@godpod Free Software.
Free Hardware.
Free Licenses.
I'd basically give GNU to God :gnu:
#GNU #GodWantYouFree #Freedom #FreeHardware #FreeSofware #God @GreenSkyOverMe @OrionFed
#god #freesofware #freehardware #freedom #GodWantYouFree #GNU
You can't see it, but my #robot #vacuum is working hard getting his updates up to the latest version of #valetudo 💪💪💪
I have been running valetudo for three years and it's so much better than the original spyware cloud interface! It runs local, has more functions and its #freesofware 😀
#robot #vacuum #valetudo #freesofware
Mas #renders que hice modelando este reloj de arena. Los #renders los hice con #cycles. Lo hice con 400 muestras para poder tener una buena calidad en estos. #blender3art #blender3d #relojarena #renders #ilovefreesoftware #FreeSoftwareSupporter #freeart #freesofware #softwarelibre #3dcgi
#renders #cycles #blender3art #blender3d #relojarena #ilovefreesoftware #freesoftwaresupporter #freeart #freesofware #softwarelibre #3dcgi
Founder of #FreeDOS recounts the story so far, and the future
#freesofware #retrocomp
#freedos #freesofware #retrocomp
In our latest podcast we discuss with Cryptie all the above focusing on the difference between #FreeSofware and propriety one and its results for security.
¿Alguien me puede ayudar a encontrar buenos tutoriales de Natron? Sean en español o inglés.
Le veo mucho potencial al programa, pero la curva de aprendizaje es muy pronunciada.
Si no, por lo menos podrían recomendarme algún programa para Motion Graphics alternativo a After Effects (Synfig ya lo prove y no me sirve como me gustaría en mi pc.
Can anyone help me find good Natron tutorials? Be it in English or Spanish.
I see a lot of potential in the program, but the learning curve is very steep.
If not, could you at least recommend me some Motion Graphics software alternative to After Effects (I already tried Synfig and it doesn't work as well as I would like on my pc).
#softwrelibre #codigoabierto #diseño #motiongraphics #opensorce #freesofware #design
#softwrelibre #codigoabierto #diseno #motiongraphics #opensorce #freesofware #design
prob wont do a #Happy #Hacking #Friday FF this week, there is just to many good hackers true to the hacker culture now on mastodon to put on a follow list hahaha I have to think on a new method :) but everyone REMEMBER! #HackingIsNotACrime #HAckerCulture and #HackerEthics #StevenLevy #FreeSofware :ablobcatrave: :crt_w_green_lines: :crt_w_prompt: 🏴 :blobrainbow: :gnu: :mastodon: 😍 😘 do follow and Thank you @Killab33z_OG for hosting our instance <3
#happy #hacking #friday #hackingisnotacrime #hackerculture #hackerethics #stevenlevy #freesofware
very good article on mastodon that touches a lot of the vibe we love and fight for, make sure you start using more RSS feeds, Gemini, Gopher, Usenet, Fediverse, anything open, old, new and decentralized. Here is the original article: https://www.wired.com/story/how-to-get-started-use-mastodon/ and the part that got me most in a screenshot below: #decentralize #freesofware #libre #hackerCulture
#decentralize #freesofware #libre #hackerculture
#freesofware Hier kommt unsere "neue" Podcastfolge: Ein Interview mit Benedict Benken über freie Messenger als Alternative zu proprietären Diensten.
Wir unterhalten uns darüber, was die Vorteile von freien Messengern sind und wie einfach sie zu installieren und zu benutzen sind. Wir haben Benedict auf den Chemnitzer Linuxtagen kennengelernt, wo er einen Vortrag über dieses Thema gehalten hat.
RT @fsfe
Learn about recommended #FreeSofware Apps and watch our video where Erik Albers demonstrates the Free-Software-App-Repository "F-Droid" with its decentralised and anti-censorship features.
#freesofware #UpcyclingAndroid
@symmetrizer yes I think it helps to understand the ideas and philosophy behind #FreeSofware Movement and why it matters. Using the words without understanding is the worst. Anyone can try out any free(libre) software. But it's not elitist or close-minded to be true to your beliefs
Dans la BD de la semaine, Moustache le panda a des questions en lisant les étiquettes des vêtements, et plus particulièrement concernant le lavage des couleurs… 😅
Comme d’habitude, je dessine avec Krita et je recadre avec Gimp, deux logiciels #opensource 😃
Qu’en pensez-vous ?
#panda #krita #gimp #lavage #couleur #webcomic #etiquette #lutin #bd #freesofware #mastoart
#mastoart #freesofware #bd #lutin #etiquette #webcomic #couleur #lavage #gimp #krita #panda #opensource
Hi all, I’m Paolo Melchiorre, a 🐍 #Python developer who contributes to the 🦄 #Django project and gives talks at tech 🗣️ #Conference .
I’ve been a 🐧#GNULinux user since 2000 and I use and promote 👨💻 #FreeSoftware.
I have a degree in Computer Science and currently I'm a 🏡#Remote worker based in Italy.
I wrote on my personal blog about #code, #talk, #howto, and technical #article (#freesofware, #community, #gnulinux, #python, #django, #postgresql, #uwsgi, #fulltextsearch)
#python #django #conference #gnulinux #freesoftware #remote #code #talk #howto #article #freesofware #community #postgresql #uwsgi #fulltextsearch
Learn how to configure mod_auth_openidc with LemonLDAP::NG : https://github.com/zmartzone/mod_auth_openidc/wiki/LemonLDAP::NG
#SSO #OpenID #WebSSO #lemonldap #lemonldapng #FreeSofware #LogicielLibre
#sso #openid #websso #lemonldap #lemonldapng #freesofware #logiciellibre