🔥Not only forests and dry pastures can burn, #fires can also start in #peatlands. Researchers from the University of Rostock and IGB have shown that such smoldering fires pose a high risk of polluting adjacent #freshwaters or #groundwater: https://www.igb-berlin.de/en/news/if-peatland-burns-water-bodies-and-drinking-water-can-suffer
#fires #peatlands #freshwaters #groundwater
Curious about our newly funded projects? Go follow
, one of the 36 projects funded under #BiodivProtect 🙌
RT @FUNACTION_EU@twitter.com
FUNACTION has been funded!
Excited to announce our
funding to make a splash for #aquaticfungi #conservation! Follow us for more news!
#fungi #biodiversity #freshwaters #europe
#Europe #freshwaters #biodiversity #fungi #conservation #aquaticfungi #biodivprotect
@deeliciousplum I know exactly what you mean. I love the ease here. The knowledge that I can post about anything in the world (not just politics and the occasional kooky need to post a recipe). Here there’s variety, compassion, global perspectives, Elton John, a slew of cookery porn and an openness I’ve been craving. I too miss mutuals I’d grown close to that haven’t moved, but I know where to find them — and that new friendships will sprout here.
#BeKind #freshwaters
Newcomer in Mastodon, escaped from Twitter. I am biogeographer interested in freshwaters and geodiversity-biodiversity relationships. Also ecosystem services fascinate. #macrophytes #macroecology #biogeography #freshwaters #aquaticplants #macroecology #geodiversity #boreal #arctic #lakes #ecosystemservices #plants #gis #geography #spatial #metacommunity #PhysicalGeography #freshwaterecology #biodiversity #sdm #CommunityEcology #plantecology #mapping #maps #limnology #spatialecology
#macrophytes #macroecology #biogeography #freshwaters #aquaticplants #Geodiversity #boreal #arctic #lakes #ecosystemservices #plants #GIS #geography #spatial #metacommunity #PhysicalGeography #freshwaterecology #biodiversity #sdm #CommunityEcology #plantEcology #mapping #maps #limnology #spatialecology