Our own Ola Griffin has a great idea for a refreshing treat to beat the heat!
#packfreshusa #freezerpops #beattheheat #foodstock #pandemicprepsters #pantryorganization #beprepared #longtermfoodstoragesupplies #easymeals #freezedriedfood
#foodstorage #preservation #preservewithus #stayfresh
#packfreshusa #freezerpops #beattheheat #foodstock #pandemicprepsters #pantryorganization #beprepared #longtermfoodstoragesupplies #easymeals #freezedriedfood #foodstorage #preservation #preservewithus #stayfresh
The weather is getting warmer, and in some places it's downright HOT! Our Freezer Pop sleeves are the perfect thing to help you make healthy (or not-so-healthy) frozen treats to help you "beat the heat."
You can shop for them here: https://packfreshusa.com/shop/lifestyle/
And you can find some of our favorite recipes here:
#packfreshusa #freezerpops #beattheheat #foodstock #pandemicprepsters #pantryorganization #beprepared #longtermfoodstoragesupplies #easymeals
#packfreshusa #freezerpops #beattheheat #foodstock #pandemicprepsters #pantryorganization #beprepared #longtermfoodstoragesupplies #easymeals