"I'd rather be a rebel than a slave. I urge women to rebel" Meryl Streep.
For many years us women have been told that our body does not belong to us, that we cannot decide about it, today no more. My body, my decisions. I am not an object for your pleasure. I can decide to wear or not clothes and it's not an invitation.
#women #womennudist #freedom #freethenipple #womenempowerment #nude #nudeisnormal #nudist #nakedisnormal #naked #nakedwoman #freewoman
#women #womennudist #freedom #freethenipple #womenempowerment #nude #nudeisnormal #nudist #nakedisnormal #naked #nakedwoman #freewoman
Fabric does not define how much respect a woman deserves. It doesn’t make me easy, I’m not asking for it, doesn’t give you permission to harass me. I’m free and deserve to live my liberty.
#nudism #nudist #naturist #naked #empowerment #girlpower #freedom #freewoman #nudeisnormal
#nudism #nudist #naturist #naked #empowerment #girlpower #freedom #freewoman #nudeisnormal
Çav Bella #BellaCiao
Ekim 2022’de yayımlanan bu kayıtta İran’da katledilen Masha Amini etiketlenmiş ama açık bilgi verilmemiş. Korodaki kadınların hepsinin başının açık olması ve el ele tutuşmalarından anlaşılan, bu kayıt bir protesto kaydı. #freeiran #freewoman
#bellaciao #freeiran #freewoman
There are so many #things , people want me to think, I would #need . - And I don't need them.
(2) You can feel, that a part of you has opened up, as it should, because it prepared for the food. But when you opened up, the negative topic also had a better chance to get in. You feel as if you ate it with the food. I don't want to be in that kind of #situation anymore. I made this picture when I took a #break from a #walk #outside . I was by myself, while I was watching people, humans, cats, birds. It was #beautiful. #Freewoman
#situation #break #walk #outside #beautiful #freewoman
Und die nächsten👍👍👍
RT @HabibKhanT@twitter.com
Brave, brave women of Afghanistan. #LetHerLearn
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/HabibKhanT/status/1605864195324383232
#freewoman #AfghanWomen #afghanistanrevolution #iranrevoiution2022 #letherlearn
RT @duenenwirbel@twitter.com
In the world
#freewoman https://twitter.com/NasimiShabnam/status/1605493692210417665
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/duenenwirbel/status/1605527027049701377
In the world
RT @NasimiShabnam@twitter.com
Female students screaming outside Takhar university in Afghanistan after not being allowed in by the Taliban guards.
“Let me scream! What are you afraid of? What more is there left for them to take from us?”
My heart aches.
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/NasimiShabnam/status/1605493692210417665