1/2 In our first ever house we found a wooden "cut-throat" razor left by the previous owner. On one side is the hand written text "RMS Baradine, Crossing the Line 27th August 1934". This “razor” was used as a prop in the ancient Crossing the line Ceremony while en route to Australia #Australia #Fremantle #Adelaide #Melbourne #Sydney #history
#history #sydney #melbourne #adelaide #fremantle #australia
Alle 498 Elektroautos an Bord der #Fremantle Highway wurden in gutem Zustand vorgefunden. Dann "sollte eigentlich klar sein, dass der Brand nicht von den 498 Elektroautos ausgegangen sein kann". Die Geschichte der Fremantle Highway sei eine Geschichte "vom Schiff mit den brennenden Elektroautos, auf dem kein einziges Elektroauto gebrannt hat."
#Fremantle, #Australia stands with #Ukraine! 🇦🇺❤️🇺🇦
#fremantle #australia #ukraine
The latest Fountain Pen First Impressions video is now available for your viewing pleasure.
In this video I am focusing on the Fremantle Market Handmade Fountain fountain pen.
We take a look at the pen and how it writes with Robert Oster Australis Oak ink.
Join me now to see what I think of this fountain pen.
#fountainPenReview #fountainpens #fountainpen #penreview #unboxing #firstimpression #firstimpressions #Fremantle
#fountainPenReview #fountainpens #fountainpen #penreview #unboxing #firstimpression #firstimpressions #fremantle
#Fremantle Highway:
Die Elektroautos sind nach dem #Brand auf dem #Autofrachter in gutem Zustand.
Die Ursache des Feuers auf dem Autofrachter Fremantle Highway steht steht noch nicht fest. Doch die 500 #Elektroautos sind offenbar weitgehend intakt.
Erstaunlich, wie gut die PR Arbeit der Fossil- und Verbrennerauto-Lobby während des Brandes war. Selbst @zdfheute und @tagesschau haben die Schlagzeile "E-Auto brennt" ungeprüft über Wochen verbreitet.🙁
#fremantle #brand #autofrachter #elektroautos
#Eautos wohl nicht für Feuer auf der #Fremantle Highway verantwortlich https://www.dmt-puls.de/news/e-autos-wohl-nicht-fuer-feuer-verantwortlich/
Now free for all to read... I try Fremantle's best food and drink on a tour that takes in a historic deli, a beer bar next to an ex-synagogue, and a smooth laneway bar:
Food Trail of Freo https://www.patreon.com/posts/76709407
#Fremantle #WesternAustralia #Food #Tour #FoodTour #Australia
#fremantle #westernaustralia #food #tour #foodtour #australia
#rtvnoord zit er met haar neus bovenop:
Het #vrachtschip #Fremantle #Highway komt vandaag naar de #Eemshaven. Volg hier het laatste nieuws over de sleeptocht van deze varende parkeergarage naar onze provincie.
deze link werkt heel misschien niet https://rtvnoord.bbvms.com/p/default/c/3977723.html?inheritDimensions=true
#rtvnoord #vrachtschip #fremantle #highway #eemshaven
Wenn man mit der eAuto-Diskussion durch ist, können wir uns ja mal um all die anderen Schiffe kümmern, die sonst so abbrennen, auseinanderbrechen oder untergehen.
Und kann danach mal die Frage klären, warum 99,999999 % aller bislang abgebrannten Autos Benziner waren, und was das eigentlich bedeutet.
#fremantle #eauto #havarie #brand #faq #riffreporter #journalismus
#fremantle #eauto #havarie #brand #faq #riffreporter #journalismus
Is de slechte #luchtkwaliteit bij de waddeneilanden veroorzaakt door de brand van de vrachtschip #Fremantle Highway ?
Efforts Underway to Begin Towing Burning Fremantle Highway Car Carrier
A new controversy is developing over the number of electric vehicles and total number of cars aboard the ship, leading to further speculation that EVs are a major contributing factor to the fire that has now burned for four days.
authorities continue to caution that the origin of the fire is unknown.
#ecology #shipping #maritime #autos #cars #fossil #EV #fire #Fremantle #KLine #cargo
#cargo #kline #fremantle #fire #ev #fossil #cars #autos #maritime #shipping #ecology
Japanese car carrier Fremantle Highway still burning off Dutch coast https://container-news.com/japanese-car-carrier-fremantle-highway-still-burning-off-dutch-coast/ via @container_news
#KLine OR #Fremantle
"Around midnight, the Coastguard Center received a report from the Fremantle Highway vessel that there was a fire on board. The vessel has 2857 cars on board, 25 of which are electric cars.
The 23 crew members are currently being evacuated. Several KNRM lifeboats and a Noordgat salvage vessel are on site. " (google translated) #Fremantle #Highway #FremantleHighway #ship #accident #Netherlands
#fremantle #highway #fremantlehighway #ship #accident #Netherlands
This morning's chilly day #rainbow. 🥶
#rainbow #winter #makuru #mastophotography #fremantle
New at my Patreon... I try Fremantle's best food and drink on a tour that takes in a historic deli, a beer bar next to an ex-synagogue, and a smooth laneway bar:
Food Trail of Freo https://www.patreon.com/posts/food-trails-of-76709407
#fremantle #australia #westernaustralia #food #tour
18 Cosy Perth Bars & Restaurants With Fireplaces https://soperth.com.au/eats-drinks/where-are-the-best-perth-fireplaces-40838 #BestEats&Drinks #Eats&Drinks #Fremantle #Guildford #Lifestyle #Perth
#besteats #eats #fremantle #guildford #lifestyle #perth
The poem "Gino's" from Jack Davis' poetry anthology "Black Life"
Incredible that Jack Davis wrote this over 30 years ago in 1992. This sounds like Freo right now! Except there's no more Hungry Jacks and the last time I visited Timezone Freo, it was kinda sad. It reminded me of the subreddit Liminal Space. But otherwise, sounds like it hasn't changed all that much.
#jackdavis #noongarboodja #walyalup #fremantle #freo #poetry #literature #ginosfremantle #AboriginaLiterature #AustralianLiterature #費里曼圖
#jackdavis #noongarboodja #walyalup #fremantle #freo #poetry #literature #ginosfremantle #aboriginaliterature #australianliterature #費里曼圖
https://photos.app.goo.gl/9YQcnDVYnJoqQLUj6 Good food and talks with 3 out of the 4 #NavHistAus23 travellers - there was a fair old turn out on a cold and rainy #fremantle night to meet with the travelling historians
Oj! #Fremantle og #Monster fusjonerer. https://rushprint.no/2023/05/fremantle-og-monster-fusjonerer-under-ledelse-av-ingvild-daae/
Hockey down in Freo in the morning (for the boy, not for me). Little trip out I. Might make a few more cracks in the "our kids have been on the same team for years" parent clique.
Might do a selfie. Probably circle the pitch a few times to get my step count up.
Might wander the town a bit afterwards, sees what's happening.
#Freo #Hockey #Fremantle