Alfred Hitchcock's second to the last film and he don't give an f...
Gratuitous nudity and violence, Hitch is letting it all hang out.
Despite knowing the killer early, there's still a solid amount of suspense through most of the running time.
There's mordant dark humor peppered throughout, and the jokes land despite yourself.
If you haven't seen it in a while, there's a lot that still holds up. And the stuff that doesn't (from a 70s point of view) is unintentionally funny.
Lovely! Lovely! Lovely!
Bob's your uncle?
The title itself feels pretty lazy though.
#Letterboxd #LetterboxdFriday #movies #film #films #cinema #thriller #cinemastodon #cinema
#Watching #frenzy #Letterboxd #LetterboxdFriday #movies #film #films #cinema #thriller #cinemastodon
Remembering #AnnaMassey (1937-2011), the versatile, BAFTA-winning English film, stage and television actress, born in Sussex #OnThisDay. Pictured as Mark's compassionate neighbour in Michael Powell's remarkable #PeepingTom (1960), her many other impressive screen roles included the doomed Babs in Hitchcock's #Frenzy (1972), the fracturing wife / mother in #DeadOfNight's 'A Woman Sobbing' (1972), as a vampire in #VaultOfHorror (1973) and the eponymous #AgathaChristie: A Life in Pictures (2004).
#annamassey #OnThisDay #peepingtom #frenzy #deadofnight #vaultofhorror #agathachristie
#AdessoInTv SkySuspense #Frenzy il penultimo film di Hitchcock, girato a Londra, che ha sempre diviso la critica ma il maestro del brivido non rinuncia a regalarci una grande lezione di cinema #Frenzy
Region: Kyiv
Settlement: village Zabuianye
Grigoriev Ruslan Petrovich
Place of last residence: Novoshepelitskaya str.
He left for Makariv in a white Peugeot car.
If you have any information about the whereabouts of th
Media :
Archive :
#AdessoInTv SkySuspense #Frenzy il penultimo film di Hitchcock, girato a Londra, che ha sempre diviso la critica ma il maestro del brivido non rinuncia a regalarci una grande lezione di cinema
A quotation from Euripides:
Ignoring his cries of pity,
she seized his left arm at the wrist; then, planting
her foot upon his chest, she pulled, wrenching away
the arm at the shoulder — not by her own strength,
for the god had put inhuman power in her hands.
Ino, meanwhile, on the other side, was scratching off
his flesh. Then Autonoe and the whole hord…
Full quote, sourcing, notes:
#quote #quotes #quotation #dismemberment #frenzy #savagery
...#TwistedNerve (1969), Hitchcock's #Frenzy (1972) and the twins' mum in #TheKrays (1990). Unforgettable as the black-clad Mrs Baylock, loyal Nanny to the Antichrist in Richard Donner's #TheOmen (1976).
#BillieWhitelaw #BornOnThisDay #BOTD #OTD
#twistednerve #frenzy #thekrays #theomen #billiewhitelaw #bornonthisday #botd #otd
Random Old Comic: This Is A Thing We Had To Do When Technology Went Awry #xp #Bumblebee #Frenzy #Rumble #Stripes #Transformers
#xp #bumblebee #frenzy #rumble #stripes #transformers
Kotaku: These Are The Best Dead Island 2 Weapons #gaming #tech #kotaku #openworldvideogames #horrorvideogames #improvisedweapon #creativeworks #windowsgames #meleeweapon #deadisland #linuxgames #videogames #rickyrex #weapons #frenzy
#Gaming #Tech #kotaku #openworldvideogames #horrorvideogames #improvisedweapon #creativeworks #windowsgames #meleeweapon #deadisland #linuxgames #videogames #rickyrex #weapons #frenzy
Yay Area, Iggy Pop tonight at the Masonic! #LustForLife #Frenzy #HowDidiGetHere #sfba
#lustforlife #frenzy #howdidigethere #sfba
A quotation from Euripides:
Only by fleeing did we avoid
being torn to pieces by the Bacchae,
but they attacked our grazing calves and not with swords in their hands.
You could have seen one of them, apart from the others, mauling with both hands
a young heifer with swelling udders, bellowing all the while;
and other women were ripping apart mature cows, s…
Full quote, sourcing, notes:
#quote #quotes #quotation #bacchante #frenzy #madness #maenad
#quote #quotes #quotation #bacchante #frenzy #madness #maenad
(read with Milli Vanilli on your mind)
Girl you know it's true
Iggy's album
is is... really good
Es verdad lo que decían las malas lenguas: está muy bien el disco nuevo de Iggy Pop. Arranca así, con "Frenzy":
#iggypop #frenzy #everyloser #2023albums
Random Old Comic: Enemy Within #xp #buzzsaw #frenzy #laserbeak #ramjet #ratbat #ravage #rumble #soundwave #thrust #transformers
#xp #buzzsaw #frenzy #laserbeak #ramjet #ratbat #ravage #rumble #soundwave #thrust #transformers
Kotaku: Smash Bros. Pro Got Hurt Jumping Out Of Illegal Taxi On Way To Tourney #gaming #tech #kotaku #videogamesdevelopedinjapan #supersmashbrosmelee #fictionalcharacters #videogamecharacters #actionvideogames #supersmashbros #platformgames #joannacargill #mainingfalco #videogaming #tomcruise #grossman #genesis #frenzy #elliot #samuel #mkleo #lopez #uber
#Gaming #Tech #kotaku #videogamesdevelopedinjapan #supersmashbrosmelee #fictionalcharacters #videogamecharacters #actionvideogames #supersmashbros #platformgames #joannacargill #mainingfalco #videogaming #tomcruise #grossman #genesis #frenzy #elliot #samuel #mkleo #lopez #uber
Being a #90s #kid, I remember very well the #euphoria over the #dotcom #mania, which started with the #commercialisation of the #internet.
Now, like then, the #frenzy over the #unicorns and #crypto as well as around the "dizzy" heights that #bigtech scaled, is giving way to a more #sober and #realistic #reckoning.
However, it is only a matter of time before the long overdue #correction happens, which I argue is good for everybody in the #longrun.
#90s #kid #euphoria #dotcom #mania #commercialisation #internet #frenzy #unicorns #crypto #bigtech #sober #realistic #reckoning #correction #longrun
Random Old Comic: RIRFIB #blanchedevereaux #dorothyzbornak #frenzy #goldengirls #rosenylund #sophiapetrillo #transformers
#blanchedevereaux #dorothyzbornak #frenzy #goldengirls #rosenylund #sophiapetrillo #transformers
#OperaComique (#SlowFoodManifesto) motto:-
"May suitable doses of guaranteed #sensual pleasure and slow, long-lasting #enjoyment preserve us from the #contagion of the multitude who mistake #frenzy for #efficiency."
#efficiency #frenzy #Contagion #enjoyment #sensual #slowfoodmanifesto #operacomique
La medicina de esta noche es el recién estrenado álbum de Iggy Pop, Every Loser (2023) que se abre con el tema "Frenzy".
#tonightsmedicine #iggypop #everyloser #frenzy