#UNC to offer #freetuition to #students from families making less than $80,000 a year
North Dakota university leaders fear 'catastrophic implications' of Minnesota's new free tuition plan
#NorthDakota #Minnesota #FreeTuition #HigherEducation #UniversityLeaders #CatastrophicImplications #Politics #News
#northdakota #minnesota #freetuition #highereducation #universityleaders #catastrophicimplications #politics #news
Good News! The Liberal Finance Minister has promised #freetuition It just can't be done overnight.
The bad news? They promised it in 1965.
@Bentley The demand for #freetuition is not just a demand for young people, it's a #JustTransition demand. Workers also need real income supports not only while retraining, but also while trying to find a job afterwards...and also relocation supports. We need real EI reform after the slashing and burning of the 1990's. We also need to change the pension system to make it much more generous for older workers.
Talk about that stuff, and workers won't get sucked in to culture war B.S.
Ontario expands free tuition program to paramedic and lab tech students, Ford says | Globalnews https://bit.ly/3j3UwGW #ontedu #Paramedics #FreeTuition #LabTechs #Healthcare #Students #CommunityCollege #OntarioColleges #onpoli @onpoli @ontariogreens
#ontedu #paramedics #freetuition #LabTechs #healthcare #students #communitycollege #ontariocolleges #onpoli