Our king was wicked, but smart. He didn't take the rebellious teenagers from our necromancer family to do his will. Instead, he summoned me to his court. Me. Older, worn around the edges, a bit beat down, definitely aware of all the things I could lose.
And then he threatened everything I cared about if I wouldn't do what he asked.
Our king was wicked, but smart. Or so he thought.
#vss365 #prompt #court #amwriting #microfiction #freewriting
During my travels, I always follow a lot of courses on #Coursera and #Domestika
Currently, I am enjoying a course called "The Visual Poetry Diary", taught by Lina Botero. And trying to do the exercises on "automatic writing" in the languages that currently surround me... 😅
Please correct my mistakes @languagelovers
#languages #languagelearning #latvian #lithuanian #russian #creativewriting #poetry #freewriting #automaticwriting
#coursera #Domestika #languages #languagelearning #latvian #lithuanian #russian #creativewriting #poetry #freewriting #automaticwriting
It's a kind of Tourettes, the third doctor said. My family said I was cursed. My neighborhood said I was possessed by a devil. Nobody likes hearing their hidden truths spoken by a stranger, a girl who saw them litter, or who they accidentally shoved in line and didn't apologize to. It's not malicious, I swear. It's just an irritant that produces a pearl of truth.
#freewriting #prompt #speech #vss365 #amwriting
Need to get #DailyWriting out of the way because I need to change keyboard settings for work and it's a hassle to switch back and forth. Maybe some #FreeWriting / #MorningPages first, since I've been feeling a lot of anxiety about the writing as I approach the first big turn in the story.
#morningpages #freewriting #DailyWriting
Tuesday will be the trick day for me. I've fallen out of the way of looking at #orgmode tasks and I've not done my 5/week #FreeWriting sessions. Always tricky getting back into habits if they aren't forced by infrastructure or interaction.
So, if today is a holiday I don't do any #FreeWriting, but if I'm working anyway, should I do my free writing?
@gazebo_c 579 words in 10 minutes of #FreeWriting. I was prompted by the 2014 Russian Invasion of Ukraine and wondering whether or not we were in the long 20th Century and feeling a bit nervous about that.
@gazebo_c 575 words in 10 minutes of #FreeWriting. Some wibbling about local government and the day job, and then politics and media more broadly in Scotland and the UK.
I worry a bit that having a prompt and pausing to get the org-roam-node links is too much like editing, but I am finding it useful for creating the blank spaces of things I want to talk about and will network my daily pages into my subject wiki better.
@gazebo_c 584 words in 10 minutes of #FreeWriting. Lots of thinking about history today. I was reminded that last June was the Platinum Jubilee and just thought about how much had happened since only 9 months ago and got a bit dizzy.
@gazebo_c 512 words in 10 minutes of #FreeWriting. I’m finding that putting in prompts is making me want to put in links as well as I go along as there are things I’d want to be prompted about again. I suppose that is good for the Zettelkasten side of things even though I think that and the reading today’s prompt probably knocked 100 words off of what I was writing.
@gazebo_c 623 words in 10 minutes of #FreeWriting. Prompted by A Research UNIX Reader: Annotated Excerpts from the Programmer’s Manual, 1971-1986, which made me think about the things I don’t read and why and how that makes me feel and what kind of reader I’d like to be but I’m not.
@gazebo_c 645 words in 10 of #FreeWriting. I had to spend a fair bit of time actually fixing my writing tool (emacs and org-mode) before I could get to it, but I’m there now.
My prompt today was "How the SEND model works" which made me write more around model understanding than about how that particular model works.
@gazebo_c 685 words in 10 of #FreeWriting. My prompt was Cordon Trees which is about the apples, plums, and cherries we have in the garden. We have a pear tree too, but that isn’t a cordon.
@gazebo_c 588 words in 10 of #FreeWriting. Got a prompt from another daily where I read that I was just doing more emacs fettling there which made me wonder why that was so easy to do and I realised it was easy because I was the user and I was pretty happy with partial and broken solutions to things I’d improve.
Not sure why these toots start off with a content warning that I have to cancel before sending them, but having the words and minutes auto generated is nice. #emacs
@gazebo_c 621 words in 10 minutes of #FreeWriting. I’ve got my random org-roam-node prompt working, but I’m not sure how much time I want to spend on looking at it when I feel I should be writing. I suppose the prompt is short enough really.
I’ve got some convenience functions for updating the word count as well. Just not writing the basis of the toot yet. Maybe that will be next.
@gazebo_c 806 words in what is clearly slightly more than 10 minutes of #FreeWriting or my typing has suddenly got faster, and I don’t think that is true.
@gazebo_c 646 words in 10 minutes of #FreeWriting today. I’m not using random Zettelkasten notes as a prompt yet though. Soon.
@gazebo_c 676 words in 10 minutes of #FreeWriting. I’m wondering if I should start using writing prompts and I wonder if they should be from my org-roam based Zettelkasten system.
@gazebo_c 688 words in 10 minutes of #FreeWriting. Thinking about things like personal knowledge management and habits and needing something that is valuable to me even if I drop it.