Just back from #FridayNightMagic and had a fantastic time altogether, even if the pre-constructed beginners deck I bought (Grave Danger) really struggled without a fifth land.
Got my first volcano foil in the booster which I'm pleased with since as of right now I still probably don't have enough volcano to run a commander red-only deck from bits and pieces, though I'd probably benefit more improving what I have in black/blue zombies.
Would definitely recommend #FNM at #GamersWorld in Dublin.
#fridaynightmagic #fnm #gamersworld
Tonight’s been a good night. Went to #FridayNightMagic, played a ton of #MTGCommander , and had great fun:
- Prosper deck got shut down *hard* because everyone I play with knows it can pop off easily :)
- Necron precon deck with no upgrades went up against someone with mill, promptly created 40 insect token creatures and deleted them.
- Slivers deck ended up being a game of 2 headed giant alongside… another slivers deck 🤣
#fridaynightmagic #mtgcommander
Morning all!
Had a great time at #FridayNightMagic last night. Got some fantastic pulls from the boosters I picked up, and managed to win with my upgraded prosper deck.
If you ever see the Planar Portal Commander deck on sale for close to the RRP (about £/$50) then I definitely recommend grabbing it.
#fridaynightmagic #magicthegathering
#FridayNightMagic #MTGCommander report:
Obscura precon only night.
- Game 1 was all precons + planechase; Inys Haen gave me a fast start + stealing from the new Gimbal deck let me live the exponential dream of multiple Academy Manufactors. Went to 1 life and stayed there for far too long via Food.
- Game 2 was speed round; built a big Nadir Kraken and used a well-timed Austere Command to get down to a 1v1 against a Auntie Blyte voltron deck with enough removal for the win.
#fridaynightmagic #mtgcommander #magicthegathering
Thinking about tonight’s Commander decks for #FridayNightMagic, and it’s probably going to be:
- Atraxa toxic
- Prosper
- Urtet
My slivers deck is waiting on the new Commander Masters deck coming out in August before I rebuild it, as I pilfered a load of lands and tutors from it to build Toxic and Urtet.
I also pilfered stuff from my upgraded Buckle Up deck for Urtet, but that’s less of a hardship.
#fridaynightmagic #magicthegathering
Doing a few upgrades to some #MTGCommander decks this evening.
Atraxa Infect/Toxic is getting some handy proliferate goodness. It still needs some upgrades to be hideously effective, but it’s getting there.
Prosper Treasures is getting even more exile shenanigans.
Let’s see if they mean more wins at #FridayNightMagic tomorrow!
#mtgcommander #fridaynightmagic #magicthegathering
I'm thinking about going to #FridayNightMagic tomorrow.
That is, until a friend I usually share a table with said that he was going to exclusively play his mill commander deck.
I *hate* mill as a mechanic. Irrational, I know.
#fridaynightmagic #magicthegathering #mtgcommander
Update from #FridayNightMagic!
My mono red burn deck was surprisingly effective. It needs a couple more picks to be fully effective, but it can definitely be punishing.
Toxic, I need to work on draw. I could reliably get Atraxa out on turn 4, and I could take out a couple of players, but I couldn’t clinch a win. More tuning is needed here (and a better land base).
#fridaynightmagic #magicthegathering #mtgcommander
Been working on a Solphim deck for this week's #FridayNightMagic. Everything on the board is stuff that I have on-hand, but the sideboard is mostly cards I would need to pick up.
#fridaynightmagic #magicthegathering #mtgcommander
Best hits! #magicthegathering #mtg #FridayNightMagic
#magicthegathering #mtg #fridaynightmagic
#FridayNightMagic recap!
Took two Commander decks with me - Prosper and Vito. My regular group has a lot of life drain shenanigans, so games ended quickly. We must have had 6 or 7 this evening?
Play of the night has to have been when I lent the prosper deck to someone else at the table and they got a turn one Ragavan….
#fridaynightmagic #mtg #magicthegathering
Results on last night’s FNM.
Did not win any Commander games.
But, won big on the booster pack pulls 😁
#fnm #fridaynightmagic #mtg #magicthegathering
Getting ready for some Magic: the Gathering Commander this evening, and trying to decide what decks to take. Options are:
WH40k Chaos or Necrons
Torbran mono red burn
Prosper Rakdos
Vito mono black
Genesis Engine vehicle mayhem
Millicent spirit tribal
Arcades Defenders
Currently leaning towards Necrons, Shrines, and something else.
#mtg #mtgcommander #magicthegathering #fridaynightmagic