@janriemer I think most people don’t like, or want to think for themselves. They’d rather outsource this to the masses.
Seneca used to say
“Do you ask me what you should regard as especially to be avoided? I say, crowds; for as yet you cannot trust yourself to them with safety.”
And I agree with him. Developing self, and critical thinking, is the one things you can do to improve your life and well being.
#criticalthinking #freewill #stoicism
Why do some people get so easily influenced by what "popular" people on the internet are saying!?
It seems those people don't have a will on their own. Even if that "popular" person has experience in some topic, don't let that drown out your own inner voice about that topic! You are on to something! Trust your #intuition!
#intuition #society #psychology #freewill
Not even a two-way time machine could resolve the question of the existence of #freewill because the act of seeing what you would have chosen to do on one timeline then becomes yet another outside influence in what you eventually, in fact, choose to do on your own timeline.
When the cutsie #Saturday #Morning "#Cartoon" suddenly gets #philosophical and #creepy
#saturday #morning #cartoon #philosophical #creepy #ai #freewill #stuffalcea #alceaanimu #vrains
A new study explores human voluntary attention, including the decision to switch attention and the actual switching process. The findings highlight the role of free will in shaping perception of reality and its potential disruption in neurological disorders. #voluntaryattention #freewill #neuroscience https://neurosciencenews.com/free-will-visual-attention-23820/?utm_source=flipboard&utm_content=HariTulsidas%2Fmagazine%2FMind+and+Matter
#voluntaryattention #freewill #neuroscience
Look, if functioning as a person requires your brain to believe it's got #freeWill then whether the universe is #deterministic or not is academic.
I don't think you can properly function as an automaton. Free will is baked in at a very basic level. You can *believe* you have no free will, but you cannot *behave* that way.
Thanks to my #Reformed upbringing for making me think about this shit before the simulation theory jackasses started popping up everywhere.
#reformed #deterministic #freewill
EuJAPin 2023 toisesta numerosta alkaa tihkua paperia vapaasti lukeille. Esimerkkinä Fabio Tollonin pohdintaa vapaasta tahdosta episteemisesti viattomana (virheellisenä) uskomuksena,
Samaa teemaa historiallisesta Schopenhauerin vinkkelistä hapuiltiin Kalle Haatasen 9.8. radio-ohjelmassa kääntäjän sanakääntein, https://areena.yle.fi/podcastit/1-65913210
Schopenhauerista, https://plato.stanford.edu/entries/schopenhauer/,
vapaasta tahdosta, https://plato.stanford.edu/entries/freewill/
#yle #freewill #tahto #vapaa #schopenhauer
#ColinMcGinn - How Can #FreeWill Work?
#Philosophy #PhilosophyOfScience #PhilosophyOfFreeWill #PhilosophyOfMind #Randomness #Determinism #Compatibilism #Blame #Responsibility #Morality #MentalCausation #Causation #CloserToTruth #RobertKuhn
#RobertKuhn #CloserToTruth #causation #mentalcausation #morality #responsibility #blame #Compatibilism #determinism #randomness #philosophyofmind #philosophyoffreewill #philosophyofscience #philosophy #freewill #colinmcginn
#DanielDennett - What is #FreeWill?
#Philosophy #PhilosophyOfMind #Will #Consciousness #Determinism #Indeterminism #Compatibilism #Responsibility #Naturalism #CloserToTruth #RobertKuhn
#RobertKuhn #CloserToTruth #naturalism #responsibility #Compatibilism #indeterminism #determinism #consciousness #will #philosophyofmind #philosophy #freewill #danieldennett
#Freewill relies on counterfactuals being possible in principle, but we don't have epistemic access to them, so it remains an unscientific concept, unless we can build a time machine to find out what we will, in fact, do, and return to attempt to make the counterfactual real.
Do you have free will, or are your actions predetermined by your brain? A new study challenges the famous Libet experiment, which claimed that our conscious decisions are made after our brain has already decided. The researchers argue that the Libet experiment was flawed, and that we can still influence our actions even after the brain has initiated them. #freewill #libet #neuroscience https://neurosciencenews.com/libet-free-will-23756/
#freewill #libet #neuroscience
Posted! More theism / atheism / apologetics stuff, with edgy philosophy
A Nice Tri-Omni God https://ceoln.wordpress.com/2023/08/06/a-nice-tri-omni-god/
#freewill #atheism #philosophy #theism
@rms In the past poverty did not automatically lead to crime. What has changed? Why are people no longer responsible for their own actions? (Not that I have ever voted Tory, I am just saying).
#crime #poverty #freewill #justice #socialism
Even if you believe in a mechanistic/deterministic universe, at a macro-level events are unpredictable. If a person's mental state (decision-making) is one of those undeterminables, then, we have free will.
Besides, there are too many examples from science, nature & human history where conditions/forces/incentives balanced on a knife's edge where outcomes could've been determined by a butterfly sneeze or mental coin flip.
We have #FreeWill
#RobinLePoidevin - What's #Real About #Time?
#Philosophy #PhilosophyOfTime #PhilosophyOfScience #Science #Future #Past #Present #Now #Time #TimesArrow #Entropy #Laws #LawsOfNature #LawsOfPhysics #SpaceTime #Determinism #Causation #Freedom #FreeWill #Asymmetry #BlockUniverse #GR #GeneralRelativity #CloserToTruth #RobertKuhn
#RobertKuhn #CloserToTruth #generalrelativity #gr #BlockUniverse #asymmetry #freewill #freedom #causation #determinism #spacetime #lawsofphysics #lawsofnature #laws #entropy #timesarrow #now #present #past #future #science #philosophyofscience #philosophyoftime #philosophy #time #real #robinlepoidevin
Free will is a belief that people hold on to even when they think they’re being manipulated. A study found that people who were exposed to subliminal messages still felt that they had free will. This suggests that free will is a fundamental and resilient aspect of human psychology. #philosophy #freewill #manipulation https://theconversation.com/free-will-why-people-believe-in-it-even-when-they-think-theyre-being-manipulated-196316?utm_source=flipboard&utm_content=HariTulsidas%2Fmagazine%2FFlipone
#philosophy #freewill #manipulation
#BartEhrman on #God, #Evil, and #Theodicies | The #Rational Roundtable
#determinism #libertarian #freewill #heaven #religion #christianity #soul #spirituality #atheism #adversity #morality
#BartEhrman #god #evil #theodicies #rational #determinism #libertarian #freewill #heaven #religion #christianity #soul #spirituality #atheism #adversity #morality
6 Proofs for God's Existence???
When we consider the most profound question of life, “Does #God exist?” we should follow the #evidence wherever it leads. In this video, #KyleButt presents six "evidences" proving God’s existence, from the complexity and order of our #Universe to the #morality, #freewill, and #reasoning in #humanity. And a former #Christian responds.
#god #evidence #kylebutt #universe #morality #freewill #reasoning #humanity #christian