Here is a link to #XVcumpilation number 4
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Finally signed up to back #TimeTeam on #Patreon. They're still making #new #episodes, with more due online this year. They're #free to view for all on #YouTube, but as a backer I also get extra online content, including more #videos. #Archaeology #FreeToView #Excavations #Digging #History #Crowdfunding
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Pilot study by colleagues in #BirdStudy suggests urban sites might be a sink habitat for wider countryside Blue Tit and Great Tit populations. Using #ColourRinging and resighting to look at movements between urban and rural sites. #BTOScience #UrbanEcology #FreeToView
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RT @TheSocReview
Top drawer: 80% of French and German senior executives are recruited from the social elite, Michael Hartmann @TUDarmstadt reveals in Class-Specific Habitus & the Social Reproduction of the Business Elite in Germany and France.