Trade has huge benefits for a country. But there are two approaches:
Neoliberalism: moving jobs so billionaires can pit poor people there against workers here and break unions and force wages down. Thereby destroying entire regions of the country for profit.
Democracy: We the People require the benefits of trade to be SHARED on both sides of trade borders so everyone benefits.
#trade #freetrade #neolineralism #democracy
India and UK Continue Negotiations on Free Trade Agreement
#IndiaUK #IndiaNews #UKNews #TradeNews #FreeTrade #FTA
#indiauk #indianews #uknews #tradenews #freetrade #fta
EU-Latin America summit gets off to rocky start
#EU #CELAC #Mercosur #EuropeanUnion #EU-CELACsummit #LatinAmerica #Caribbean #UrsulavonderLeyen #LuladaSilva #freetrade
#freetrade #luladasilva #ursulavonderleyen #caribbean #latinamerica #europeanunion #mercosur #celac #eu
EU-Mercosur trade deal: A tale of two cattle breeders
#traderegulations #meat #cattle #mercosur #eu #freetrade
At the risk of sounding like a libertarian, WHO COULD HAVE PREDICTED?
Whatever you think of #China and #FreeTrade, the notion that the west can somehow "keep China in its place" without harming itself at least as much is racist and wrong. China has plenty of natural resources, and it is the source of a significant fraction of a number of critical minerals. Good luck building up domestic capacity to make stuff that's currently made in China if you can't get the raw materials. Sure, we'll *eventually* be able to build up production capacity, but it'll take a while, and it'll be a lot more expensive. And it's not like the economies of the west are in a position to absorb this sort of thing.
#china #freetrade #economics #trade
> Investor State Dispute Services (ISDS) terms of the not-at-all Free Trade Agreement our gov't has signed us up to...this will help you understand how bad it is
When the NatLabs talk about defending the "rules-based international order", this is what they're talking about. China is not exceptional in its economic colonisation of smaller/ weaker countries through "aid". Corporate media is just more honest about it when they do it.
#colonisation #freetrade #isds
French MPs call to reopen EU-Mercosur trade deal negotiations #Brazil #EUfreetradeagreement #EUMercosur #freetrade #HélèneLaporte
#brazil #eufreetradeagreement #EUMercosur #freetrade #helenelaporte
French MPs call to reopen EU-Mercosur trade deal negotiations #Brazil #EUfreetradeagreement #EUMercosur #freetrade #HélèneLaporte
#brazil #eufreetradeagreement #EUMercosur #freetrade #helenelaporte
You will have noticed that #RishiSunak has beeb unable to deliver a comprehensive #freetrade deal with the USA, instead having to settle for #POTUSBiden's list or priority areas for trade enhancement.
Its only a 'special relationship' where the interests served are reciprocal - if one side sets the agenda & the other smiles while agreeing, then this may be friendly but the UK remains a client state to its master.... yup, we're still the State's poodle (whatever Rishi says through a false smile)
#RishiSunak #freetrade #potusbiden
@jrm4 it is true that we haven't had a president who wasn't a war criminal in my long lifetime.
It is also true that both Bernie Sanders & Jesse Jackson participated in protests AGAINST those crimes
Neoliberal is a technical term referring to the Chicago school of economics under Milton Friedman, responsible for a huge portion of the pain 99% of the world endures at the hands of #FreeTrade #Capitalism. Neoliberalism is racist af & (again) both Bernie & Jesse protested those policies.
Oh I see #capitalism is trending right now, hell yeah let's goooo
#capitalism #anarchy #freedom #liberty #freetrade #ancap
Unlock the power of free markets! Watch my latest video now and discover how they can drive innovation, create jobs, and lead to greater prosperity for society. Get me some views, this is my first Youtube video! #capitalism #economics #freetrade
#capitalism #economics #freetrade “the introduction of the new requirement for passports for EU citizens to access the UK … is proving to be a deterrent to travel, particularly for school groups, due to the additional costs and bureaucracy” #brexit #freetrade
"Mexico has found unexpected allies as it tries to limit imports of genetically modified (GM) corn: some U.S. farmers who grow the crops."
This is what we need to be pushing for. I'm definitely a proponent of expanding trade, BUT we have to do it in a way that ensures the security and dignity of people in the developing world and that ensure the security of our planet.
This is not the 1990's, and we should be approaching trade deals in the same manner. This goes for every country around the globe
#FreeTrade #ClimateChange #ForeignPolicy #GlobalPolitics
#freetrade #climatechange #foreignpolicy #globalpolitics
Join me and invest with #Freetrade. Get started with a free share worth £10 to £100. The probability is weighted, so more expensive shares will be rarer. T&Cs apply. Capital at risk.
UK claims post-Brexit win by sealing trans-Pacific trade pact membership #AsiaPacific #Australia #Canada #CPTPP #freetrade
#asiapacific #australia #canada #cptpp #freetrade
UK claims post-Brexit win by sealing trans-Pacific trade pact membership #AsiaPacific #Australia #Canada #CPTPP #freetrade
#AsiaPacific #australia #canada #CPTPP #freetrade
UK claims post-Brexit win by sealing trans-Pacific trade pact membership #AsiaPacific #Australia #Canada #CPTPP #freetrade
#AsiaPacific #australia #canada #CPTPP #freetrade
Manchin vows to sue Biden administration over EV tax credits - Enlarge / US Senator Joe Manchin (D-W.V.) is a millionaire thanks to co... - #cleanvehicletaxcredit #electricvehicles #federaltaxcredit #lithiummining #evtaxcredit #joemanchin #lithiumion #freetrade #policy #cars #evs
#evs #cars #policy #freetrade #lithiumion #joemanchin #evtaxcredit #lithiummining #federaltaxcredit #electricvehicles #cleanvehicletaxcredit