The lecture will critically examine #AI revolution and its foundational premises, inviting participants to turn to #Freire to understand how today's technicalization of knowledge exhorts the discovery of silences preserved carefully to serve the circuits of cognitive capitalism.
"La persona que educa aprende primero a enseñar, pero también aprende a enseñar al enseñar algo que es reaprendido por estar siendo enseñado" (Freire)
#freire #pedagogia #Educación #EducacionLibre #anarkia #horizontalidad
#freire #pedagogia #educacion #educacionlibre #anarkia #horizontalidad
#PauloFreire hatte die Grundlegungen neuer #Pädagogik wie bei #MartinBuber, von dessen Freund #GustavLandauer und #AntonioGramsci in die #PädagogikderUnterdrückten aufgenommen, ein lernendes Menschenbild entgegen unserer deutschen Stoff-Kanons, die immer noch in #HochSchulen verabreicht werden.
#AugustoBoal hat die Grundgedanken von #Freire in die Zusammenfassung seiner #TheaterMethoden, das #TheaterderUnterdrückten auch aus den Träumen von #Brecht entwickelt.
#paulofreire #Padagogik #martinbuber #gustavlandauer #antoniogramsci #padagogikderunterdruckten #hochschulen #augustoboal #freire #theatermethoden #theaterderunterdruckten #brecht
@stacked_automation another great book is #Pedagogy of the #Oppressed by Paulo #Freire
@meoutloud that's awesome. I wasn't familiar with Dr. Nichols but his work definitely sounds in alignment with #abolition and other justice-aligned values.
I'm a huge fan of #BellHooks & #Freire and adore the work of #AdrienneMareeBrown
#ResmaaMenakem's work is so provocative. I've only read about half of #MyGrandmothersHands (Mostly because i needed time to process) but I really appreciate his candor and the way he addresses how the trauma of oppression gets stored in the body.
His book was the reason I started seeking more information about #somatics and the work #healingjustice practitioners in #movement spaces
#abolition #bellhooks #freire #adriennemareebrown #ResmaaMenakem #MyGrandmothersHands #somatics #healingjustice #movement
Sending out #solidarity feelers across the federation: #decolonization
#solidarity #decolonization #agroecology #sankara #amilcarcabral #rodney #gilmore #freire #burkinafaso #nigerdelta
Slogans can be recuperated. If the revolution has no slogans what, then, will the Oppressors recuperate? #Freire
I cross-posted yesterday's article "Resistance Narratives: Shelter Theology" to #medium:
#homeless #homelessness #UrbanMinistry #Presbyterian #Freire #SocialJustice #CharlotteNC #NorthCarolina #ShelterTheology #SundaySchool
#sundayschool #UrbanMinistry #freire #northcarolina #ShelterTheology #medium #homeless #homelessness #presbyterian #socialjustice #charlottenc
#7books to get to know me as a teacher:
1. Pedagogy of the Oppressed, Paulo #Freire
2. Grading for Equity, Joe Feldman
3. Transparent Design, Wilkelmes Boye & Tapp
4. specifications Grading, Linda Nilson
5. Teaching to Transgress, #BellHooks
6. Reach Everyone, Teach Everyone, Tobin & Behling
7. creating wicked students, handstedt
If these are your guiding lights, I want to follow you!
#7books #freire #bellhooks #teaching #highered
#7books to get to know me as a teacher:
1. Pedagogy of the Oppressed, Paulo #Freire
2. Grading for Equity, Joe Feldman
3. Transparent Design, Wilkelmes Boye & Tapp
4. specifications Grading, Linda Nilson
5. Teaching to Transgress, #BellHooks
6. Reach Everyone, Teach Everyone, Tobin & Behling
7. creating wicked students, handstedt
If these are your guiding lights, I want to follow you!
#7books #freire #bellhooks #teaching #highered
Sending out #solidarity feelers across the federation: #decolonization
#solidarity #decolonization #agroecology #sankara #amilcarcabral #rodney #gilmore #freire #BurkinaFaso #NigerDelta
Sending out #solidarity feelers across the federation: #decolonization
#solidarity #decolonization #agroecology #sankara #cabral #rodney #gilmore #freire #BurkinaFaso #NigerDelta
I wrote this essay awhile back that discusses Ways of Learning (and leans heavily on Paulo Freire's Pedagogy of the Oppressed -- excellent book! go read it!).
Read it here at my blog:
A summary of the essay:
"Curiosity, Creativity, Compassion, and Cooperation are the 4 C’s of human nature. A fifth C is the darker side of our nature: Control. In past (and non-western or Indigenous) societies, they educated their youth through self-directed learning that required a high level of respect, cooperation, creativity, and mutual exploration. Adults guided the children rather than enforcing a strict curriculum. However, this style is rarely if ever present in our current school system. Why?"
I split the essay into parts. The first part discusses Social Control and Education -- specifically what Freire calls the "banking" method. I discuss a bit of how that came to dominate education, especially in Western nations.
I contrast this with what Freire calls "problem-solving" method, which is rooted in an entirely different way of being in relation. Banking method requires an authoritarian figure (teacher) to bank/force-feed the information to student. In contrast, problem-solving method is where teacher and student learn together - adapting and discovering the topic through a relational and more equitable approach.
Unschooling is another methodology that is rooted in this problem-solving method, and I highlight Akilah S. Richards' words on it.
The next section I define these two methodologies in closer detail, where I draw heavily on the works of Freire and Richards. I then end with how this relates to liberation and dismantling oppression.
It is one of my longer essays, but I liked it, so thought I'd share it here.
#Liberation #Freire #Education #Unschooling #Teaching #PedagogyOfTheOppressed #Learning #Unlearning #Antiracism #Decolonize #AntiCapitalist
#liberation #freire #education #unschooling #teaching #PedagogyOfTheOppressed #learning #Unlearning #antiracism #decolonize #anticapitalist
@DrJackBrown > Manipulation, sloganizing, “depositing,” regimentation, and prescription cannot be components of revolutionary praxis, precisely because they are components of the praxis of domination.
— Paulo #Freire, Pedagogy of the Oppressed
@zee Love #PedagogyOfTheOppressed
I wish more institutions applied #Freire's work to their context
#PedagogyOfTheOppressed #freire
"To help some of the newcomers make connections: name 5-7 things that interest you but aren't in your profile, as tags so they are searchable. Then boost this post or repeat its instructions so others know to do the same.”
#BLM #BlackLivesMatter
#polyamory #startrek #mutualaid #freire #ProtectTransKids #blm #blacklivesmatter