My #mokaexpress brewing #coffee. My #frenchpress broke some time ago so this is my current brewing method.
There are definitely better methods to make coffee IMO but a moka makes decent strong coffee and is very durable. This one was made in 2004 and is still going strong. All the internals can be replaced if needed.
Also a classic design that has been the same for many decades.
#frenchpress #coffee #mokaexpress
I made this pot of #FrenchPress #coffee and it's all mine! (unless someone else wakes up in time or goes back in time like #drwho)
Did a #coffee taste test today with my #FrenchPress. Messed up the ratios a bit so I took some extremes, but the results were nice.
I brewed and tested the following weights with a 250ml cup:-
1. 8g - my usual ratio. 1/31 ratio.
2. 12g - I meant to make this 17g but mistakenly put 3g extra in the 3rd cup (which was already going to be stronger). 1/19 ratio.
3. 25g - 1/10 ratio. I've seen lots of recommendations for this and 1/12 but that sounds extremely weird to me. Here's how they tasted.
Fellow #coffee brewers who use a french press, what coffee to water ratio do you use for your #FrenchPress? I see recommended ratios be 60-70g to a litre of water, but I find 32g to be better for me.
Well, that's kinda neat! I married the valved, silicone-gasketed microscreen from a Bonjour Ami-Matin 1L press to the rest of a Bodum Columbia 0.5L press, and between the fact that the 4" diameter of the short press gives the coffee more room to spread out and really infuse and the filtering and valving of the Bonjour screen? I got a 350g cuppa (from 420g water/22g grounds) that was almost, but not quite, completely sludge free.
Since March I havenβt made french press coffee at home, only on weekends. Made the choice to buy a bag and some almond milk to see how much my body adjusted to less caffein weekday mornings.
Nach Monaten rumprobieren habe ich es endlich geschafft, genau die richtige Menge und Mahlgrad zu treffen, dass der Kaffee aus der #frenchpress gerade zu himmlisch schmeckt.βοΈ
#Keurig, #FrenchPress, #Percolator, or #DripCoffee which is your favorite #coffee #brewing method. Mine is the French press. I like Keurig, but I stopped using it to reduce plastic waste from the pods and also claim some counter space.
#keurig #frenchpress #percolator #dripcoffee #coffee #brewing #coffeelovers
No work today, so Iβve been spending my day sipping #FrenchPress #Coffee and taking in as much of this inappropriate, uncomfortable, absolutely gorgeous piece of literature called #Lolita, by #VladimirNabokov. Itβs so strange that something so disturbing can be written so beautifully.
I also just discovered #TheEnchanter, from the same author, written on the same subject, but years before #Lolita. I managed to grab a copy on eBay for like $4.
#nowreading #currentlyreading #Reading #theenchanter #VladimirNabokov #lolita #Coffee #frenchpress
@bryanhansel Agree. It's endlessly fascinating and frustrating in equal measure. Still searching for a cup of #coffee as good as the #FrenchPress I made over 20 years ago...
We made some coffee #brewguide videos. You can find them here . Three short videos showing how we like to brew #frenchpress #v60 and #aeropress. I hope people find them useful.
#brewguide #frenchpress #V60 #aeropress
Let's make #coldbrew #coffee using a #frenchpress. π
#sunday #sundayslowdown #brewingtherapy #timemore #coffeelover #coffeetime #coffeeislife #homecafe #coffeehomebrewing
#coldbrew #coffee #frenchpress #sunday #sundayslowdown #brewingtherapy #timemore #coffeelover #coffeetime #coffeeislife #homecafe #coffeehomebrewing
#replacing the #filter on my #frenchPress rn
#replacing #filter #frenchpress
Got in on the free #Javapresse manual coffee #grinder deal a few weeks ago and it just arrived yesterday. Did my first manual burr grind (took WAY too long) and am about to get the #FrenchPress going with some freshly ground Lavazza #coffee.
#javapresse #grinder #frenchpress #coffee
Made a #FrenchPress coffee for the first time in ages and learned something today - wife told me to never put coffee grounds down the sink, even if we have an insinkerator. Google confirms. Huh. Okayyy.. into the back yard lantana bushes it goes.
Hoping our #Nespresso gets fixed and shipped back soon. Dripolator coffee is so freakinβ meh.
After several days of suffering, Iβve reconfirmed that #frenchpress #coffee is necessary for my survival.
Wow. Many similar items.
What's your favorite coffee and prep method?
I do #FrenchPress and βπ²Breakfast Blend (but my fav is #FreshGround dark roast)
Broke the glass for my #FrenchPress. I hate #Capitalism.
$35 to buy replacement glass (at local store)
$20 to buy whole new french press (at chain store)
$15 to buy replacement glass (on Amazon)
Cofeeeeeee, who wants some? :dragnmlempeek: This Intergalactic blend from our local Earth Fare is absolutely delicious - smooth as heck and oh so tasty!
Itβs been quite a while since I made French press coffee at work. But since I didnβt have enough grounds to do a full pot? It made sense. #FrenchPress #coffee