Not a new article, but still a fascinating glimpse inside the mind of #FreeSolo climbers
"Those who dance are thought mad by those who cannot hear the music"
Whilst I respect personal choice, I personally cannot hear the music.
h/t @pickardje on Twitter
@allsumnull he is not allowed to #freesolo because he’s a naughty running away dog and he is very tiny
Jeśli kręcą Was górskie klimaty (wędrówki, wspinaczka), to na Disney+ jest bardzo fajny dokument pt. #FreeSolo 😊 Historia o gościu, który wspina się bez asekuracji. Poniżej 1% wspinaczy na świecie decyduje się na takie ryzyko. @Sosnaone
Watching #FreeSolo - 11 minutes to go
I know he makes it - he's still alive today and thriving
But I'm sitting here watching like I'm still not certain, bated breath, goosebumps and all 😬😬 is truly a Master in his craft
⚠️ WARNING ⚠️ Vertigo / fear of heights / no rope climbing ⚠️ WARNING⚠️
#AlexHonnold solos The Phoenix in #Yosemite. 5.13 is the hardest solo in Yosemite climbing history!
#freesolo #rockclimbing / cc @oj
#alexhonnold #yosemite #freesolo #rockclimbing
Je regarde des vidéos d'Alain Robert, un incroyable grimpeur en #freesolo (sans assurage), amoureux des parois du Verdon, ça me met mal tellement c'est précis et dangereux.
Les grimpeur·euses qui pratiquent le freesolo me terrifient.
#7filmstoknowme feels like a nice placeholder for a proper introduction...
#HarryPotter (look they can't all be cool can they?)
I could go on and on and on!
#7filmstoknowme #eternalsunshineofthespotlessmind #insidellewyndavis #her #drinkingbuddies #likecrazy #grizzlyman #freesolo #harrypotter
Watched the National Geographic documentary #FreeSolo today on the #Emirates flight from Dubai to Zurich. Maximum respect to Alex Honnold. I may have broken some bones doing sports, but this guy puts his life on the line. The movie deserves every award it has won thus far - and then some more.
Visto #FreeSolo me reafirmo en que esto es una de las gestas deportivas más grandes de la historia
Tu veux suer des paumes de main?
#NationalGeographic a publié cette vidéo 3D du #freesolo d'El Cap d'Alex #Honnold
#escalade #grimpe
#nationalgeographic #freesolo #honnold #escalade #grimpe