There’s something contradictory in the movement to #FreeTibet : the whole idea is to get rid of the oppressive Chinese government but then the plan is apparently to restore the feudal theocracy that existed there before the communist takeover.
#US slaps #China visa curbs for 'forced assimilation' in #Tibet
#ChinaAggression #ChinaCrimes #FreeTibet #Tibet #Censorship #TibetIndependence #BoycottChinaproducts #ChinaWarCrimes @chinascio
#ChinaWarCrimes #BoycottChinaproducts #TibetIndependence #censorship #freetibet #ChinaCrimes #ChinaAggression #tibet #china #us
We will not let Lhundrub Drakpa's story or his music go silent. In the run-up to 30 August, the #DayOfTheDisappeared, we reaffirm our commitment to seeing Lhundrub Drakpa released and stand in solidarity with him and Tibet's other #PoliticalPrisoners .
Please contact the local authorities in central Tibet, demanding that he be released.
- Free Tibet
#FreeTibet #FreeLhundrubDrakpa
#politicalprisoners #DayoftheDisappeared #freelhundrubdrakpa #freetibet
There is nevertheless evidence that sales continue.
#China is relying on international support for its mass DNA plunder. This support must be cut off, fully and immediately.
We need to push #ThermoFisherScientific and its CEO Marc Casper to do the right thing and halt the supply chain to #police in #Tibet.
Sign the petition, urging Marc Casper to end Thermo Fisher Scientific’s involvement.
#freetibet #tibet #police #thermofisherscientific #China
Tomorrow evening, Sunday July 9, Joanna Connor plays live at The Lizzie Rose Music Room, 217 East Main St., Tuckerton, NJ, with Bees Deluxe opening. Showtime 7:30pm. There will be blues. Tickets:
@LizzieRoom #JoannaConnor #joannaconnorguitar #beesdeluxe #blues #acidblues #boston #Beecaster #tomandersonguitars #ukraine #freetibet #indivisible #stratocaster #dunlop #ontheroad #chicagoblues #lizzierosemusicroom
#joannaconnor #joannaconnorguitar #beesdeluxe #blues #acidblues #boston #beecaster #tomandersonguitars #ukraine #freetibet #indivisible #stratocaster #dunlop #ontheroad #chicagoblues #lizzierosemusicroom
On our way to play live at Gracie's Bar in Salisbury, Massachusetts Friday July 7. Get acid blues rhythm at 8:00 pm tonight.
#graciesbar #JoannaConnor #beesdeluxe #blues #acidblues #boston #Beecaster #tomandersonguitars #ukraine #freetibet #indivisible #LizzieRoom #guitars slideguitar #bluesradio #bluesrock #bluesguitar #guitarist #fender #strat #stratocaster #dunlop #ontheroad #chicagoblues #okayama
#graciesbar #joannaconnor #beesdeluxe #blues #acidblues #boston #beecaster #tomandersonguitars #ukraine #freetibet #indivisible #lizzieroom #guitars #bluesradio #bluesrock #bluesguitar #guitarist #fender #strat #stratocaster #dunlop #ontheroad #chicagoblues #okayama
Joanna Connor plays live at The Lizzie Rose Music Room this Sunday July 9th w. Bees Deluxe opening. Tx:
@LizzieRoom #JoannaConnor #beesdeluxe #blues #acidblues #boston #Beecaster #tomandersonguitars #ukraine #freetibet #indivisible #LizzieRoom #guitars slideguitar #blues #southernrock #radio #bluesrock #bluesguitar #guitarist #fender #strat #stratocaster #dunlop #ontheroad #chicagoblues
#joannaconnor #beesdeluxe #blues #acidblues #boston #beecaster #tomandersonguitars #ukraine #freetibet #indivisible #lizzieroom #guitars #southernrock #radio #bluesrock #bluesguitar #guitarist #fender #strat #stratocaster #dunlop #ontheroad #chicagoblues
Save Civilization! Join the demo at Gracie's, Salisbury, MA this Friday evening July 7th.
#beesdeluxe #blues #acidblues #boston #Beecaster #tomandersonguitars #ukraine #freetibet #indivisible #GraciesBarSalisbury
#beesdeluxe #blues #acidblues #boston #beecaster #tomandersonguitars #ukraine #freetibet #indivisible #graciesbarsalisbury
#China crackdown pushes #LGBT groups into the shadows
#ChinaCrimes #FreeTibet #Tibet #Censorship #TibetIndependence #BoycottChinaproducts #ChinaWarCrimes @chinascio
#ChinaWarCrimes #BoycottChinaproducts #TibetIndependence #censorship #tibet #freetibet #ChinaCrimes #lgbt #china
@kumarvibe I need to go back to my ancestral lands! Although I might be detained by China because I protested against them #freeTibet ✊
@TenzinTsundue RT by @jooeysiiu: #TiananmenSquareMassacre commemorated in #Dharamshala today as @SFT_India organizes the protest event. #freeChina #freetibet #democracy @BAFoTTibet @wangdan1989 @hrichina @friendsoftibet @jooeysiiu @MOFA_Taiwan @Reuters @orfonline @jooeysiiu @Focus_Taiwan @TWIndia2 @wuerkaixi
#tiananmensquaremassacre #dharamshala #freechina #freetibet #democracy
Wonderful that my brilliant publisher @DMCBaxendale of @opibooks is back with the #Tibetan community in Toronto, to sell signed copies of my book, #TheChinaNexus I was privileged to be there last weekend 👇 #FreeTibet
#tibetan #thechinanexus #freetibet
The smiles of solidarity in the #FightForFreedom and the pursuit of truth. This picture captures the spirit of my time today with #Tibetans in Toronto and the heart of #TheChinaNexus. #FreeTibet
#fightforfreedom #tibetans #thechinanexus #freetibet
#China braces for new #Covid wave with up to 65 million weekly cases
#ChinaCrimes #FreeTibet #Tibet #Censorship #TibetIndependence #BoycottChinaproducts #ChinaWarCrimes @chinascio
#ChinaWarCrimes #BoycottChinaproducts #TibetIndependence #censorship #tibet #freetibet #ChinaCrimes #covid #china
YES YES YES He's right So: why not speak out to #FreeJimmyLai, why not work to stop #UyghurGenocide, why not speak out for #FreeTibet, why not shut down #ConfuciusInstitutes, why not be clear about support for #Taiwan?
#freejimmylai #uyghurgenocide #freetibet #confuciusinstitutes #taiwan
On Saturday 27 May at 10.30am I'll be in Toronto, 🇨🇦, with #Tibetan community to speak about my book, #TheChinaNexus, my visit to Dharamsala & my meeting with His Holiness the #DalaiLama & solidarity with #Tibet Join us - #FreeTibet & buy The China Nexus
#tibetan #thechinanexus #dalailama #tibet #freetibet
Outrageous that the Butcher of #HongKong #HanZheng & #China's #CCP have this propaganda coup It's an insult to millions suffering persecution I urge @RishiSunak @OliverDowden @JamesCleverly to speak out now to #FreeJimmyLai, stop #UyghurGenocide, #FreeTibet and defend #Taiwan
#hongkong #hanzheng #china #ccp #freejimmylai #uyghurgenocide #freetibet #taiwan
RT Bhasundara
Tibet belongs to tibetans, not chinese!