What fresh hell is this? #Eurostar sends click-bait now? Half of me wants to know (it might the #freestuff) the other half can't be arsed, especially given I need to 'enroll my device'.
There's a pile of rattan tusks free for the taking on the SW corner of Grand and Christie at this time.
One of my (bad) rules for life is "if other people are getting free stuff, I get free stuff too!" (Thus, I own a lot of promo cards for games I'm never going to buy.) At least the useless #freestuff I've started collecting from #DnDBeyond isn't taking up any closet space. https://www.dndbeyond.com/claim/source/giants-of-the-star-forge
Korg #Electribe (Vintage from 2000's) Ressources Page. English et Français.Manuals,sounds,techspecs, editors,..
#NoPub #NoAds #FreeStuff #Manuals
#electribe #nopub #noads #freestuff #manuals
Free music stuff!
DOWNLOAD/SUPPORT HERE (Gumroad): https://shorturl.at/knx89
#FreeStuff #MusicTemplates #Templates #Finale #PDF #Word #googledocs
#freestuff #musictemplates #templates #finale #pdf #word #googledocs
Free stuff: I've decided to offer some templates for public download.
After hundreds (thousands?) of transcriptions over the years, I have some go-to forms I use for music staves, Finale, and lyrics.
more later, but for now here's the link below. They are free, but if you are kind enough to support my efforts, please consider a recommended payment of $5. You will get all four templates.
LINK: https://shammond.gumroad.com/l/mxvhh
Two (2) templates for lyrics only. A Microsoft Word template, and a parallel template that works in Google Docs.
One (1) Finale template for basic scoring. I start here with this setup if I just need counting/chords, then adjust accordingly for specific notes/lines.
One (1) PDF for blank staves. I never liked the formatting that you see in store-purchased options. So I made my own with spacing I like.
#music #musicstaves #freestuff #freedownload #templates
Anyone want 2 free tickets to Hadestown Saturday night in Toronto. Had a trip planned but have to cancel last minute for health stuff. Seems a shame to waste them 😞 #toronto #hadestown #freestuff
#toronto #hadestown #freestuff
Juhannuslounas Tukholman aseman loungessa: Voileipäkeksejä, hapankorppuja (!), piparjuurituorejuustoa, brietä, mehua. #FreeStuff #Interrail .
This concludes my three-month Spring-Summer 2023 Interrail trip: A frugal lunch in the SJ lounge at Stockholm C.
The #FreeStuff in 1st class on the day IC Hamburg–København: Water, chocolate-liquorice candy, sandwich. Apparently no coffee or tea, as there is no place to put the hot water pots etc in this leased DB coach? Ping @siegeavecvue and @mkivinen .
@mkivinen @siegeavecvue By the way, do you plan to check out ÖBB’s lounges for #FreeStuff on this trip, too? If you go to Prague, Vienna is not that far away.
"Das Opfer von Araliendamm" ist ein Science-Fantasy-Abenteuer für das #CypherSystem.
Anstatt es zu rezensieren habe ich es... geschrieben! 🎉
Den kostenlosen Download gibt es natürlich hier:
Downloads anzubieten auf meinem Blog ist ein neues Experiment. Ich hoffe, ich muss das nicht abschalten irgenwann. 🤞
Also schlag am besten schnell zu. 😉
#cyphersystem #pnpde #numenera #rollenspiel #freestuff
@jon Hm. If there is the chance of #FreeStuff it would be rude not to go, really.
#ClarenceThomas: "In very simple terms, if you are a public servant you can't take #FreeStuff, it is as simple as that. If you want free stuff don't be a public servant. But guess what? When you are not a #PublicServant, people don't want give you free stuff" - @BarbMcQuade w/ @NicolleDWallace #SCOTUs #corruption #FinancialDisclosure #EthicsRules #Judiciary #LegalResearch #FinancialSystem
#clarencethomas #freestuff #publicservant #SCOTUS #Corruption #financialdisclosure #ethicsrules #judiciary #legalresearch #financialsystem
@XauriEL and local community groups you can donate stuff to? Local school for school fair? A #FreeStuff group on Facebook?
I have similar piles but in my case they're not yet sorted. Also discarding books is hard #TooManyBooks
#Rotterdam #NS LOUNGE I AM IN YOU #interrail #FreeStuff
#rotterdam #ns #interrail #freestuff
#Rotterdam #NS LOUNGE I AM IN YOU #interrail #FreeStuff
#rotterdam #ns #interrail #freestuff
Oh joy. The 11:28 Intercity to #Antwerp has just been cancelled. Am regretting breakfast decision. Now on a train to #Rotterdam. They had better have #FreeStuff #interrail
#antwerp #rotterdam #freestuff #interrail
The #DB #ice International has lovely comfy seats in the @diningcar. I celebrated my final journey on a train with a proper plates with an extravagant proper glass of wine. I wanted sparkling, but they didn't have any so the nice lady gave me a bottle of white and a bottle of sparkling water as a compromise. Can recommend vegan chili sin carne. Also got #FreeStuff (think she fancied the puppet) #interrail
#DB #ice #freestuff #interrail