For Kanak independence: The fight against French rule in New Caledonia by Susanna Ounei
#Kanaky, #anticolonialism, #antiimperialism, #frenchimperialism, #frenchcolonialism, #Melanesia, #selfdetermination, #independence, #Kanakpeople, #FLNKS, #FrontdeLibérationNationaleKanaketSocialiste, #antiblackness, #nationalliberation, #KanakSocialistNationalLiberationFront
"Since 1984, the struggle of the Kanak people against French colonial rule in New Caledonia has consistently attracted world headlines. It has become a symbol of the new awakening of the indigenous peoples of the Pacific against more than 100 years of imperialist domination.
In the English-speaking Pacific and beyond, however, very little is known of the history of the Kanak anti-colonial struggle or the Kanak Socialist National Liberation Front (FLNKS), which is leading the independence fight today.
In this pamphlet, Susanna Ounei, the official representative in New Zealand of the FLNKS who has been active in the national liberation struggle since 1969, backgrounds the situation in New Caledonia today and outlines the goals of the FLNKS. Also included is the founding charter of the FLNKS."
#kanaky #anticolonialism #antiimperialism #frenchimperialism #frenchcolonialism #Melanesia #SelfDetermination #independence #kanakpeople #flnks #frontdeliberationnationalekanaketsocialiste #antiblackness #nationalliberation #kanaksocialistnationalliberationfront
Objectives, Significance and Repercussions of the Kamerunian Revolution on the Continent of Africa by Union des Populations du Cameroun
#PartyProgramme, #UPC, #UniondesPopulationsduCameroun, #Kamerun, #Cameroon, #Cameroun, #Revolution, #BritishImperialism, #AmericanImperialism, #FrenchImperialism, #AntiImperialism, #AntiColonialism, #PanAfricanism, #ArmedStruggle, #PeoplesWar, #RevolutionaryNationalism, #Revolutionarysocialism, #NewDemocracy, #NewDemocraticRevolution, #Maoism, #NationalLiberationMovements
"From 1959-60, in the context of the Cold War, during the establishment of the neocolonial bourgeoisie and in the face of France's obstinacy in refusing the UPC its rightful place in Kamerun, asking if the UPC was communist could only have one revolutionary answer: Yes it was, since its leaders were already talking explicitly about socialism as the end goal of the UPC's struggle. Read:
“The UPC follows the example of China and Indochina, and seeks to build a socialist society modeled on that of People's China.”
This is what the highest official of the UPC [Moumié] said, addressing a young executive and designating without ambiguity the socialist horizon as the objective to be achieved in Kamerun.
#partyprogramme #upc #UniondespopulationsduCameroun #Kamerun #cameroon #cameroun #revolution #britishimperialism #americanimperialism #frenchimperialism #antiimperialism #anticolonialism #panafricanism #armedstruggle #peopleswar #revolutionarynationalism #revolutionarysocialism #newdemocracy #newdemocraticrevolution #maoism #nationalliberationmovements
Cameroun: Autopsie d'une Indépendance (English Subtitles) by Gaëlle Le Roy; Valérie Osouf
#UniondespopulationsduCameroun, #UPC, #Cameroun, #Kamerun, #Cameroon, #RevolutionaryNationalism, #AntiColonialism, #FrenchColonialism, #AntiImperialism, #GuerillaWarfare, #SocialMovements, #FrenchImperialism, #counterinsurgency, #genocide, #antiblackness, #françafrique, #mouvementdelibérationnationale, #ArméedelibérationnationaleduKamerun, #luttearmée, #néocolonialismefrançais, #Warcrimes, #politicalassassinations, #crimesfrancaisenafrique
Version containing english subtitles (Cannot find the source). Some mistranslations, as "resistance" should be "maquis".
#UniondespopulationsduCameroun #upc #cameroun #Kamerun #cameroon #revolutionarynationalism #anticolonialism #frenchcolonialism #antiimperialism #guerillawarfare #socialmovements #frenchimperialism #counterinsurgency #genocide #antiblackness #francafrique #mouvementdeliberationnationale #armeedeliberationnationaledukamerun #luttearmee #neocolonialismefrancais #warcrimes #politicalassassinations #crimesfrancaisenafrique
Death in Geneva: The Poisoning of Felix Moumié by Frank Garbelly
#ServicedeDocumentationExtérieureetdeContreEspionnage, #SDECE, #LaMainRouge, #UniondespopulationsduCameroun, #UPC, #Cameroun, #Kamerun, #Cameroon, #FrenchColonialism, #FrenchImperialism, #GuerillaWarfare, #CounterInsurgency, #ColdWar, #crimesfrancaisenafrique, #antiblackness, #politicalassassinations
On November 3rd, 1960, Félix Moumié, the famous independence fighter of Cameroon, died in Geneva. An agent of the French secret services poisoned him. His body was transferred to Conakry, Guinea, where it was embalmed and secured in a sarcophagus. To this day, Cameroon authorities refuse to bury one of his great sons in his own country. It was a commando group of sabotage and killers of the French secret services that organized the murder of Moumié in Geneva. Swiss authorities knew the murderer, but under pressure of France, never judged him.
#servicededocumentationexterieureetdecontreespionnage #sdece #lamainrouge #UniondespopulationsduCameroun #upc #cameroun #Kamerun #cameroon #frenchcolonialism #frenchimperialism #guerillawarfare #counterinsurgency #coldwar #crimesfrancaisenafrique #antiblackness #politicalassassinations
A History of Niger 1850-1960 by Finn Fuglestad
#Niger, #historyofNiger, #Nigerienhistory, #Africanhistory, #historyofAfrica, #frenchcolonialism, #frenchimperialism, #colonialism, #imperialism, #antiblackness, #Sahel, #Saharadesert, #WestAfrica, #20thcentury, #19thcentury, #war, #revolt, #rebellion, #famine, #Hausaland, #Kanuriland, #Tuareg, #frenchcolonialWestAfrica
This comprehensive history of Niger during the colonial period is a work based on primary research which attempts an overall appraisal of the colonial past.
Dr Fuglestad questions the assumption that the colonial conquest constituted a clear break in African history. He traces the main trends of the colonial period back to their origins in the pre-colonial past. He also demonstrates that the power of colonial officials was less effective than is generally thought and that, though French colonial rule was the single most important factor in shaping the present-day societies of Niger, it was still only one of the many contributing factors.
#niger #historyofNiger #Nigerienhistory #Africanhistory #historyofAfrica #frenchcolonialism #frenchimperialism #colonialism #imperialism #antiblackness #sahel #Saharadesert #WestAfrica #20thcentury #19thcentury #war #revolt #rebellion #famine #Hausaland #Kanuriland #Tuareg #frenchcolonialWestAfrica
The West Indies: Patterns of Development, Culture and Environmental Change Since 1492 by David Watts
#Caribbean, #Caribbeanhistory, #historyoftheCaribbean, #geography, #historicalgeography, #genocide, #blackchattelslavery, #slavetrade, #antiblackness, #translatlanticslavetrade, #whitesupremacy, #imperialism, #colonialism, #spanishimperialism, #spanishcolonialism, #britishimperialism, #britishcolonialism, #frenchimperialism, #frenchcolonialism, #dutchimperialism, #dutchcolonialism, #amerikas, #northamerika, #plantations, #plantationeconomy, #sugarplantations, #environmentalgeography, #slavesocieties, #ecology
This magisterial survey of the historical geography of the West Indies is at bottom concerned with the causes and consequences of three complex and inter-related phenomena: the rapid and total removal of a large aboriginal population; the development of plantation agriculture and the arrival of enforced labour, in the form of many thousands of African slaves; and the environmental, ecological and cultural changes that resulted.
#caribbean #Caribbeanhistory #historyoftheCaribbean #geography #historicalgeography #genocide #blackchattelslavery #slavetrade #antiblackness #translatlanticslavetrade #whitesupremacy #imperialism #colonialism #spanishimperialism #spanishcolonialism #britishimperialism #britishcolonialism #frenchimperialism #frenchcolonialism #dutchimperialism #dutchcolonialism #amerikas #northamerika #plantations #plantationeconomy #sugarplantations #environmentalgeography #slavesocieties #ecology
Slavery and the French Revolutionists (1788-1805) by Anna Julia Cooper; Frances Richardson Keller
#slavery, #blackchattelslavery, #antiblackness, #frenchrevolution, #HaitianRevolution, #frenchempire, #frenchcolonialism, #frenchimperialism, #Haiti, #paris, #translatlanticslavetrade, #abolitionists, #abolitionism, #Martinique, #Matinik, #Matnik, #counterrevolution
The first translation and publication of a 1925 doctoral dissertation written for the University of Paris by a 67-year-old Black amerikan expatriate woman who had been born a slave. Her study of the french revolutionists' view of slavery is crucial to understanding the growth of human rights.
#slavery #blackchattelslavery #antiblackness #frenchrevolution #HaitianRevolution #frenchempire #frenchcolonialism #frenchimperialism #haiti #paris #translatlanticslavetrade #abolitionists #abolitionism #martinique #Matinik #Matnik #counterrevolution
Report on the Execrable Conspiracy Carried Out by the Amina Negroes on the Danish Island of St. Jan in America, 1733 by Pierre J. Pannet; Aimery P. Caron; Arnold R. Highfield
#slaverevolt, #slaverebellion, #insurrection, #blackchattelslavery, #danishcolonialism, #danishimperialism, #frenchimperialism, #antiblackness, #stjan, #sanktjan, #saintjohn, #virginislands, #usvirginislands, #Caribbean, #Caribbeanhistory, #historyoftheCaribbean, #counterinsurgency, #CoralBay, #danishwestindies, #denmark
Christiansted: Antilles Press
#slaverevolt #slaverebellion #insurrection #blackchattelslavery #danishcolonialism #danishimperialism #frenchimperialism #antiblackness #stjan #sanktjan #saintjohn #virginislands #usvirginislands #caribbean #Caribbeanhistory #historyoftheCaribbean #counterinsurgency #CoralBay #danishwestindies #denmark
They Called Us Brigands: The Saga of St. Lucia's Freedom Fighters by Robert J. Devaux; Patrick A.B. Anthony
#brigandage, #brigands, #Ioüanalao, #Iyonola, #Hewanarau, #Hewanorra, #StLucia, #SaintLucia, #LesserAntilles, #Caribbean, #Martinique, #Guadeloupe, #maroonage, #maroons, #marronage, #blackchattelslavery, #war, #guerrillawarfare, #guerrillawar, #guerrillas, #Caribbeanhistory, #NègMawon, #britishimperialism, #frenchimperialism, #colonialism
The Black freedom fighters of the Lesser Antilles became known as “brigands” during the french revolution. Their fascinating story has never been written, perhaps because they have been dismissed as runaway slaves in a state of insurrection. The author believed that history has been unfair to the “brigands”. He felt indebted to them for sparing the life of his great-great-great-grandmother who was left in their care when the rest of the Devaux family fled to Martinique for safety. His gratitude motivated him to attempt to exonerate the “brigands” from the stigma of their history and present them in a different light, as freedom fighters caught up in a desperate situation.
#brigandage #brigands #Ioüanalao #Iyonola #Hewanarau #Hewanorra #StLucia #SaintLucia #LesserAntilles #caribbean #martinique #guadeloupe #maroonage #maroons #marronage #blackchattelslavery #war #GuerrillaWarfare #guerrillawar #guerrillas #Caribbeanhistory #NègMawon #britishimperialism #frenchimperialism #colonialism
Exile to Paradise: Savagery and Civilization in Paris and the South Pacific, 1790-1900 by Alice Bullard
#Kanak, #Kanaky, #genocide, #france, #frenchrevolution, #pariscommune, #newcaledonia, #colonization, #indigenouspeoples, #antiblackness, #southpacific, #exile, #whitesupremacy, #Melanesia, #history, #frenchimperialism, #frenchcolonialism, #thirdrepublic, #communards, #colonizers, #war, #paris, #savagery, #penalcolony, #penalcolonies, #Melanesians
According to the poet Victor Hugo, the year 1870/71 was France's année terrible. The country suffered a humiliating defeat by the Prussian military, and Parisians endured a cruel siege. In the wake of the siege, Paris exploded and revolutionaries proclaimed the birth of the Paris Commune.
The conservative government of the young Third Republic portrayed the Communards as savage destroyers of civilization. The Communards were depicted as plagued by original sin, the evil nature of fallen man, and atavistic degeneration.
#kanak #kanaky #genocide #france #frenchrevolution #pariscommune #newcaledonia #colonization #indigenouspeoples #antiblackness #southpacific #exile #whitesupremacy #Melanesia #history #frenchimperialism #frenchcolonialism #thirdrepublic #communards #colonizers #war #paris #savagery #penalcolony #penalcolonies #Melanesians
The Rising of the Red Shawls: A Revolt in Madagascar 1895-1899 by Stephen Ellis
#Madagascar, #Malagasy, #Merina, #Merinaempire, #Imerina, #france, #frenchcolonialism, #frenchimperialism, #slavery, #blackchattelslavery, #revolt, #rebellion, #insurrection, #christianity, #menalamba, #war, #imperialism, #colonialwars, #historyofAfrica, #Africanhistory, #IndianOcean
Cambridge University Press: African Studies Series, volume 43
#madagascar #Malagasy #Merina #Merinaempire #Imerina #france #frenchcolonialism #frenchimperialism #slavery #blackchattelslavery #revolt #rebellion #insurrection #christianity #menalamba #war #imperialism #colonialWars #historyofAfrica #Africanhistory #indianocean
Charte du GONG by Groupe pour l'Organisation Nationale de la Guadeloupe
#GONG, #GroupepourlOrganisationNationaledelaGuadeloupe, #Guadeloupe, #Caribbean, #nationalism, #independence, #independentists, #GONG, #Caribbean, #frenchcolonialism, #frenchimperialism, #france, #colonialisme, #colonialismefrançais, #Antillesfrançaises, #frenchantilles, #anticolonialism, #Caraïbes, #charte, #organizationalcharter, #imperialismefrançais, #indépendance, #leGONG, #indépendantiste
Fuck france
#gong #GroupepourlOrganisationNationaledelaGuadeloupe #guadeloupe #caribbean #nationalism #independence #independentists #frenchcolonialism #frenchimperialism #france #colonialisme #colonialismefrançais #Antillesfrançaises #frenchantilles #anticolonialism #Caraïbes #charte #organizationalcharter #imperialismefrançais #indépendance #leGONG #indépendantiste
Historical Dictionary of European Imperialism by James S. Olson; Robert Shadle; Ross Marlay; William G. Ratliff; Joseph M. Rowe, Jr.; Judith E. Olson; J. Larry Murdock
#imperialism, #europe, #history, #colonialism, #dictionaries, #historicaldictionaries, #spanishempire, #spanishimperialism, #spanishcolonialism, #portugueseempire, #portugueseimperialism, #portuguesecolonialism, #slavery, #blackchattelslavery, #britishimperialism, #britishcolonialism, #britishempire, #dutchempire, #dutchimperialism, #dutchcolonialism, #frenchempire, #frenchimperialism, #frenchcolonialism, #germanempire, #germanimperialism, #germancolonialism, #belgianempire, #belgianimperialism, #belgiancolonialism, #italianempire, #italianimperialism, #italiancolonialism, #genocide, #spain, #portugal, #britain, #greatbritain, #unitedkingdom, #españa, #thenetherlands, #netherlands, #nederland, #holland, #france, #germany, #deutschland, #belgium, #belgië, #belgique, #belgien, #italy, #italia, #empire, #empires, #whitesupremacy
The major focus of this historical dictionary is on the Spanish, Portuguese, British, Dutch, French, German, Belgian, and Italian empires during the past 500 years.
#imperialism #europe #history #colonialism #dictionaries #historicaldictionaries #spanishempire #spanishimperialism #spanishcolonialism #portugueseempire #portugueseimperialism #portuguesecolonialism #slavery #blackchattelslavery #britishimperialism #britishcolonialism #britishempire #dutchempire #dutchimperialism #dutchcolonialism #frenchempire #frenchimperialism #frenchcolonialism #germanempire #germanimperialism #germancolonialism #belgianempire #belgianimperialism #belgiancolonialism #italianempire #italianimperialism #italiancolonialism #genocide #spain #portugal #britain #greatbritain #unitedkingdom #españa #thenetherlands #netherlands #nederland #holland #france #germany #deutschland #belgium #belgië #belgique #belgien #italy #italia #empire #empires #whitesupremacy
The French Sugar Business in the Eighteenth Century by Robert Louis Stein
#blackchattelslavery, #france, #frenchcolonialism, #frenchimperialism, #economics, #history, #Caribbean, #sugar, #sugarplantations, #Guadeloupe, #Haiti, #saintdomingue, #Martinique, #Tobago, #SaintLucia, #StLucia, #Guiana, #frenchGuyana, #Guyane, #sugarcane, #Antilles
Plantations in the French Antilles (principally in Haiti) became major sugar producers in the 18th century, and France became a main distributor to other European countries. Stein provides a clear and coherent (if sometimes repetitious) explanation of the three-pronged trade; ships from France carried slaves from Africa to the Antilles, and then returned to Europe with sugar. The slaves, most of whom died of disease and overwork, were victims of the French sugar trade.
#blackchattelslavery #france #frenchcolonialism #frenchimperialism #economics #history #caribbean #sugar #sugarplantations #guadeloupe #haiti #SaintDomingue #martinique #tobago #SaintLucia #StLucia #Guiana #frenchGuyana #guyane #sugarcane #Antilles