Dame Scott G · @scottgr60640
122 followers · 640 posts · Server mastodon.lol

Offering extra sections of is parallel to offering to legal support staff at large law firms. Dangle the carrot of a lot more money, but ignore the fact that the base salary is often not enough to live on with . And the job, be it grading hundred of papers or typing hundreds of legal docs, is viewed by the "haves" in their respective systems, and lawyers, as work.

#nttfaculty #freshmancomp #Overtime #inflation #ttfaculty #scut #academicchatter #highered

Last updated 2 years ago

Dame Scott G · @scottgr60640
88 followers · 280 posts · Server mastodon.lol

I am currently on grading. After 20 years, to be honest, the infrequent joys of seeing improvement and insights do not make up for it being mostly a slog. I was trained in literature and religious studies, not this, which is

#procrastinating #boring #whyiamleavingacademia #highered #rhetoric #freshmancomp

Last updated 2 years ago

Dame Scott G · @scottgr60640
88 followers · 280 posts · Server mastodon.lol

Students had to find an "ism" in a text with a position on Amazon. They then taped their findings to the board, and everyone walked around to read each other's work.

#highered #rhetoric #freshmancomp #FlippedClassroom #ActiveLearning

Last updated 2 years ago

Sarah Karlis · @skarlis
17 followers · 22 posts · Server zirk.us

Anyone know if there’s a tag typically used for first year writing?

#firstYearWriting #fywp #freshmancomp #freshmancomposition #freshmanwriting

Last updated 2 years ago