Galgos are Spanish hunting dogs who are horrifically abused & killed. Please visit website to help raise awareness. #dogs #diadelgalgo #worldgalgoday #stopgalgueros #galgo #galgorescue #maltratogalgos
DÍA DEL GALGO | WORLD GALGO DAY | FEBRUARY 1 @dogsofmastodon #mastodogs #freethegalgo #freethesighthounds #stopanimalcruelty #stopanimalabuse #galgoespañol #spanishgreyhound
#dogs #diadelgalgo #worldgalgoday #StopGalgueros #galgo #galgorescue #maltratogalgos #mastodogs #freethegalgo #freethesighthounds #stopanimalcruelty #stopanimalabuse #galgoespanol #spanishgreyhound
Galgos are Spanish hunting dogs who are horrifically abused & killed. Please visit website to help raise awareness. #dogs #diadelgalgo #worldgalgoday #stopgalgueros #galgo #galgorescue #maltratogalgos
DÍA DEL GALGO | WORLD GALGO DAY | FEBRUARY 1 @dogsofmastodon #mastodogs #freethegalgo #freethesighthounds #stopanimalcruelty #stopanimalabuse #galgoespañol #spanishgreyhound
#dogs #diadelgalgo #worldgalgoday #StopGalgueros #galgo #galgorescue #maltratogalgos #mastodogs #freethegalgo #freethesighthounds #stopanimalcruelty #stopanimalabuse #galgoespanol #spanishgreyhound