Silencing elected leaders because they have a different view.
#tennessee #freespeech #voteblue
#tennessee #freespeech #voteblue
First they came for my neighbor but they were woke so whatever.
#freespeech #politics #popperscat
“Twitter isn’t so much a free speech paradise as the generalissimo’s playpen, and the generalissimo’s values shape everything about the place.”
#musk #freespeech #nazis #antisemitism
"Form des Redezwangs": #X klagt gegen Kalifornien wegen Inhaltemoderations-Gesetz | heise online #Meinungsfreiheit #FreeSpeech #Desinformationen #FakeNews #Desinformation #HateSpeech #Hassrede #SocialMedia #Twitter #ElonMusk
#x #meinungsfreiheit #freespeech #desinformationen #fakenews #desinformation #hatespeech #hassrede #socialmedia #twitter #elonmusk
I'm not surprised #X is trying to limit access to #NYTimes - the paper is notorious for anti-White House rhetoric. But I'm not sure why they would be doing it - it's not like they have anything to hide! #FreePress #FreeSpeech #TruthMatters
#x #nytimes #freepress #freespeech #truthmatters
#FreeSpeech #NFL
Going to unexpected places.
Protecting #FreeSpeech and the Right to Learn in #Florida
#education #school #civilrights #rights
#rights #civilrights #school #education #florida #freespeech
Berufungsgericht bestätigt teils Social-Media-Kontaktverbot für US-Behörden | heise online #FreeSpeech #Meinungsfreiheit #FakeNews #Desinformationen #Desinformation #Zensur #censorship #SocialMedia
#freespeech #meinungsfreiheit #fakenews #desinformationen #desinformation #zensur #censorship #socialmedia
That guy who owns that other website said, he's a "free speech absolutist"? Considering the definition of absolutism, he may not be a hypocrite, as many are saying.
Absolutism (noun):
1-a) A political theory that absolute power should be vested in one or more rulers
1-b) Government by an absolute ruler or authority: DESPOTISM.
2) Advocacy of a rule by absolute standards or principles.
3) An absolute standard or principle.
It would seem his self characterization as a "free-speech absolutist", may be spot on. He certainly seems to be in favor of absolute power to dismantle free-speech and the First Amendment rights.
#FreeSpeech #FirstAmendment #authoritarianism #IdRatherNotSayHisName #oligarch #Asshole (Yes, with a capital "A")
#freespeech #firstamendment #authoritarianism #idrathernotsayhisname #oligarch #asshole
British local councilor arrested for defending #FreeSpeech #freedom #speechpolice
#freespeech #freedom #speechpolice
Peaceful protesters should never be criminalised or imprisoned.
"Rise of draconian anti-protest laws in Australia is highlighted by UN Special Rapporteur"
"A UN Special Rapporteur has raised concerns about increasingly draconian laws that restrict citizens’ rights to peaceful protest around Australia."
“Over the past 18 months, maximum fines for certain types of peaceful protest in some states increased 10-fold and prison terms trebled."
Australia: Deep divide between Government and community narratives on toxics fuels anger and distrust, says UN expert, Media release, UN- Special Rapporteur, 8-9-23.
“Draconian restrictions on the right to peaceful protest in several states aggravate the distance between State and society."
#state vs #society
#protests #criminalisation #rights #freeSpeech #activism #democracy #HumanRights #UN #EDO #Australia #AntiProtestLaws #authoritarianism #incarceration #environment #conservation #NSWlogging #biodiversity #climate
#criminalisation #incarceration #state #society #protests #rights #freespeech #activism #democracy #humanrights #un #edo #australia #antiprotestlaws #authoritarianism #environment #conservation #nswlogging #biodiversity #climate
Judges overseeing trials have a duty to remain impartial. The executive and legislative branches have no such duty. In fact to the contrary they have a right to express opinions. (Walker v. Tex. Div., Sons of Confederate Veterans)
For example, Sen. Elizabeth Warren can publish a letter to Amazon demanding they remove books containing misleading or false information about the Covid pandemic. (Kennedy vs. Warren 9th cir) The government and it agencies are also free to publicly or privately identify and request removal of information it finds objectionable.
What the government is likely to have done, and cannot do is to actually force the removal of content. Amazon, the court found, could have kept those books on sale and not suffered any official consequences. In this case, the court finds it likely that the requests could not have been refused.
Whether, the government should have taken certain anti-trust or Section 230 reforms* is open for debate. But when government agencies tied decisions on such actions directly to companies compliance with the government’s preferred content moderation regime it crosses a line.
We have a tendency to get sucked in to eschewing #FreeSpeech protections when we agree that the speech is objectionable, and the platform where the speech is hosted is also monopolistic, but we cannot always be assured that our speech will be well liked. If we want to protect minority voices then we cannot allow the government to pick and choose which speech may have a platform.
I don't doubt; I'm kinda overwhelmed with the entire internet culture for today, not only that kind of ideological politics war, but how we "must" response.
I mean, I'm a type a person, you can say in this instance, that "free speech guy" kind, not that kind with "no consequences", it's more like "we cannot stop something that we're not in control, why bother, just leave it" kind.
Free thought must stay to be free, I agree with that. But we all know that today's society is just lets someone else, the majorities, popularity, etc., can become an authoritative beings, the one who can control the narration. Sure, there's a moderation in some communities, but in the end, even if we can ignore that, some people can simply talking them in the back, like using screenshots and bring them into their circle. No one can stop them for doing that.
If I respond negatively, don't you think this is considered as a bad faith? If I'm doing it in a good faith, don't you think that they'll also think that I'm doing the good faith? We all know that ideological politics and philosophies is all about "my ideas are right, you're wrong in *my* perspective", that's it, end of arguments, kinda shitty but hey, having circle or grasping their logic or theories is kinda privilege (and takes time of course) in some way. Now, who's the one doing good or bad faith? But, no matter which side it is, this is just something that's only in your mind.
I never blocked someone else, but there's kind of person, maybe, to be annoying as possible for trying me to block them as a trophy for being the "right" one, or maybe not, I don't know, does it matter though. I felt annoyed not because of their argument, but they used the other people, their popularity, to changing the entire notion with their perspective, in this kind of manner, an authoritative being. I'm not blocking them, never, but it always come back into the conclusion, am I wrong because I felt annoyed in the first place? am I wrong because I wrote this kind of post?
We challanged the arguments, sure. Changing the entire notion is OK as long as it's yours, but using the masses for doing that?
But, what did you expect to the other for an exact manner? I'm not a moralist who want to control the human behaviour or mind.
In the end, a free thought must stay to be free if you want to be more consistency to be free itself. And, of course, there's more a world outside the books that is matter.
* This is my takes about #FreeSpeech and #Twitter today, sort of. With this kind of manners, I kinda disagree with some leftist who are using internet reactionaries as a punch bag for their ideology but there's another story for that.
The decision was likely to be seen as victory for #conservatives who’ve long argued that #SocialMedia platforms’ #content #moderation efforts restrict their #FreeSpeech rights. But some advocates also said the ruling was an improvement over a temporary #injunction US Dist Judge Terry #Doughty issued July 4.
David Greene, an atty w/the ElectronicFrontier Foundation, said the new injunction was “a thousand times better” than what Doughty, an appointee of #Trump, had ordered originally.
#conservatives #socialmedia #content #moderation #freespeech #injunction #doughty #trump
British local councilor arrested for defending #FreeSpeech
#freespeech #freedom #speechpolice
»#XTwitter has filed a #lawsuit alleging that a new #California law requiring social networks to declare certain #moderationpractices is a violation of the company’s Constitutional right to #freespeech.« #tech #media
#xtwitter #lawsuit #California #moderationpractices #freespeech #tech #media
EFFDeeplinks: EFF Urges Appeals Court to Re-hear Case over Trump’s X Account #Transparency #FreeSpeech