FROM Marie McNair #DAT - #Mississippi #MississippiTornadoes
#MonroeCounty #Amory #AmoryWalmart #Walmart #FreeWater #TornadoRecovery
Attention Monroe County Community: If you were affected by the tornado and need water we are giving water out at Walmart in Amory MS. Thank you to Amory Junior Auxillary for assisting in distribution. Water will be available until 7pm or until all is distributed.
#dat #mississippi #mississippitornadoes #monroecounty #amory #amorywalmart #walmart #freewater #tornadorecovery
‘Free Water’ Was Never Free, Writes a Historian of the American West
#Environment #USA #AmericanWest #Water #FreeWater #WaterCrisis #Agriculture #AgricultureWater #FreshWater
#environment #usa #americanwest #water #freewater #Watercrisis #agriculture #agriculturewater #Freshwater
Eben bei #galileo eine recht coole Sache gesehen: #FreeWater.
Die Idee: Wie bei Smartphone-Apps wird Wasser mit Werbung angeboten. Für den Endkunden kostenlos, bezahlt durch den Werbetreibenden.
Thanks for your takes, I agree!
This also makes me think again that I - a person that has access to plenty of drinking water an inhabits a place, where people walk by - should find a way to provide free water to thirsty people walking by....
#resources #sharing #freewater #water