Dictators die, and Putin is not young. #FreeUkraine #StopRussia #EndWar 🕊️ https://www.ukrinform.net/rubric-polytics/3738933-blinken-its-vitally-important-to-convince-putin-that-he-will-not-outlast-ukraine.html
#freeukraine #stoprussia #endwar
there’s something severely sick in any person that is more upset at the tragic loss of life on the bridge from Russia to Ukraine, than they ever were about the over 9K Ukrainian civilians murdered and raped by Russians. Get a grip. #RussiaInvadedUkraine #StopRussia #FreeUkraine 🕊️
#russiainvadedukraine #stoprussia #freeukraine
Regarding Russians: Maybe don’t take your vacation in a war zone your country is terrorizing and thus created as such. #RussiaIsATerroristState #FreeUkraine #EndWar 🌻
#russiaisaterroriststate #freeukraine #endwar
It is a hybrid war, folks, and some of us have lost our evangelical relatives to the influence campaigns associated with it. #StopRussia #FreeUkraine #NoMoreLies
#stoprussia #freeukraine #nomorelies
To call the wartime attack on that bridge “terrorism”, when Russians wouldn’t let Syrians or Ukrainians sleep in their beds at night in safety, is truly repugnant. Remind me again who invaded who.
May Russia be destroyed for this abuse. #StopRussia #FreeUkraine #NoWar 🕊️
#stoprussia #freeukraine #nowar
Expecting Russia to follow rules is naive. And endless debates just waste time. 🤷♀️
#HybridWar #StopAbuse #FreeUkraine
#hybridwar #stopabuse #freeukraine
A.Bär oder Bock ?
Fehler, Fehler, Fehler...
Oh je, oh je... wann hört sie endlich auf ?
: ! We are fighting against russia !!!
*Was geht ab ???*
more : http://T.me/tiny_de + Bit.ly/GETR1 + Facebook.com/Internetneedsyoudeutsch + Bit.ly/tinymasto ~ by HKH www.LosRein.de
PEACE ! NO WAR #saveeurope #nowar #tInyD #jfk #freeukraine #klimago #bitchute #gettr
#saveeurope #nowar #tinyd #jfk #freeukraine #klimago #bitchute #gettr
Where we are in history. #July4th #StopRussia #FreeUkraine 🕊️
#july4th #stoprussia #freeukraine
“By writing in Ukrainian, Amelina was already somewhat of thorn in Moscow’s side. Last October Amelina organized a literary festival that she had founded in the small Donbas town of Нью-Йорк (New York).
Not long after the festival was over, Russians bombed the building in which it had been hosted.
When Amelina began her mission as a researcher of Russian war crimes, she became more than just a thorn in Moscow’s side.“https://www.kyivpost.com/post/19002
#FreedomOfThePress #FreeUkraine #HybridWar
#freedomofthepress #freeukraine #hybridwar
Slava Ukraini #memories #murcia #SlavaUkraini #ukranie #freeukraine #ucrania #noalaguerra #nowar #stopwar #nowarinukraine #año2022 #year2022
#memories #murcia #SlavaUkraini #Ukranie #freeukraine #ucrania #noalaguerra #nowar #stopwar #nowarinukraine #ano2022 #year2022
Cal it what it is: #Genocide #Russia #FreeUkraine
#genocide #russia #freeukraine
Never underestimate the chef.
Time to ditch #VladimirPutin, #FreeRussia, #FreeUkraine, #StopPutin's war in #Ukraine https://www.telegraph.co.uk/world-news/2023/06/24/putin-betrayal-russia-coup-armed-mutiny-wagner-prigozhin/ https://nitter.hongkongers.net/benedictrogers/status/1672530310490357766#m
#vladimirputin #freerussia #freeukraine #stopputin #ukraine
#Anonymous is an idea, nothing more
We ask you to support
#OpRussia #Ukraine #FreeUkraine #StandWithUkraine #SlavaUkraini
🔗 🐦 https://twitter.com/AnonymousVideo/status/1670707281141415946
#SlavaUkraini #StandWithUkraine #freeukraine #Ukraine #OpRussia #Anonymous
#Anonymous is an idea, nothing more
We ask you to support
#OpRussia #Ukraine #FreeUkraine #StandWithUkraine #SlavaUkraini
🔗 🐦 https://twitter.com/AnonymousVideo/status/1670707281141415946
#SlavaUkraini #StandWithUkraine #freeukraine #Ukraine #OpRussia #Anonymous
"Russisches Davos" legt Putins kaputte Wirtschaft offen
Das hat er jetzt davon, das er den Nachbarn 🇺🇦 unbedingt überfallen musste. Statt sein Land groß zu machen fällt es im Internationalen Vergleich immer stärker zurück.
#RussiaIsATerroristState #UkraineKrieg #FreeUkraine
#russiaisaterroriststate #Ukrainekrieg #freeukraine