of Russia’s post-Putin future.
Our main goal is the re-establishment of the Russian state on the principles of the rule of law, federalism, parliamentarism, a clear separation of powers and prioritizing human rights and freedoms over abstract “state interests”.

🇵🇹 Declaração do Comité de Ação da Rússia sobre a visão do futuro da Rússia
Nós, os cidadãos da Rússia, que criámos o Comité de Ação Russa, acreditamos que, ao desencadear uma guerra agressiva e sangrenta na Ucrânia, o regime de Putin tornou inevitável o seu próprio colapso. Portanto, construir um movimento democrático que possa assumir o poder na Rússia depois de Putin é uma das questões mais importantes da agenda política atual.
Dezenas de milhões de cidadãos russos querem ver o seu país tornar-se pacífico, livre e próspero. Estamos prontos para assumir a sua representação política e oferecer a nossa visão do futuro pós-Putin da Rússia.
O nosso principal objetivo é o restabelecimento do estado russo sob os princípios do estado de direito, federalismo, parlamentarismo, numa clara separação de poderes e priorizando os direitos humanos e das liberdades sobre “interesses estatais” abstratos.

🇫🇷 Déclaration du Comité d'action russe sur la vision de l'avenir de la Russie
Nous, citoyens russes, qui avons créé le Comité d'action russe, pensons qu'en déclenchant une guerre agressive et sanglante en Ukraine, le régime de Poutine a rendu son propre effondrement inévitable. Par conséquent, la construction d'un mouvement démocratique capable de prendre le relais en Russie après Poutine est l'une des questions les plus importantes de l'agenda politique actuel.
Des dizaines de millions de citoyens russes veulent voir leur pays devenir pacifique, libre et prospère. Nous sommes prêts à assumer leur représentation politique et à proposer notre vision de l'avenir de la Russie après Poutine.
Notre objectif principal est le rétablissement de l'État russe sur les principes de l'État de droit, du fédéralisme, du parlementarisme, d'une séparation claire des pouvoirs et de la priorité accordée aux droits de l'homme et aux libertés par rapport aux "intérêts abstraits de l'État".

🇪🇦 Declaración del Comité de Acción Ruso sobre la visión del futuro de Rusia
Nosotros, los ciudadanos de Rusia, que creamos el Comité de Acción Ruso, creemos que al desatar una guerra agresiva y sangrienta en Ucrania, el régimen de Putin ha hecho inevitable su propio colapso. Por lo tanto, construir un movimiento democrático que pueda hacerse cargo de Rusia después de Putin es uno de los temas más importantes de la agenda política actual.
Decenas de millones de ciudadanos rusos quieren que su país se vuelva pacífico, libre y próspero. Estamos listos para asumir su representación política y ofrecer nuestra visión del futuro de Rusia después de Putin.
Nuestro objetivo principal es el restablecimiento del estado ruso sobre los principios del estado de derecho, el federalismo, el parlamentarismo, una clara separación de poderes y la priorización de los derechos humanos y las libertades sobre los "intereses estatales" abstractos.



#freerussia #endputinregime #PeaceInUkraine #comitedeaccionruso #comitedactionrusse #comitedeacaodarussia #comitedeaccaodarussia #russianactioncommittee

Last updated 2 years ago

timgrecco · @timgrecco
107 followers · 1813 posts · Server mastodon.online

"Neither then nor later did most Russian liberals understand that the imperial project itself was the source of Russian . […]
Outside the country, hundreds of thousands of ordinary Russians are beginning to understand how closely the empire and the autocracy are linked." | @anneapplebaum


#supportUkraine #freerussia #russianempiremustdie #russianempire #Russia #autocracy

Last updated 2 years ago

Mark Russell · @markrussell
4 followers · 149 posts · Server masto.ai

Putin must be brought to trial for his crimes against humanity. This is for the good of all Russians.

#russiaisaterroriststate #freerussia #stopwar

Last updated 2 years ago

Esperante radio & Vlad Vorobev · @omdaru
169 followers · 1021 posts · Server mastodon.social
RadicalWoman111 · @RadicalWoman111
392 followers · 1827 posts · Server mastodon.world

I hope Putin's next imminent mass mobilization fuels membership and actions of the Freedom of Russia Legion.

#freerussia #russiaisateroriststate

Last updated 2 years ago