Oke, aan afl. 2 bezig. Hoe kan ik dit verwoorden.. iedereen kent Suske & Wiske, right?
Als je ooit eens de Suske & Wiske #Amoras edities hebt gelezen (die van ergens 2017), awel dat is nu hoe het een beetje zit met #FreshPrinceOfBelAir 90's-style en deze... 🤔
On the #freshprinceofbelair, Will Smith said his birthday was July 3, 1973, so Happy 50th birthday, Will Smith (the character)!
I'm on episode 4 of the #FreshPrinceofBelAir reboot, it's pretty good so far. I like most of the characters, the story has consistently interesting turns, and the soundtrack is immaculate.
1993, #FreshPrinceOfBelAir guest starring #TomJones
#freshprinceofbelair #tomjones
@Makan I'm currently watching:
#MrRobot (Rewatch)
#Succession (series returns Spring 2023)
#mrrobot #Succession #freshprinceofbelair
Happy Birthday Tyra Banks (Dec 4)!!!!!
#TV #Movies #ICON
#tv #movies #icon #tyrabanksshow #americasnexttopmodel #coyoteugly #freshprinceofbelair
Hey #Fediverse and #Mastodon! I'm seeing #TV trending right now, what shows are you guys watching?
I'm watching #911onFOX, #24onFOX, #AtlantaFX, and #FreshPrinceOfBelAir rn
#fediverse #mastodon #tv #911onfox #24onFOX #AtlantaFX #freshprinceofbelair