We end the night with a #FridayFiction. Please enjoy #GraceNotes by #ritamockpike. (Page 17) #mockingowlroost #triannualissue #unknownandunseen #fiction #fictionwriter #writerscommunity #FriyayFiction
(Pictured is someone playing a guitar on the right side, with an orchestra on the left side of the frame. The title and by-line are in between on borders.)
#fridayfiction #gracenotes #ritamockpike #mockingowlroost #triannualissue #unknownandunseen #fiction #fictionwriter #writerscommunity #friyayfiction
It's #FollowFriday and #FridayFiction, so I'm again sharing the new accounts (to me, at least) from the #AudioFiction space I can find!
I keep track of all of them on a handy-dandy spreadsheet that even has a submission form! Check it out at https://evoterra.link/twi2mas for [checks notes] 156 #Mastodon accounts, either individuals, brands, or shows from the world of #fictionpodcasts
Today, I have just four accounts to share, which I shall do in a 🧵
#followfriday #fridayfiction #AudioFiction #Mastodon #fictionpodcasts
Ending the evening with a kick off to #FridayFiction with #AgnesRichter by #EmmaWells. Enjoy! (Page 82) #mockingowlroost #SpecialIssue #allthecolors #fiction #fictionwriter #fictioncommunity
(Pictured is a dress manikin, with a tape measure around the mannequin. The background is blue.)
#fridayfiction #agnesrichter #emmawells #mockingowlroost #specialissue #allthecolors #fiction #fictionwriter #fictioncommunity