Vintage Digital Frequency Meter Teardown - You think of digital displays as modern, but the idea isn’t that new. We had clock... - #frequencycounter #digitaldisplay #teardown #racal
#racal #teardown #digitaldisplay #frequencycounter
Do Not Attempt Disassembly: Analog Wizardry In A 1960s Counter - [CuriousMarc] is back with more vintage HP hardware repair. This time it’s the HP ... - #frequencycounter #repairhacks #repair #hp
#hp #repair #repairhacks #frequencycounter
The 10MHz oven option in my #Agilent #frequencycounter is really quite accurate, I’m 0.07Hz away from a GPS reference 😎😎 #hamradio #hamr #electronicsengineering #engineer #testandmeasurement #metrology
#agilent #frequencycounter #hamradio #hamr #electronicsengineering #engineer #testandmeasurement #metrology
To Turn an ATtiny817 into a 150MHz Counter, First Throw Out the Spec Sheet
#frequencycounter #ATtinyHacks #ATtiny817 #prescaler #counter #Atmel #AVR #TCD
#frequencycounter #ATtinyHacks #ATtiny817 #prescaler #counter #Atmel #AVR #TCD
To Turn an ATtiny817 into a 150MHz Counter, First Throw Out the Spec Sheet - One generally reads a data sheet in one of two ways. The first is to take every sp... - #frequencycounter #attinyhacks #attiny817 #prescaler #counter #atmel #avr #tcd
#tcd #avr #atmel #counter #prescaler #attiny817 #attinyhacks #frequencycounter