Christine McCloud · @geneapleau
317 followers · 730 posts · Server

Found a page of a 1640 notarial marriage contract for one of my on FamilySearch tree. When I pulled it up, I started looking at the surrounding pages…which included a typewritten transcription!! Always look at the surrounding pages!

#fillesamarier #genealogy #frenchcanadian

Last updated 1 year ago

Introduction Post:
My name is Christy and use they/them pronouns (/#agender). I live in rural so-called in the of /#Acadie/#NovaScotia. I’m a settler who grew up in the Ottawa Valley and my family are and who come from Quebec. I identify myself with , , , and movements.

I am a candidate in the School of Political Studies at the University of Ottawa, and I hope to finish writing my thesis this summer (). My studies focus on , , and approaches to and . I am specifically investigating historical patterns of distribution from 2000 to 2017 in through the use of property transfer records mapped using . I am hoping to apply my method in Mikmaki next.

I am also a preserving as many varieties as I can. I have training in , , and approaches to . I help organize with my local chapter of the and am interested in meeting other radical farmers, , , , etc. who are interested in organizing for , systems, and .

Other than all that, I am also fond of , , , , , , , , , and .

#enby #lunenburg #southshore #Mikmaki #frenchcanadian #irish #socialecology #ancom #peasantanarchist #agrariansyndicalist #phd #phdlife #neomarxist #Anarchist #decolonial #agrarianpoliticaleconomy #PoliticalEcology #farmland #easternontario #qgis #garlic #farmer #agroecology #organic #permaculture #horticulture #nationalfarmersunion #landworkers #homesteaders #neopeasants #foodsovereignty #LocalFood #landback #tabletoproleplay #fantasyliterature #solarpunk #SciFi #bioregionalanimism #baking #wildcrafting #foraging #homebrewing #Fermenting #woodcarving

Last updated 1 year ago

Captain PIcard: The most British of Frenchmen. He quotes Shakespeare with wild abandon.

Me: The most British French-Canadian. I quote Monty Python with wild abandon.

The parallel is uncanny!

(Actually, due to my shitty memory I'm not that good at quoting anyone. Alas... poor Yorick.)

#captainpicard #startrek #british #frenchman #shakespeare #abandon #frenchcanadian #montypython #uncanny

Last updated 1 year ago

I got a coupon for my next poutine...

It expires on June 24th...


If you're French-Canadian or know French-Canadian culture, you know what that date is.


(Coincidentally, that's also the date of Day Zero when I got my stem cell transplant.)

#frenchcanadian #poutine #stemcelltransplant

Last updated 2 years ago

Steph D · @thelorax
1 followers · 1 posts · Server
gayupahill · @davidabbottbris
816 followers · 1264 posts · Server
Rican🇵🇷Vinny · @Vinny787
365 followers · 801 posts · Server

I've been away in a hell week Mastodon. My tooth had half of my face swollen with an eye shut and I was given antibiotics by my Urgent Care doc while I awaited today's dentist appointment. In pain 😮‍💨

I'm anxious since I haven't been to a dentist in quite some time.

To help me calm down and since I missed here's Victor wearing his sister's pajamas last night.

#quebecois #frenchcanadian #trouble #mainecoon #catsofmastodon #caturday

Last updated 2 years ago

Mo Willet · @MoWillet
52 followers · 24 posts · Server

Everyone is posting intros and this one is a bit sloppy.

She/her. Interests and descriptors? . . Music - to (and lots in-between). (especially international cuisine). (the real ones and not the musical). . (especially and ). . . . . . . I have a blog about and . I miss travelling — !

#frenchcanadian #brayonne #postpunk #jazz #vegancooking #cats #bicycling #philosophy #ethics #phenomenology #pansexual #vegan #bookaccumulator #otr #btvs #sciencefiction #speciesism #veganism #roadtrips

Last updated 2 years ago

Heurism · @heurism
711 followers · 5094 posts · Server