Six years ago, there was an idea.....
That ordinary people working together could become something more. They could inform, motivate and inspire others to stand up against tyranny, fascism, and hate.
We started out on Twitter, spreading a message of hope in the darkness, calling out injustice, and promoting civic engagement.
That work continues today, here in the Fediverse and the real world, and I'm proud to be a part of it.
#fridayflashback #marvelmotivation #heroesresist
Holly Cow has been my guard cow since I moved into my first apartment for graduate school. She watches over the kitchen and all its contents...
#California #Chico #Utah #SLC #SaltLakeCity #UOfUtah #college #cow #cows #HollyCow #HolyCow #cookies #cookiejar #FridayFlashback #Friday
#california #chico #utah #slc #saltlakecity #uofutah #college #cow #cows #hollycow #holycow #cookies #cookiejar #fridayflashback #friday
#FridayFlashBack Metric Meta #PowerShell Scripting https://jdhitsolutions.com/blog/powershell/8934/metric-meta-powershell-scripting/
#FridayFlashBack I SID You Not! https://jdhitsolutions.com/blog/powershell/8947/i-sid-you-not/ #PowerShell
#FridayFlashBack Meet PSProjectStatus https://jdhitsolutions.com/blog/powershell/8960/introducing-psprojectstatus/ #PowerShell
One last fun trip down nostalgia lane -- this time something relatively recent compared to the other two videos. Absolutely one of my favorite openings for an animated series.
#RevolutionaryGirlUtena #Anime #Surrealism #Allegory #Symbolism #Queer #1990s #FridayFlashback #Shoujo
#revolutionarygirlutena #anime #surrealism #allegory #symbolism #queer #1990s #fridayflashback #shoujo
#FridayFlashback: Friday the 13th Fun https://jdhitsolutions.com/blog/scripting/4220/friday-the-13th-fun/ #PowerShell
#FridayFlashback - Back in 2019, we started reimagining the classic '#AlfredHitchcock and #TheThreeInvestigators' book covers in #LEGO format!
Here are a selection!π€we should hopefully have some more of these coming soon!
#fridayflashback #alfredhitchcock #thethreeinvestigators #lego #threeinvestigators #afol
They grow so fast. My pup on the day I adopted her from our animal shelter and one month later. I wish all dogs would revert back to little puppies one day a year. #FridayFlashback #dogs #dogsofmastodon #adoptdontshop
#fridayflashback #dogs #dogsofmastodon #adoptdontshop
This #FridayFlashback is of Tux feeling a bit randy in December 2020. Its a bed, Tux, not a blow-up doll!
#fridayflashback #shihtzu #dogsofmastodon
This #FridayFlashback is of Tux feeling a bit randy in December 2020. Its a bed, Tux, not a blow-up doll!
#fridayflashback #shihtzu #dogsofmastodon
#FridayFlashback to some more of our #LEGOMosaics, this time featuring #SesameStreet!!
#fridayflashback #legomosaics #sesamestreet #lego #legoart #muppets #bertandernie #bigbird #elmo
Friday Flashback to Wednesday: I saw a box of eye drops and a banana in the breakroom. The drops said "NEW UNUSED". I felt the banana needed a sign, too.
#California #Chico #eyes #eyedrops #banana #sign #new #unused #Friday #FridayFun #FunnyFriday #funny #FlashbackFriday #humor #FridayFlashback #FridayFollow #FollowFriday #mastodonfollow
#california #chico #eyes #eyedrops #banana #sign #new #unused #friday #fridayfun #funnyfriday #funny #flashbackfriday #humor #fridayflashback #FridayFollow #followfriday #mastodonfollow