MikeDunnAuthor · @MikeDunnAuthor
1792 followers · 3786 posts · Server kolektiva.social

Today in Labor History August 4, 1792: Poet Percy Bysshe Shelley was born. He promoted freedom of speech, ending aristocratic and clerical privilege, and equal distribution of income and wealth. He was also a vegetarian, advocate for free love and an atheist, who wrote about the link between organized religion and social repression. His poems and political writings were admired by Marx, Gandhi and others. His poem The Mask of Anarchy (1819) was the first modern work to support nonviolent protest. It was recited by students at the Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 and by protesters in Tahrir Square during the Egyptian revolution of 2011. Shelley wrote The Mask of Anarchy following the Peterloo Massacre (8/16/1819), when the British cavalry charged into a crowd of around 60,000 people who had gathered to demand political representation, killing 13. He was married to, Mary Shelley, who wrote Frankenstein.

The Mask of Anarchy:

Rise, like lions after slumber
In unvanquishable number!
Shake your chains to earth like dew
Which in sleep had fallen on you:
Ye are many—they are few!

#workingclass #LaborHistory #anarchism #freespeach #poetry #Poet #marx #freelove #frankenstein #PercyByssheShelley #protest #demonstration #Revolution #nonviolence

Last updated 1 year ago

TopWKone · @TopWKone
0 followers · 16 posts · Server mstdn.party
Bikracer · @Bikracer
212 followers · 4236 posts · Server mastodon.sdf.org

Apparently you can now be arrested for peaceful protest. Read until the last tweet, it will shock you, I think. It did me anyway.
Oh, if you don’t click on the threads you can read this on threadreaderapp.com and never have to see Twitter.

#firstamendment #freespeach #rightwingextremism

Last updated 2 years ago

Jussi Hattara (he/him) · @jhattara
352 followers · 586 posts · Server piipitin.fi

Usually not linking to the bird site, but this is worth it. If you have an account there try liking or retweeting and see what happens. twitter.com/AstroKatie/status/

#elonmusk #censorship #freespeach #twitter #birdsite

Last updated 2 years ago

ჯąօʂƓҽìʂէ · @XaosGeist
54 followers · 821 posts · Server wien.rocks

"... If it's the case, that my freedom to swing my fist ends on your nose, [...] why doesn't my freedom to swing my language ends at your ears? ..."

> Alex 'the Cosmic Sceptic' O'Connor <

#greatquestion #freespeach

Last updated 2 years ago

ZeroTr0ll · @Trollbaby
22 followers · 196 posts · Server ioc.exchange

YouTube reinstating Trump's channel is a horrible idea.
Report his channel here:

Share the link. Tell your friends

And remember is not protected on YouTube or Facebook so stfu about censorship. Asshat wants to spew lies he can start a TrumpTube

#youtube #trump #politics #freespeach

Last updated 2 years ago

Becksy · @Becksy
46 followers · 543 posts · Server mastodonapp.uk

@BBCBreaking time to switch off BBC. Their latest action shows how they are totally controlled by their ERG ultra rightwing masters. Far from independent the BBC won’t allow free speech that criticises or goes against their right wing masters views.

#freespeach #bbc #lineker #politics #ukpol

Last updated 2 years ago

GEOPOL · @geopol
8 followers · 189 posts · Server universeodon.com
0 followers · 943 posts · Server mastodon.social

@ronanmcd Or, to in your heart, that's your prob. But when your hate becomes a violation of inalienable then then that is a , the violation is clear. Black people aren't allowed to say we matter, but white people can say whatever and it's called even when it gets us eradicated. It's insane. The truth has always been known and understood it's simply ignored. Particularly by those in . That's why is .

#free #hate #humanrights #crime #freespeach #power #whitesupremacy #evil

Last updated 2 years ago

Gark · @BrokenCigars
14 followers · 81 posts · Server toot.community

@DamienMarieAtHope Reality , we are all given free reign to be unequal. The haves keep everything that way until someone takes it from them. Once they do the haves’ vested interests claim victim status. “Where did my steady investment based on exploitation go?” Liberty and Justice requires everyone who doesn’t have it, to reach and achieve it.

#GeorgeOrwell #freespeach #cuba #Dickens

Last updated 2 years ago

Daniel 🛡️ · @danielsalcher
55 followers · 483 posts · Server sueden.social

@kojote gesperrt ist aber ein böses Wort für free speach! 😂


Last updated 2 years ago

Ludwig Prager · @lp
59 followers · 68 posts · Server freeradical.zone
Benedikt Haug · @bhaug
173 followers · 497 posts · Server digitalcourage.social

I just read this (a bit older) post of founder and just celebrate his subtle irony in it...


🖕Cellbrite, NSO group and all the rest of the "security industry" helping criminal gouvernments all over the world spying on citizens, activists and dissidents. Another cancer to modern society has grown in those (next to the military industrial complex).

Ah by the way:

#datasecurity #privacy #democracy #freespeach #spyware #digitalcitizen #digitalsecurity #pegasus #NSOGroup #cellbrite #FreeJulianAssangeNOW #moxiemarlinspike #signal

Last updated 2 years ago

Simon Campbell · @simon
362 followers · 1266 posts · Server toot.supertonerecords.com
Ben Cable 📽️🎬🌈 · @bencable
73 followers · 64 posts · Server mindly.social

'Don't Be Afraid' won🏆, the 3rd Sun of the East Award from the Tagore International Film Festival 🎬for the 📢Free Speach category.
Way to go team‼️

#filmfreeway #SupportIndieFilm #bencable #tiff #shortfilm #filmfestival #awardwinning #freespeach

Last updated 2 years ago

Historian Matt · @HistMatt
492 followers · 291 posts · Server port87.social

If you've ever argued with anyone acting like a jerk on the internet, that argument probably devolved into an argument over free speech. But, what is free speech really, and how does it apply to the internet and public discourse in general.

Wisecrack explains.


#freespeach #Wisecrack #politics #internet #twitter #facebook #youtube

Last updated 2 years ago

NicholasBuzzred · @nicholasbuzzred
189 followers · 644 posts · Server masto.ai

Must say - been on Mastodon for a couple of months, and the quality of thought and charity of interpretation one gets here is amazing. It has proven to me how much the format of this kind of site matters, but also how Much the people and their attitudes

At this rate I will manage to revive my faith in the cut and thrust of debate

#mastodon #freespeach #debate

Last updated 2 years ago

steff des montagnes · @Nebelhorn
6 followers · 8 posts · Server social.dev-wiki.de

der zeigt sich zugeknöpfte beim Thema . Ohne Hass und Hetze scheint es nicht mehr zu gehen. Interessant wäre, was eigentlich und wirklich besprochen? @n3ll4 scheint jemanden zu nahe gekommen zu sein. Mach weiter so!

#birdisfreed #freespeach #Wissing #musk #freenella

Last updated 2 years ago

Mauritius Stein · @amoni
113 followers · 846 posts · Server social.cologne

Die Untersuchungen der von veröffentlichten Unterlagen ergaben, dass
Deamplification-Algorithmen weltweit von Twitter eingesetzt werden.

Zusammenarbeit mit FBI. Es werden zudem Daten von Nutzenden weitergegeben.

Es sollten strafrechtliche Untersuchungen eingeleitet werden!


#musk #freespeach #twitter #wahlmanipulation #Demokratie #deamplification

Last updated 2 years ago