Don't forget to sign up for our FREE human rights workshop taking place this Thursday at 6 pm - 7:30 pm. The event will be hosted at the Hugh Aston Building, De Montfort University.
Book your ticket:
In our first workshop, we will look at how legislation has impacted the right to protest and how free-speech remains vital for a democratic society.
#humanrights #billofrights #freeworkshop #leicester
Tomorrow I'll be giving a free online workshop on puzzles and education as part of an event by Enova Fundacion celebrating games and play!
Tune in at 4 PM CDT/Peru-Colombia time for just me, or 3 PM for the whole event. See how to watch at https://L.PUZ.FUN/enova2023
#education #puzzles #freeworkshop
I'm going to this local #art #learning event on Monday. The artist teaching this #Chinese #Ink #BrushPainting #workshop is good with masking & I'm familiar with the space.
#QuadraCommunityCenter #ArtHub #CommunityArtCenter #DropIn #LearnArt #FreeWorkshop #ByDonation #ArtCommunity #VictoriaBC #YYJ #YYJArt #LocalArtScene #CreateNewArt #LearnNewArts #VolunteerRun #Nonprofit #ArtInTheCommunity #AsianMastodon #AsianArt #ChineseArt #painting #ArtAndCulture
#art #learning #chinese #ink #brushpainting #workshop #quadracommunitycenter #arthub #communityartcenter #dropin #learnart #freeworkshop #bydonation #artcommunity #victoriabc #yyj #yyjart #localartscene #createnewart #learnnewarts #VolunteerRun #nonprofit #artinthecommunity #asianmastodon #AsianArt #chineseart #painting #artandculture
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RT @warriorflow2020: Join Adrian Molina and Renee Le Verrier for a workshop on Yoga for Movement Disorders: Rebuilding Strength, Balance and Flexibility for Parkinson's Disease and Dystonia.
Register via the link below
#freeworkshop #parkinsondisease #yogaforparkinsons
#freeworkshop #parkinsondisease #yogaforparkinsons