o/ #welCOM #frendiverse #frens
This lispy gopher show w @screwtape as named by @gef is live 19 hours from now at zero hundred zulu (maybe with/out an off-by-one error). There will be #lisp #gopher #original #synth and also some original tracks by @Ae ( ae.sdf.org ) one of our awesome #mastodon #newfrens on #aNONradio #com by @SDF
Possible vandalizm by #DJ #Nightcore #robot
#welcom #frendiverse #frens #lisp #gopher #original #synth #mastodon #newfrens #anonradio #com #dj #nightcore #robot
#welCOM #frendiverse #fren
I added a #minimal item-type 0 #gopher #mole hit-counter #example to my phlog. It's in #ecl #common-lisp but the idea should be clear- write lock, etc
lynx gopher://gopher.club/1/users/screwtape/
lynx gopher://gopher.club/0/users/screwtape/counter.ecl
lynx gopher://gopher.club/0/users/screwtape/cgi-bin/counter
I'm calling this series of minimal examples ((short . and-sweet))
lynx gopher://gopher.club/7/users/screwtape/cgi-bin/2search.cgi?%28%28short+.+and-sweet%29%29
#welcom #frendiverse #fren #minimal #gopher #mole #example #ecl #common
@mhcat #Internet #basement levels:
Entry level: #Mastodon #frendiverse
Level: #sdf #aNONradio #com
Next level: Living in #gopher hole
Happy to help. People don't always make it allll the way down, which is okay. I think that the key-chord prefix for literal character in #emacs is C-q and in #vi C-v
#internet #basement #mastodon #frendiverse #sdf #anonradio #com #gopher #emacs #vi