If @eff wants to join that beyond-#StochasticTerrorism & #Hategrooming site, then that can be arranged...
Much bigger "#FreezePeach" fans have folded when customers decided to yeet them aka. boycott and cancel them...
#freezepeach #hategrooming #stochasticterrorism
It's that time of year again...
Freeze Peach! Save the Fruith Amendment!
(about 10 qt going in the freezer tonight)
#freezepeach #fruithammendment
#constitution #firstammendment #secondamendment #freespeech #freezepeach #secondamendment #gun #guns #guncontrol #politics #USA #NoAgendaBannedCamp
#constitution #firstammendment #secondamendment #freespeech #freezepeach #gun #guns #guncontrol #politics #usa #NoAgendaBannedCamp
The great "Free Speech Absolutist" strikes again.
More like #FreezePeach Absolutist to me.
Kwaku Esheru is a Black British writer and antiracist activist.
Apparently, he ran afoul of the wrong folks, and they mass reported him, resulting in this permaban.
He's now on Masto, but I don't know where.
Fuck you once again, MusKKKrat.
#FreezePeach, #MusKKKyBird edition.
On the Left: A progressive sex worker gets a permaban for simply asking the question to an obvious racist: "Are you White?"
On the Right: ....well, it speaks for itself.
This recent SCOTUS decision is utterly horrifying. It essentially declares harassment and stalking to be #FreeSpeech, protected by the #FirstAmendment. This is a nightmare.
I'm absolutely shocked and heartbroken that the liberal justices signed onto this opinion.
https://slate.com/news-and-politics/2023/07/supreme-court-legalized-stalking-counterman-colorado.html #USPol #FreezePeach #stalking #harassment #ViolenceAgainstWomen #SCOTUS
#freespeech #firstamendment #uspol #freezepeach #stalking #harassment #violenceagainstwomen #scotus
The rate-limiting now ongoing over at MusKKKrat's site is very bad.
The platforming of open Nazis and genociders calling for open murder of non-Whites and queer/trans/sexual "deviants"? Far, far worse.
And, remember that self-ID'd "liberals" like Bill Maher, Sam Harris, Glenn Greenwald, and many others openly back such rhetoric under the gamut of "free speech"....or, should I say, #FreezePeach.
@amberage as a matter of favt, #BlueSky won't even comply with criminal codes and delete #CSAM.
This is a red line for even the most shady "#FreezePeach!!!" and #malware-dostributing #RogueISP|s!
Which is why I've put them on my :activitypub: blocklist.
Needless to say I hope regulators like #FCC & @BNetzA will pull the pugs on them at the first report of it actually happening...
#fcc #RogueISP #Malware #freezepeach #csam #bluesky
The MusKKKrat definition for #FreezePeach:
"Absolutely free for wingnuts and crypto scammers and those who pay for "verification" and prime ad placement.
But not for you, t^^^^nys and baby-killing sluts and woke virus spreading Commies!!! Pay me first!!"
(h/t @mcnees )
@jace why is #JenniferJohnson of the #UCP not in jail for inciting hatred?
#Canada isn't known to like "#FreezePeach extremism"...
#freezepeach #Canada #UCP #jenniferjohnson
โ๏ธ ----------
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#freezepeach -es
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ืืืืงืื ืืจืืข ืฉืขืื ืื ืืื
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@BinGanzBrav soviel zu #FreezePeach unterm #Christofaschismus in den #USA....
Die Tatsache dass #Target jenen Forderungen der #Terroristen auch nur ansatzweise entsprochen hat ist in meinen Augen eine #BedingungsloseKapitulation vor jenen #Rechtsterroristen...
#Rechtsterroristen #bedingungslosekapitulation #terroristen #target #USA #christofaschismus #freezepeach
Memo to #FreezePeach chuds:
This self-hosted instance is unabashedly Far Left of Center; unashamedly Queer, Polysexual, Sex-Positive, and Pro Sex Work; and unambiguously for working, disabled, elderly, and other marginalized folk of all colors.
That alone puts wingnut sites like NewsSchmucks..... errrrrrrrrrr, Newsmax beyond the pale.
Do not bring that toxic bullshit anywhere near my spaces. You will feel the BAHLOCK.
The delicious irony of liberals thinking that running over to Bluesky to own MusKKKrat is only going to get them owned again when Jack's "free speech absolutism" (aka #FreezePeach) allows Nazis to pollute that venue as well.
No thanks....I'm fine here.
From my perspective BlueSky is like nostr in its embrace of #FreezePeach ideology. Itโs another anti-moderation platform โ IIRC Dorsey was explicit about that โ and so any integration with the #Fediverse should be viewed as an attempt to circumvent moderation, violate privacy, and facilitate abuse.
Block on sight.
@floralashes #respect for them ended when they weaponized #FreezePeach for #genocide.
Like all (Neo-) #Nazis they only deserve one thing:
To be forced into unconditional surrender by all means necessary!
Because unlike 100 years ago we don't have the 'excuse' of not knowing - if that ever was an excuse and not a display of cowardice.
#nazis #genocide #freezepeach #Respect
This is one of those "Show the Fediverse you are an Anarchocapitalist wingnut jackass who abuses #FreezePeach to slam Leftists without explicitly glossing yourself as same" trolls, huh?
1. B4 #Nebula, Jill Bearup posts TERF stuff
2. She never apologizes nor retracts; is cancelled / disappears from YouTube; lays low
3. Re-emerges on Nebula
4. Nebula's talent arm / creator co-op[1] has some infighting about Nebula platforming / reputation laundering Bearup. A #FreezePeach congingent wins out. Lindsay Ellis quits.
5. Bearup leaves of her own accord, #Nebula never apologizes
- - -
[1]: are they even a real co-op?