Successful Bike Fixit today at Irvington Farmers Market in Fremont! 38 bikes in total were fixed with about 22 flat repairs. By far the tube station was the busiest activity.
Thanks to our amazing volunteers Wynn, Andreas, West, Ken, Rebecca, Prasad, Steve, Charlie and Naseer and family.
Bike Fixit clinic is brought to you by FFBC and Bike Fremont.
#pedalfremont City of Fremont, CA Government Bike East Bay #fremontfreewheelers #visionzero Fremont Gear Team Fremont
#pedalfremont #fremontfreewheelers #visionzero
Hope you can join our upcoming Bike 🚴 to Work Day Pizza Party with a raffle!
May 18th from 3-6 PM outside CentriPEDAL Bikes. 🍕 Pizza , coffee ☕️ and non alcoholic beverages will be provided.
Thanks to our generous sponsors: City of Fremont, FFBC, CentriPEDAL bikes, Suju’s Coffee, Fremont Gear.
@fremontgear @centripedalbikes @fremont_ca #fremontfreewheelers #pedalfremont @fremontgear @thefremontpodcast @chasquimom @teamfremont
#fremontfreewheelers #pedalfremont
Successful Bike Fixt today at the Irvington Farmers Market. Heavy rain in the morning. Look at the gutter in the photo as it is full of water.
17 attendees had their bikes repaired. 5 were walk ups.
Thanks to the awesome volunteers including Wynn, who organized the Bike Fixit, Steve, Wes and Andreas. Bike Fixit Clinic is brought to you by Fremont Freewheelers and Bike Fremont. Bike East Bay #fremontfreewheelers #pedalfremont #irvingtonfarmersmarket
#fremontfreewheelers #pedalfremont #irvingtonfarmersmarket